Volume 4, No. February 2 2023

p-ISSN 2722-7782 | e-ISSN 2722-5356

DOIs: https://doi.org/10.46799/jsa.v3i12.502




Budi Rahayu, Nafiah Ariyani, Levyda

Sahid University, Jakarta, Indonesia

Email: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]



The best service quality is an important factor that must be owned by a company in order to survive and still earn the trust of customers. Service quality is a performance indicator for health service providers such as hospitals. Hospitals will be more advanced if their performance can be maintained and improved according to patient demands. Therefore, hospital services must lead to market power so that the orientation of the hospital can retain customers so that the main objectives can be carried out properly. Customer satisfaction is one of the determining factors and is an indicator of quality and safety in the UPTD RSCM. Customer satisfaction at the UPTD RSCM is influenced by the factors of reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy and tangible assets of the Blood Service Technician (TPD). The effect of service and performance of medical staff on customer satisfaction at the Blood Transfusion Unit of RSUPN Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo was carried out through research stages, namely: Analyzing the effect of service and performance of medical staff on patient satisfaction in the inpatient/or outpatient room of RSUPN Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo. From the results of collecting respondent data, in this study the authors concluded a hypothesis; that customers are satisfied with the quality of service at the RSCM Blood Transfusion Unit on the reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy and tangible factors as a whole at an index of 88.42% based on the Likert scale in the category 'satisfied".


Keywords: Service Quality, Customer Satisfaction, UPTD RSCM


Article History

Received ��������� : December 28 2023

Revised ������������ : January 20 2023

Publish ������������� : 02 February 2023



The hospital is an institution engaged in the field of health services (Jaya & Syarufudin, 2015). Likewise with the Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital (RSCM) which has a strategic role in efforts to accelerate the improvement of public health status. Especially in the Covid-19 pandemic situation. Based on Law No. 44 of 2009 concerning hospitals, what is meant by a hospital is a health service institution that provides comprehensive individual health services that provide outpatient, inpatient and emergency services (Robbins, 2002).

In accordance with the new paradigm in people's thinking, hospitals can provide quality services according to the needs and desires of patients while still referring to professional and medical codes of ethics (Saputra & Suranto, 2014). The health service industry, especially hospitals, in recent years has shown a development trend for both government and private hospitals in every region in Indonesia, making the service map for the health service industry increasingly stringent (Junaidin, 2018). This makes people more critical in choosing quality health services (Sharon & SANTOSA, 2017).

Service quality is a performance indicator for health service providers such as hospitals. Hospitals will be more advanced if their performance can be maintained and improved according to patient demands (Arifah, 2013). Therefore, hospital services must lead to market forces so that the orientation of the hospital can be maintained

customers so that the main objectives can be carried out properly. The image of health services in Indonesia is declining with indications of high public interest in seeking treatment abroad, such as Malaysia, Singapore and China. The general problem is that the quality of health services does not meet the standards and expectations of the community.

Every year, approximately 2 million Indonesians go abroad for treatment. When calculated, Indonesia lost a total of almost IDR 100 trillion because of this. The majority of Indonesian people who go abroad every year to get health services, be it to Singapore, Malaysia, Japan, America and to several other countries have spent 97 trillion in funds as stated by President Joko Widodo when inaugurating the groundbreaking. construction of the Bali International Hospital in Bali on December 27, 2021 (kompas.com, news, 2021) The motivations for Indonesian citizens to seek treatment abroad also vary, but there is a strong perception that in other countries, in terms of facilities, they are far superior to hospital facilities in Indonesia

According to Kotler in (Suwito, 2018) there are several factors that influence customer satisfaction, namely: first. Quality of service or services, that is, consumers will be satisfied if the service they receive meets expectations. Second, product quality, namely where consumers will feel satisfied if the product they get is of high quality. Third, price, namely products that have the same quality but relatively cheap or affordable prices will give the effect of added value to consumers. Fourth, the situation, namely the conditions experienced by consumers. Fifth, personal consumers, namely consumer characteristics that meet the personal needs of consumers.

According to Kotler in (Indrasari, 2019) there are several methods in standard customer satisfaction measurement, namely: 1) Complaint and suggestion system, namely the company provides broad opportunities for customers to submit suggestions or respond to complaints. 2) Ghoot shopping, which is one way to get a picture of customer satisfaction is to employ several people to act or act as potential buyers, to analyze weak points or strengths in serving a company's customers. 3) Lost customer analysis, namely the company's initiative to contact customers who have stopped buying their products as evaluation material. 4) Customer satisfaction surveys, namely efforts to find out customer satisfaction through research surveys, whether by post, tele-survey, or direct interviews with respondents. While the indicators of customer satisfaction according to Tjiptono in (Indrasari, 2019), namely 1) Conformity of expectations (expectations), 2) Interest in revisiting ( repurchasing), 3) Willingness promote.

Customer satisfaction is one of the determining factors and is an indicator of quality and safety in the UPTD RSCM in the annual data period and target achievement must be ≥ 85%. Customer satisfaction at the UPTD RSCM is influenced by the power factor


responsiveness, reliability and empathy of Blood Service Technicians (TPD). Based on previous research on customer satisfaction surveys for UPTD RSCM services in June 2021 conducted by STIKIM students (Indonesian Advanced School of Health Sciences) Jakarta, there are still patients, companions or patient families and room staff who feel dissatisfied with the services provided by UTPD, among the reasons that make customers feel dissatisfied with the services provided are such as the speed of service that is not responsive, lack of attention from officers, providing information that is less informative, delays in inspection results from the time stated promised.

Follow-up research (Jufrizen, 2015) conducted by STIKIM Jakarta students in July - August 2021 with a total of 373 respondents located in the Blood Transfusion Service Unit at Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo Jakarta (UPTD RSCM) based on the Likert scale assessment method concluded that out of 39 respondents (11.6%) stated that the responsiveness factor of blood transfusion service technicians was good but unsatisfactory in providing services, 46 respondents (13.3%) stated the reliability factor blood transfusion service technicians are good but unsatisfactory and 44 respondents (12.8%) stated that the empathy factor for blood transfusion service technicians is good but unsatisfactory in providing services (Jurnal Dohara Publisher Open Access Journal (DPOAJ), Vol.1 No.03, November 2021). Based on the results of this follow-up research, the authors consider it necessary to conduct research to see how far the UPTD RSCM has progressed in providing services to meet customer satisfaction and what are the recommendations for improving service quality at the UPTD RSCM in order to meet customer satisfaction expectations.

Given that the main function of Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital is to serve the community, the hospital needs to continuously strive to improve service quality (Sanusi, 2012), especially the human factor or HR as one of the service providers to the public within the organization is considered very decisive in producing high quality services. . The human resources at RSCM, both medical and non-medical, who work at this hospital must understand how to serve their customers well, both to patients and their families, because they are the main consumers in the hospital.

This study aims to determine the level of service importance applied in blood transfusion units both inpatient and outpatient and to determine the effect of service quality on customer satisfaction in the RSCM Blood Transfusion Unit (Ibrahim, 2007).



This research was conducted at the Blood Transfusion Unit of RSUPN Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo Jl. Diponegoro No. 71 Jakarta 10430. The time of the research will be conducted from 1 to 30 September 2022. The type of data used in this research is primary data. Primary data is

data obtained through the results of research directly on the object under study, either from individual objects (respondents) or from an agency that manages data for their own needs. In this study a questionnaire was used as a source of data and will be distributed to the units/departments of RSUPN Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo which was distributed to a number of respondents who were samples in the study This.

The data collection method used in this study uses the following methods:

a.    Observation

The data collection technique was carried out through direct observation of the research object, especially regarding customer satisfaction with transfusion services (X1), time discipline (X2), work environment (X3) on employee performance (Y) which was applied to the Blood Transfusion Unit of RSUPN Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo.

b.   Questionnaire

Questionnaire (questionnaire) is data collection that is carried out by distributing questionnaires or a list of questions given to the blood user service unit in the Dr. RSUPN environment. Cipto Mangunkusumo.

In this study the population was all service units of RSUPN Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo, totaling 99 units/departments. The sample for this research was taken from the unit/department of RSUPN Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo. Based on the table determining the number of samples from the population with the speed level calculated starting from receiving the blood request form and the sample received until the sample is matched with blood, labeling, billing, finished (ready to be taken). In this study, the sampling used a non-probability sampling technique using a purposive sampling method, namely the sampling technique, based on criteria determined by the researcher where the sample was selected using certain considerations in accordance with the objectives and research problems involved. developed.

In this study, the authors set a margin of error of 10% with a confidence level of 95%, while the average customer population served by UPTD RSCM each month in the last 2 months (July and August 2022) was approximately 380 people, so in this study from 1 to 30 September 2022, determining the number of samples with a population of 380 customers, based on the Slovin formula has been determined as follows:


𝑛 = N

1 + N ( 𝑒 ) 2


𝑛 = 380

1 + 380 (0.1) 2


n = 380



n = 79.16 = 80 respondents (rounded)




Results and Discussion

A.   Characteristics of Respondents

In this study, the characteristics of customer respondents who came to the UPTD RSCM already had research criteria and filled out a research questionnaire for the period 1 � 30 September 2022, totaling 80 respondents. The distribution of the characteristics of the respondents in this study can be seen in table 1, that out of a total of 80 respondents, 37 people (46.25%) were male respondents and 43 people (53.75%) were female respondents. The majority of respondents aged 26-45 years amounted to 47 (58.75%) respondents and aged 46-65 years amounted to 33 (41.25%) respondents. The educational background of the majority of respondents is high school / equivalent as big 37 (46.25%) respondent, Bachelor as big 28 (35%) respondent, Diploma

as big 10 (12.5%) respondent And JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL as big 5 (6.25%) respondent. From 80 respondent

majority as big 31 (38.75%) Employee Country Civil, as big 23 (28.75%) Employee Private,

as big 17 (21.25%) status student / student, as big 5 (6.25%) self-employed And

4 (5%) others.


Table 1. Distribution of Respondent Characteristics

No ���������������������������������� Characteristics Respondent ���������������������������������������� Total ���������������������������������������� Percentage (%)

1          Type Sex

�       Man

�       Woman


2          Age (Year)

�       26 - 45

�       46 - 65


3          Education Final


�       SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL / Equal

37 ����������������� 46,25

43 ����������������� 53,75



47 ����������������� 58,75

33 ����������������� 41,25



5 ������������������� 6,25


�       Diploma

�       Bachelor



4          Work

�       civil servant

�       Employee Private

�       Student / Student

�       Self-employed

�       Etc

37 ����������������� 46,25

10 ������������������ 12,5

28 �������������������� 35



31 ����������������� 38,75

23 ����������������� 28.75

17 ����������������� 21,25

5 ������������������� 6,25

4 ���������������������� 5


Total ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 80 ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 100.00

Source: (Primary Data, 2022)


B.   Service Quality Factors and Satisfaction Criteria Customer

In this study, the authors discuss five service quality factors that influence customer perception and satisfaction, namely: 1) Reliability, including the skills of officers, especially at the UPTD RSCM in providing services and accurate information to customers. 2) Responsiveness, including the accuracy and speed of officers in responding to customer needs and complaints. 3) Assurance (guarantee), including security guarantees for customer safety and customer convenience to meet officers. 4) Empathy, including the ability of officers to recognize customer complaints and a good communication language approach to customers. 5) Tangible (tangible assets), including the completeness of medical equipment facilities at the UPTD and the cleanliness and tidiness of the unit area and the performance of the officers. Customer satisfaction is indicated if there are no complaints about the service or expectations about product performance (Edy, 2016). This study used the Likert scale method with 5 rating scale intervals.


Table 2. Criteria for the level of importance of UPTD RSCM based on a Likert Scale


Value (CSI) (%)

Description (CSI)


90% - 100%

Very important


80% - 89.99%





70% - 79.99%

Quite important


60% - 69.99%

Not too important


0 � 59.99%

Not important


Table 3. Criteria for RSCM UPTD Performance Level Based on a Likert Scale


Value (CSI) (%)

Description (CSI)


90% - 100%

Very satisfied


80% - 89.99%



70% - 79.99%

Quite satisfied


60% - 69.99%

Less satisfied


0 � 58.99

Not satisfied


C.   Results of Customer Satisfaction Research at UTD RSCM

This study explains the influence of service factors on customer satisfaction based on each attribute of the service variable according to the results of the research table.


Table 4. Research Results of Customer Interest and Satisfaction Index in RSCM Blood Transfusion Service Unit







Score (I x P)



Timeliness of Service







Officer Skills







Accurate Information







Officer Knowledge







Responding to Customer Complaints







Establish Intense Communication







Readiness to Serve Customers








Quick Respond to Customers






Confidentiality of Customer Data






Customer Safety






Service Unit Image






Service quality






Attention to Individuals






Accepting Suggestions and Criticism






No Discrimination






Understand Customer Complaints






Quality Products




(tangible Assets)


Suggestion Box Available






Waiting Room Comfort






Employee Performance






Total Score




Description : I: Total Importance Score P : Total Performance Level Score

Source: (Primary Data, 2022)


This study formulates the results of research on the influence of service factors on customer or consumer satisfaction based on the CSI (Customer Satisfaction Index) formula, namely:



CSI = � � x 100% 5Y


Where: T = score (I) x (P)

Y = Total score (i)


5 = Number of Likert scale




CSI = � � � x 100% 5 x 85.9



CSI = �� � � �



CSI = �� 88.45% (Satisfied)


In general, based on interviews with respondents, it can be concluded that the services at the RSCM Blood Transfusion Unit according to the results of the study from 1 -30 September 2022 met the requirements for patient or customer satisfaction, namely the customer satisfaction index reached 88.45% (satisfied category).


D.  Service Analysis on Customer Satisfaction at UTD RSCM

The level of conformity is a comparison between the score of the level of performance (performance) with the score of the level of importance (Importance) which will determine the priority order of increasing the performance of each attribute in the consumer satisfaction variable. The higher the percentage level of conformity, the higher the customer satisfaction on these attributes. According to (Chandrawatisma, 2010), if the value of the suitability level is close to 100% and is above the average, it can be said that the suitability level is good.

1.      Realibility (reliability)

The reliability or reliability factor is an indicator that influences consumer satisfaction (Rangkuti, 2017). In data from research results from 80 respondents at the Blood Transfusion Service Unit at RSCM in September 2022 concerning the attribute of timeliness to customer service, based on the Likert scale it is at an index of 4.1 for the level of importance (importance) and 4.11 for performance (performance) with conformity rate of 100%. Attributes of service worker skills are at an index of 4.5 for the level of importance and 3.57 for performance with an appropriateness level of 79%. Attributes about the accuracy of the information are at an index of 4.01 for the level of importance and 4.65 for performance with an appropriateness level of 115%. The employee's knowledge attribute is at an index of 4.47 for the level

importance and 4.67 for performance with a concordance level of 104%. Overall the reliability factor is at an index of 4.27 for the level of importance and 4.25 for performance with an appropriateness level of 99%. The customer satisfaction index for the reliability factor as a whole is at an index of 84.77%, based on the Likert scale including the "satisfied" category.

2.      Responsiveness (Response)

The responsiveness factor or responsiveness (Sanusi, 2012) in research at the UPTD RSCM, for response attributes to customer complaints, based on the Likert scale is at an index of 4.31 for the level of importance and 4.27 for performance with a 99% conformity level. The attribute of having intense communication with customers is at an index of 3.51 for the importance level and 4.52 for performance with a 128% concordance level. Attributes of staff readiness to serve customers are at an index of 4.47 for the importance level and 4.41 for performance with a 98% concordance level. The attribute of speed in serving customers is at an index of 4.36 for the level of importance and 4.52 for performance with an appropriateness level of 103%. The customer satisfaction index for the overall responsiveness factor is at an index of 88.49%, based on the Likert scale, including the "satisfied" category.

3.      assurance (Guarantee)

The assurance factor in research at the UPTD RSCM (Herlambang, 2018), for attributes regarding maintaining the confidentiality of customer data, based on the Likert scale is at an index of 4.5 for the level of importance and 4.61 for performance with a concordance rate of 102%. Attributes about customer safety are at an index of 4.62 for the level of importance and 4.67 for performance with an appropriateness level of 101%. Attributes regarding the image of the service unit are at an index of 4.53 for the importance level and 4.16 for performance with a 91% concordance level. Attributes about service quality are at an index of 4.58 for the importance level and 4.61 for performance with a 100% concordance level. The customer satisfaction index for the assurance factor as a whole is at 90.24%, based on the Likert scale, it is included in the "very satisfied" category.

4.      Empathy (Empathy)

The empathy factor in research at the UPTD RSCM, for attributes regarding attention to individual customers, based on the Likert scale is at an index of 3.93 for the level of importance and 4.25 for performance with a 108% concordance level. Attributes about receiving suggestions and criticisms from customers are at an index of 3.78 for the level of importance and 4.51 for performance with an appropriateness level of 119%. Attributes about service without discrimination are at an index of 4.57 for the importance level and 4.61 for performance with a 100% match rate. Attribute about understand to complaint customer is at on index 4,21 For level


importance and 4.53 for performance with a concordance rate of 107%. The customer satisfaction index for the empathy factor as a whole is at an index of 89.59%, based on the Likert scale including the "satisfied" category.

5.      Tangibles (Assets Tangible)

Tangible factors in research at the UPTD RSCM, for attributes regarding quality products, based on the Likert scale are at an index of 4.63 for the level of importance and 4.6 for performance with a 99% conformity level. The attribute regarding the availability of the suggestion box is at an index of 3.75 for the importance level and 4.13 for performance with a 110% match rate. Attributes about the comfort of the waiting room are at an index of 4.65 for the importance level and 4.62 for performance with a 99% suitability level. Attributes regarding employee performance and appearance are at an index of 4.42 for the importance level and 4.4 for performance with a 99% concordance level. The customer satisfaction index for tangible factors as a whole is at an index of 89.04%, based on the Likert scale, including the "satisfied" category.


The value of the consumer satisfaction index (CSI) lies in the interval 80% - 89.99% which indicates that the Customer Satisfaction Index is in the "satisfied" category. However, it is better if the UPTD RSCM still needs to make improvements to service and performance so that consumers feel very satisfied with the overall product performance. In this case, the UPTD needs to improve the attributes to increase consumer satisfaction. Based on the results of the research analysis on the level of consumer satisfaction on the performance of the RSCM Blood Transfusion Service Unit, it can be concluded that: First, the results of the Importance Performance Analysis calculation show that the attributes that are the top priority agenda for improving performance are the attributes of the skills of medical staff and timeliness in customer service . Second, by calculating the Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI), the CSI value for service and performance in the RSCM Blood Transfusion Unit was 88.45%. This value indicates that the consumer satisfaction index at UPTD RSCM is in the category "satisfied".

In this study, there has been a positive trend development since 2019 � 2022, that the increase in service quality from the factors of reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy and tangible has a level of comparability in comparison between the level of performance (performance) and the level of importance (importance), the average index reach 100%. Although in general the results of the study prove that customers are satisfied with the services of the RSCM Blood Transfusion Unit, some improvements or improvements to service quality are still needed, such as the attributes of staff skills and efficiency and timeliness in serving customers, because this will have a positive correlation with improving the image of the Service Unit. RSCM Blood Transfusion to front.




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Copyright holders:

Budi Rahayu, Nafiah Ariyani, Levyda (2023)


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Journal of Syntax Admiration


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