JSA 2Volume 4, No. 6 Juni 2023

p-ISSN 2722-7782 | e-ISSN 2722-5356

DOI: �https://doi.org/ 10.46799/jsa.v4i6.598




Moch. Arief, Misbahul Munir, Hersa Farida Qoriani

State Islamic University of Kiai Haji Achmad Siddiq Jember.

Email: [email protected]

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected]





Kotler and Armstrong state that competitive advantage is an advantage gained by offering lower value or by providing greater benefits due to higher prices. Ironically, the importance of competitiveness has faded with decades of great expansion and prosperity, resulting in many companies losing sight of competitive advantage in the struggle to further develop in pursuit of diversification. Porter pointed out that there are several strategies that can be developed by companies such as increasing product differentiation, cheaper prices than competitors, good delivery systems, and easier payment systems as well as alternative strategies that can be developed, namely by increasing capital for business development, adding production equipment machinery, and training programs for employees. At this time Gojek and Grab are growing rapidly in running online transportation. Where Gojek and Grab dominate the market share in Indonesia, especially in Jember Regency. Of the many online transportation circulating on social media, gojek and grab are very widely used by consumers.


Keywords: Strategy, competitive advantage.




In this rapid technological development, Indonesia is undergoing a transformation in terms of transportation due to increasingly modern technological developments. This can be seen from the emergence of online-based transportation models in big cities in Indonesia, such as Gojek, derived from applications created by the nation's children. Gojek is a company engaged in online transportation services that are often used by people to get to the intended place. Connected with an application to meet with consumers. Changes in people's lifestyles that are increasingly advanced make business people start competition in the online transportation business. Therefore, it is imperative for entrepreneurs to think of the right competition strategy for their business so that they can meet effective goals. This second development makes other online transportation companies glance and cannot match the gojek and grab. The problem sought is to analyze the advantages of the strategy used by Gojek and Grab so that it is widely used among the public. To look for comparisons in competitive advantage. How to analyze the competitive advantages of gojek and grab companies.

The popular term for this core idea is generic strategy.� From the scheme described by Michael Porter, many planners believe that any long-term strategy should be derived from a company's efforts to gain competitive advantage based on one of the following three generic strategies (Muchson & Kumar, 2023).

a)   Achieve overall low-cost leadership in the industry.

b)   Creating and marketing unique (distinctive) products for different groups of customers through differentiation.

c)    Cater to the specific needs of one or several groups of consumers or industrial buyers, focusing on their cost or differentiation.

Currently, the number of vehicles in Jember Regency is increasing because the population is increasing from year to year. From data taken from the development of the number of vehicles by vehicle type based on Jember resort police records. ( Satlantas Polres Jember, accessed 2022).

The increase in the number of vehicles from year to year causes congestion in Jember City. To overcome congestion problems every year to year, the government provides infrastructure for public transportation facilities such as pedicabs, damri buses, car transportation, trains, motorcycle taxis and others. The presence of public transportation that is often used by the community makes it meet the needs of the community. One of the public transportation that is often used by the community both among teenagers and adults is online motorcycle taxis. Which currently meets the market share and is in great demand in Jember Regency, namely gojek and grab.

In this rapid technological development, Jember Regency is undergoing a transformation in terms of transportation due to increasingly modern technological developments. This can be seen from the emergence of online-based transportation models in big cities in Indonesia, such as gojek, derived from applications created by the nation's children. Gojek is a company engaged in online transportation services that are often used by people to get to the intended place. Connect with an application to meet with consumers. Changes in people's lifestyles that are increasingly advanced make business people start competition in the online transportation business. Therefore, it has become imperative for entrepreneurs to think of the right competition strategy for their business so that they can meet effective goals. This second development makes other online transportation companies glance and cannot match the gojek and grab (Munandar & Munthe, 2019).

Gojek is a technology company from Indonesia that serves transportation through ojek services. The company was founded in 2010 in Jakarta by Nadiem Makarim. Currently, gojek is available in 50 cities in Indonesia. Until June 2016, the Gojek application has been downloaded almost 10 million times. Gojek also has a digital payment service called gopay. In addition to Indonesia, gojek services are now available in Thailand, Vietnam and Singapore. On May 17, 2021, Tokopedia and Gojek announced the official merger and formed the GoTo Group (Prananda et al., 2020).

Gojek does not want to stop as an online-based transportation company, but transform as a financial technology (fintech) company through gopay. At the end of 2016 Gojek acquired ponselpay, a financial company owned by MVComerce that already has an electronic money (e-money) license from Bank Indonesia. Gojek needs the license to develop the gopay they have developed to become emoney.

While Grab is a technology company originating from Singapore which was originally founded in Malaysia. Starting from transportation services, the company now has other services such as food delivery and payment that can be accessed via mobile applications. In Indonesia, Grab serves vehicle orders such as ojek (grabbike), car (grabcar), taxi (grabtaxi), courier (grabexpress), food delivery (grabfood), and carpooling (grabhitch car). Grab is currently available in 125 cities across Indonesia, from Banda Aceh-Aceh to Jayapura-Papua. (Understanding Grab, accessed 2022). Here are the advantages of gojek and grab based on the form of application and comments from resource persons in Jember Regency.

Table 2

Advantages of Gojek and Grab

Based on Application Form and Interviewee's Comments



Has a feature service that makes it easier for users or users to choose the needs or chills

Has few feature services and is separate from cashless services

Can book service once 2 drivers at the same time.

Already able to order more than 1 service at the same time.

More food store� or merchant food services �are entered into the application or have been recorded in the gojek application

Few� food merchants are registered on grab food.

For drivers it takes a little time to find drivers

For easier grab can drivers.

Source: processed by author, 2023.

From the table above, it can be concluded that Gojek has a feature service that makes it easier for users or users to choose their needs or wants, can order services once 2 drivers at the same time, food store services� or food merchants enter the application� more or have been recorded into the gojek application, for drivers it takes a little time to find drivers. Gojek's competitive advantage itself in terms of cost offers a relatively low price and fits in the pocket plus� vouchers that are obtained and if paid with a GoPay digital wallet, �cashback benefits can be obtained.� In terms of innovation, it offers a much varied service. (Gojek New Feature, accessed 2022).

Grab has few feature services and is separate from cashless services, can order more than 1 service at the same time, few� food merchants are registered with� grab food, for grab easier to get drivers. Grab's competitive advantage does not want to be outdone by Gojek's saigan. Grab offers many promos by entering the promo code in your inbox.� In terms of innovation, Grab also has a new safety center feature while using Grab. The look is changed, and can have 4 orders at once. (Grab's New Feature, accessed 2022).

Gojek and Grab as two companies that dominate the online transportation business in Indonesia certainly have differences in serving consumers or users. Customer satisfaction is one thing that must be considered in the competition of the online motorcycle taxi transportation service business both in driver friendliness, driving safety, price suitability, service quality, and other indicators that can support the level of consumer satisfaction. The problem of service that supports customer satisfaction is not a difficult thing to do but is often not paid attention to by many companies, especially transportation.

Jember Regency is one of the choices of districts that have the potential to develop the transportation business. Besides being known as a student city and is a leading educational city in East Java, Jember is also known for its rich natural and cultural charm. Seeing the large number of immigrants from various regions, both as students and tourists, makes the need for mobility in Jember Regency increase. The presence of Go-ride and Grabbike in Jember Regency makes it easy for the people of Jember Regency, namely students, tourists, employees, employees, traders and the wider community in general to get transportation quickly, and can always come to the place they want without having to go to highways, public places, terminals or bases (Kurniawan et al., 2021).

The first online transportation to enter Jember Regency was gojek, namely in August 2017, because the many facilities and services provided by this transportation service boomed in Jember Regency �so that it had many consumers. Not long after that, Grab transportation services also appeared which also offered good facilities and services so that they could compete with Gojek. In this competitive condition, both companies continue to make efforts to increase customer loyalty. Thus, a strategy is needed as a differentiation for each company in attracting consumer interest and in an effort to maintain consumers to continue using the company's services in the future. This research was conducted to analyze the advantages of the strategies used by Gojek and Grab so that they are widely used among the public. To look for comparisons in competitive advantage. How are the competitive advantages of Gojek and Grab companies

From the description above, the formulation of the problem in this study is: (1). What is the current strategy of gojek and grab advantages?; (2). How are Gojek and Grab's efforts in increasing the market in Jember Regency?; (3). What are the supporting and inhibiting factors of Gojek and Grab's strategy of excellence in increasing the market in Jember Regency?



This research uses a qualitative approach and this type of research is descriptive. Qualitative research methods are research that produces descriptive data in the form of written or spoken words of people or observable behavior. The definition emphasizes more on the type of data collected in research, namely qualitative descriptive data. In other words, qualitative research is research that produces descriptive data and seeks to explore the meaning of a phenomenon based on existing facts. (Djamal et al., 2020) Researchers use a qualitative approach so that researchers can approach directly in the field, to understand the phenomena that occur in the field both from a comparative analysis of gojek and grab's advantage strategies in increasing the market in Jember Regency.� In this study, researchers also used SWOT analysis (Strenght, Weakness, Opportunity, and Threarts).



The object of this study is gojek and grab drivers as well as gojek and grab customers in Jember Regency. In this study, researchers used SWOT analysis (Strenght, Weakness, Opportunity, and Threarts). SWOT analysis is one method used to evaluate strengths� (Strenghts), �weaknesses �(Weakneses), opportunities �(Opportunities), and threats (Threats) in a business speculation. Some experts say that SWOT analysis is a classic strategy planning instrument that provides a simple way to estimate the best way to determine a strategy. This analysis is descriptive and subjective. It is possible that several people in the organization provide different analysis results in the four parts of the SWOT analysis. This is very natural to happen, because SWOT analysis is an analysis that will provide output in the form of direction not solutions to a problem. Although the directive can be interpreted as a form of solution, basically the directive / recommendation produced aims to maintain strength and increase the advantage of existing opportunities, while reducing shortcomings and avoiding threats. This approach is based on logic that maximizes strengths and opportunities� while minimizing weaknesses� and threats.� Briefly, SWOT analysis can be applied by analyzing and sorting out things that affect the four factors. Thus, the results of the analysis can form a strategic plan based on the results of the analysis of the company's strategic factors (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats) (Rangkuti, 2009).

The target to increase the market in Jember Regency that is good cannot be achieved without the right strategy. The strategic planning that must be prepared is adjusted to the values espoused by each company, as well as the company's goals. It must also consider external situations and conditions, both present and future. Strategic planning also needs to consider the potential and strengths possessed by the internal company and must determine the resources needed to achieve company goals.

One of the approaches taken in increasing the market in Jember Regency is through SWOT analysis. This analysis is a technique used to quickly highlight the company's strategy situation. The description of internal factors (strengths and weaknesses) with external factors (opportunities and challenges) on Gojek and Grab is as follows:

1.      Gojek SWOT Analysis

a.    Strength

1)   Service

The first is based on a mobile application, so it is easy to access from anywhere.has a wider driver network compared to other applications.� Second, have good service quality management such as: reliability, responsiveness, assurance, emphaty, and tangible. Third, cashless and cash payment systems.

2)      Marketing

First, a brand image that is very strong and easy to remember and understand consumers or local markets. �Second, having a� good physical environment,� one of which is a logo that reflects online motorcycle taxis.� Third, promotion is carried out through the internet, social, brochures, radio, direct selling, events, media partners, and also through traditional marketing such as word-of-mouth publications so that it is very effective and efficient.

3)      Personnel

First cooperation with various partners such as insurance, offline stores. Second, the many forms of services for driver partners such as insurance services for gojek partners, BPJS, etc. make driver loyalty increase. such as insurance services for gojek partners, BPJS, and others.

4)      Management Information System (MIS)

First, a system that is integrated with Gojek partners and consumers. �Second, �the choices offered through the application to consumers are more complete than other companies.

b.    Weakness

a)      Management Information System (MIS)

Gojek services cannot be felt in suburban areas, there are too many drivers waiting for orders in one place.

b)      Management

Because it is based online, it will be difficult to manage drivers, lack of socialization regarding SOPs and Insurance Guarantees provided by Gojek.

c.    Opportunity

b)      Community Response; The high public interest in transparent, safe, cheap, effective transportation services,

c)      Technology; There are many new applications that make it easier for Gojek to inform the services that can be provided.

d)      Government; Government support in the form of regulations that are in accordance with the operational needs of online motorcycle taxis .

e)      Supplier; The more merchants who join Gojek, the greater the opportunity to cooperate with the wider community.

f)Gojek drivers; The spirit driver to raise gojek is very strong.

d.   Threats (Threths)

a)      Competitors; Gojek is a pioneer in terms of online-based motorcycle taxis so that it will continue to get resistance from its competitors. There are often threats and even physical or verbal attacks on gojek drivers by conventional transportation service providers such as city transportation, taxis, base motorcycle taxis.

b)      User; The more critical Gojek consumers are for the services provided. There are still people who cannot use smartphones.� When the weather is not good, many consumers take advantage of gojek and grab. Many fictitious orders are detrimental to gojek driver partners.

c)      Government; there is zoning applied by Dishub which requires online� transportation to be prohibited from operating.

d)      Media; The ambiguous nature of the medium is like two blades. Bookings must be through an application connected to the internet. It is difficult to serve customers when the internet service provided by the provider is disrupted.

With the description of some of the strengths, opportunities, weaknesses, and challenges of gojek above, it can be illustrated matrix from this gojek SWOT analysis to facilitate strategies in increasing the right market. Based on the SWOT analysis above, the calculation can be known as follows:

Strength � Weakness = 4.30 � 3.60 = 0.70

Odds � Threat = 4.60 � 3.60 = 1.0

Based on IFAS and EFAS scanning, the gojek SWOT Matrix can be described to determine gojek's strategic position, while the matrix image is as follows:













The space matrix above shows that the company is in quadrant one, which requires a Growth Strategy. The company is well positioned to use its internal strengths to (1) take advantage of external opportunities, (2) address internal weaknesses, and (3) avoid external threats. This position is very advantageous because the company has opportunities and internal strengths that are greater than existing weaknesses and threats. So the company needs a strategy to grow better and can develop the company for the better (Growth Oriented Strategy).

The alternative strategies obtained from the SWOT matrix are then adjusted to the strategies that have been formulated in the matrix, namely Growth And Build Strategy, namely:

a.    Market Penetration Strategy by means of

1)   Continue to innovate for the improvement of Internal applications by utilizing the many new applications available.

2)   Improve the quality, loyalty and performance of all employee components by studying, training and bringing in consultants in the field of Tech Business, so as to create new service ideas.

3)   Forming a special marketing team by educating drivers to serve corporate customers who want to join their services.

4)   Improve services for driver partners, so that their loyalty and solidity increase.

5)   Educating the public, the importance of the benefits of technology and informing them if the gojek fleet is not only 2-wheeled but also 4-wheeled.

6)   Develop personal relationships between drivers and merchants and passengers where merchants and passengers have the right to determine / choose drivers according to the desired characteristics.

7)   Creating special applications to manage drivers.

8)   Improve and conduct comprehensive socialization regarding gojek SOPs and insurance guarantees.

b.   Market Development Strategy by means of

1)   Expanding the use of gopay to control more retail both online and offline

2)   Expanding distribution reach to peripheral areas. In addition to increasing market share, it can open wider job opportunities.

c.    Product development strategy by creating a Cause Related Marketing �program, where customers who utilize Gojek services, also contribute to improving the quality of clean water, community nutrition, cancer prevention and others.

d.   Integration strategy in the future by forming a special marketing team and educating drivers to serve corporate customers who want to join their services.

e.    Horizontal Integration Strategy by collaborating with competitors (Blue Bird) and conventional transportation service drivers to become partners.

Analisis SWOT Grab

1.    Strength �

a)    The tariff price is cheaper than competitors.

b)    The GrabNow app makes it easy to order.

c)     Faster service because there are many drivers available

d)    There are always system changes in improving services.

2.    Weakness

a)      The existence of fake GPS applications that harm other drivers

b)      The pick-up point is too far during rush hour due to high demand.

c)      Still lack of driver understanding of GrabNow app

d)      Drivers often cancel orders because the price is not as expected with the distance traveled.

3.    Opportunity

a)    The higher ojol users because of the promo price system.

b)   Can be picked up to a place that cannot be passed by a car

c)    There are always drivers available to remote areas of Jabodetabek

d)   A good opportunity in crowded places using the GrabNow application.

4.    Threats (Threths)

a)  Prices between Ojol will be more competitive.

b)  It will trigger a commotion in certain areas because of doing GrabNow in the base ojek area.

c)   The absence of sportsmanship between drivers in seeking orders (the presence of tuyul).

d)  Consumers feel sorry for drivers because the price paid is below the standard price so that consumers move to competitors at reasonable prices.

With the description of some of Grab's strengths, opportunities, weaknesses, and challenges above, a matrix can be drawn from Grab's SWOT analysis to facilitate strategies in increasing the right market. The calculation can be known as follows:

Strength � Weakness = 4.60 � 4.20 = 0.40

Odds � Threats = 4.30 � 4.10 = 0.20

Based on IFAS and EFAS scanning, the SWOT grab matrix can be described to determine grab's strategic position, while the matrix image is as follows:
















The space matrix above shows that the company is in quadrant one, which requires a Growth Strategy. The company is well positioned to use its internal strengths to (1) take advantage of external opportunities, (2) address internal weaknesses, and (3) avoid external threats. This position is very advantageous because the company has opportunities and internal strengths that are greater than existing weaknesses and threats. So the company needs a strategy to grow better and can develop the company for the better (Growth Oriented Strategy)

Based on the results of the SWOT matrix above, it can be seen that the strength possessed by the grabbike is very much and has a good opportunity. However, there are threats and weaknesses that need attention to be able to increase their competitiveness. So the strategies that can be applied are as follows:

1.    Strategi S-O (Strength-Opportunity)

a)    Will provide better services to maintain customer loyalty at lower prices and demand will increase.

b)   By being able to pick up consumers in an environment that can only be passed by motorbikes, it will provide more value for service to consumers, especially plus the grabnow application will speed up drivers.

c)    The wider service area and more drivers available will provide loyalty to consumers in all areas of Jember Regency

d)   The higher the level of competition between ojol, the IT grab always increases its strategy to compete until it raises the latest application in the form of grabnow.

2.    Strategi S-T (Strength-Threat)

a)    The more advanced the development of ojol, the more various ojol applications will appear with always competitive prices, so Grab always raises tariffs that always attract consumers and drivers to maintain customer loyalty well.

b)   There is a conflict between ojol and ojek pankalan, so we always maintain which areas are allowed to do or use the grabnow application without causing chaos in the area.

c)    The existence of a tuyul application or fake GPS will harm other drivers and get orders. Therefore, more drivers are needed so that they can spread to every area to reduce the actions of unscrupulous GPS parties.

d)   Provide bonuses commensurate with the distance traveled by drivers queuing consumers

3.    W-O (Weakness-Opportunity) Strategy

a)    The Fake GPS application is an advantage for unscrupulous drivers who want to quickly get orders, because the higher the competition anter ojol, Grab takes anti-Fake GPS actions if doing so will be sanctioned to break up partners.

b)   With such a high demand, a more accurate pick-up point is needed so that it is faster to meet consumers in order pick-up, especially in an environment that is only passed by motorbikes.

c)    The more ojol drivers who enter until the age of more than 55 years, the level of use will decrease, so initial training is needed before taking to the streets to be served to all corners of Jember Regency.

d)   The GrabNow application makes it easy to meet between drivers and consumers.

4.    WT (Weakness-Threath) Strategy

a)    Grab will conduct a fake GPS search and sanction a reprimand or break up so that all drivers will be fair in seeking orders.

b)   Provide the maximum pick-up distance from the driver point to the consumer. So that service is more efficient.

c)    There is always a notification every time there is a new application that appears from Grab.

Grab must listen to complaints from partners, namely drivers who feel the price offered is less than optimal with the current driver acceptance.a

Gojek and Grab's Excellence Strategy in Increasing the Market �in Jember Regency In this case, Gojek in Jember Regency has been established for approximately 7 years, and Grab has been established for approximately 5 years, within that period there have been many improvement efforts made by these two companies. The improvement in question is in the context of internal interests of the organization as well as to increase the market, especially in Jember Regency.

But it turns out that during that period, there were still many obstacles faced. In addition, there are also many supporting factors that can be a motivation to advance the existence of these two companies. Here are the factors that become obstacles in increasing the market in Jember Regency.

The first supporting factor for gojek, Service; �Based on mobile applications, so it is easy to access from anywhere, has a wider driver network compared to other applications, has good service quality management such as: reliability, responsiveness, guarantee, emphaty, and tangible, cashless and� cash payment systems �. Second marketing� ; brand image that is very strong and easy to remember and understand consumers or local market, has a �good physical environment, �one of which is a logo that reflects online motorcycle taxis, promotion is carried out through the internet, social, brochures, radio, direct selling, events,� media partners, and� also through traditional marketing such as word-of-mouth publications so that it is very effective and efficient. �Third,� personnel; cooperation with various� partners such as insurance, offline �shops, many forms of services for driver partners such as insurance services for gojek partners, BPJS, etc. make driver loyalty increase. such as insurance services for gojek partners, BPJS, etc. �Fourth, �management information system; a system that is integrated with Gojek partners and consumers, the choices offered through the application to consumers are more complete than other companies.

Grab's first supporting factor is that� fares are cheaper than competitors.� Second, the GrabNow application makes it easy to order.� Third, faster service because there are many drivers available. �Fourth, there is always a system change in improving services.

The first inhibiting factor of gojek, management� information system (SIM); Gojek services cannot be felt in peripheral areas, there are too many drivers waiting for orders in one place.� Second, �management; because it is based online, it will be difficult to manage drivers. �Third, the lack of socialization regarding SOPs and Insurance Guarantees provided by Gojek.

The first inhibiting factor for grab is� the existence of fake GPS applications that harm other drivers. �Second, the pick-up point is too far during rush hour due to high demand.� Third, drivers still lack understanding of the GrabNow application. �Fourth, rivers often cancel orders because the price is not as expected with the distance traveled.

One of the approaches taken in community economic empowerment is through SWOT analysis. This analysis is a technique used to quickly highlight the situation of organizational strategy.

The company's strategic decisions need to consider internal factors that include strengths and weaknesses as well as external factors that include opportunities and threats. Therefore, there needs to be important considerations for SWOT analysis. In identifying as problems that arise in the company, very careful research is needed so as to be able to determine a very fast and appropriate strategy in overcoming problems that arise in the company.

Some considerations that need to be considered in making decisions include: Strength, �Weakness, �Opportunity, and Threat. �Gojek's strategy of excellence in increasing the market in Jember Regency can be described as follows:

1.    Strength

Strengths are resources, skills, or other advantages relative to competitors and market needs that the company serves or wants to serve. Strengths are specific competencies that give companies a comparative advantage in the market. Strengths lie in resources, finances, image, market leadership, buyer-supplier relationships, and other factors.

1)      Service

The first is based on a mobile application, so it is easy to access from anywhere.has a wider driver network compared to other applications.� Second, have good service quality management such as: reliability, responsiveness, assurance, emphaty, and tangible. Third, cashless and cash payment systems.


2)   Marketing

First, a brand image that is very strong and easy to remember and understand consumers or local markets. �Second, having a� good physical environment,� one of which is a logo that reflects online motorcycle taxis.� Third, promotion is carried out through the internet, social, brochures, radio, direct selling, events, media partners, and also through traditional marketing such as word-of-mouth publications so that it is very effective and efficient.


3)   Personnel

First cooperation with various partners such as insurance, offline stores. Second, the many forms of services for driver partners such as insurance services for gojek partners, BPJS, etc. make driver loyalty increase. such as insurance services for gojek partners, BPJS, and others.

4)   Management Information System (MIS)

First, a system that is integrated with Gojek partners and consumers. �Second, �the choices offered through the application to consumers are more complete than other companies.

2.    Weakness

Weakness is a lack or limitation in terms of resources that exist in the company, be it skills or abilities that are a barrier to organizational performance. Limitations or deficiencies in resources, skills and capacities that seriously hinder the effective performance of the company. Facilities, financial resources, management capacity, marketing skills, and brand image can be sources of weakness.

As for the first aspect of weakness, the management information system (SIM); Gojek services cannot be felt in peripheral areas, there are too many drivers waiting for orders in one place.� Second, management; because it is based online, it will be difficult to manage drivers, lack of socialization regarding SOPs and Insurance Guarantees provided by Gojek.

3.    Opportunity

Opportunities are various things and situations that are favorable for the company, as well as tendencies that are one of the sources of opportunities as follows.

First, the community's response; The high public interest in transparent, safe, cheap, effective transportation services. Second, technology; There are many new applications that make it easier for Gojek to inform the services that can be provided. Third, the government; Government support in the form of regulations that are in accordance with the operational needs of online motorcycle taxis. Fourth, Supplier; The more merchants who join Gojek, the greater the opportunity to cooperate with the wider community. Fifth, Gojek drivers; The spirit driver to raise Gojek is very strong.

4.    Threats (Threths)

Threats are unfavorable environmental factors in the company if not overcome it will become an obstacle for the company concerned both now and in the future.

Threats are a major disruptor to the company's position. The entry of new competitors, slow market growth, increased bargaining power of important buyers or suppliers, technological changes, and new or revised regulations can be threats to a company's success. One of the threats is as follows.

First, competitors; Gojek is a pioneer in terms of online-based motorcycle taxis so that it will continue to get resistance from its competitors. There are often threats and even physical or verbal attacks on gojek drivers by conventional transportation service providers such as city transportation, taxis, base motorcycle taxis.

Second, consumers; The increasing criticality of Gojek Consumers for the services provided. There are still people who cannot use smartphones.� When the weather is not good, many consumers take advantage of Gojek / Grab. Many fictitious orders harm Gojek driver partners.

Third, the government; there is zoning applied by Dishub which requires online transportation to be prohibited from operating.

�Fourth, the media; The ambiguous nature of the medium is like two blades. Bookings must be through an application connected to the internet. It is difficult to serve customers when the internet service provided by the provider is disrupted.

Based on the results of the SWOT analysis above, several strategies were obtained to improve the market in Jember Regency. The alternative strategies obtained from the SWOT matrix are then adjusted to the strategies that have been formulated in the Growth And Build Strategy matrix, which are as follows:

a)   Market Penetration Strategy by means of

1)   Continue to innovate for the improvement of Internal applications by utilizing the many new applications available.

2)   Improve the quality, loyalty and performance of all employee components by studying, training and bringing in consultants in the field of Tech Business, so as to create new service ideas.

3)   Forming a special marketing team by educating drivers to serve corporate customers who want to join their services.

4)   Improve services for driver partners, so that their loyalty and solidity increase.

5)   Educating the public, the importance of the benefits of technology and informing them if the gojek fleet is not only 2-wheeled but also 4-wheeled.

6)   Develop personal relationships between drivers and merchants and passengers where merchants and passengers have the right to determine / choose drivers according to the desired characteristics.

7)   Creating special applications to manage drivers.

8)   Improve and conduct comprehensive socialization regarding gojek SOPs and insurance guarantees.

b)   Market Development Strategy by means of

a)   Expanding the use of gopay to control more retail both online and offline.

b)   Expanding distribution reach to peripheral areas. In addition to increasing market share, it can open wider job opportunities.

c)    Product development strategy by creating a Cause Related Marketing �program, where customers who utilize Gojek services, also contribute to improving the quality of clean water, community nutrition, cancer prevention and others.

d)   Integration strategy in the future by forming a special marketing team and educating drivers to serve� corporate customers who want to join their services.

e)    Horizontal Integration Strategy by collaborating with competitors (Blue Bird) and drivers of conventional transportation services to become partners.


Grab's strategy of excellence in increasing the market in Jember Regency can be described as follows:

1.    Strength �

Strengths are resources, skills, or other advantages relative to competitors and market needs that the company serves or wants to serve. Strengths are specific competencies that give companies a comparative advantage in the market. Strengths lie in resources, finances, image, market leadership, buyer-supplier relationships, and other factors. First, the tariff price is cheaper than competitors. �Second, the GrabNow application makes it easy to order.� Third, faster service because there are many drivers available. �Fourth, there is always a system change in improving services.

2.      Weakness

Weakness is a lack or limitation in terms of resources that exist in the company, be it skills or abilities that are a barrier to organizational performance. Limitations or deficiencies in resources, skills and capacities that seriously hinder the effective performance of the company. Facilities, financial resources, management capacity, marketing skills, and brand image.

As for the first aspect of weakness, the existence of fake GPS applications that harm other drivers. �Second, the pick-up ducks are too far during rush hour due to high demand.� Third, there is still a lack of understanding of drivers towards the GrabNow application. �Fourth, drivers often cancel orders because the price is not as expected with the distance traveled.

3.      Opportunity

Opportunities are various things and situations that are favorable for the company, as well as tendencies that are one of the sources of opportunities as follows.

First, the� higher ojol users because of the promo price system.� Second, it can be picked up to a place that cannot be passed by a car. �Third, drivers are always available to remote areas of Jabodetabek. �Fourth, a good opportunity in crowded places using the GrabNow application.

4.      Threats (Threths)

Threats are unfavorable environmental factors in the company if not overcome it will become an obstacle for the company concerned both now and in the future.

Threats are a major disruptor to the company's position. The entry of new competitors, slow market growth, increased bargaining power of important buyers or suppliers, technological changes, and new or revised regulations can be threats to a company's success. One of the threats is as follows.

First, prices between ojols will be more competitive. �Second, it� will trigger a commotion in certain areas because of grabnow in the base ojek area.� Third, there is no sportsmanship between drivers in seeking orders (the presence of tuyul). �Fourth, consumers� feel sorry for drivers because the price paid is below the standard price so that consumers move to competitors at reasonable prices.

Based on the results of the SWOT analysis above, several strategies were obtained to increase the market in Jember Regency. The strength possessed by grabbike is very much and has a good opportunity. However, there are threats and weaknesses that need attention to be able to increase their competitiveness. So the strategies that can be applied are as follows:

a)   Strategi S-O (Strength-Opportunity)

1)   Will provide better services to maintain customer loyalty at lower prices and demand will increase.

2)   Being able to pick up consumers in an environment that can only be passed by motorbikes will provide more value for service to consumers, especially plus the GrabNow application will speed up drivers.

3)   The wider service area and more drivers available will provide loyalty to consumers in all areas of Jember Regency.

4)   The higher the level of competition between ojol, Grab's IT always increases its strategy to compete until it raises the latest application in the form of GrabNow.

b)   Strategi ST (Strength-Threat)

1)   The more advanced the development of ojol, the more various ojol applications will appear with always competitive prices, so Grab always raises tariffs that always attract consumers and drivers to maintain customer loyalty well.

2)   There is a conflict between ojol and ojek pankalan, so we always maintain which areas are allowed to do or use the GrabNow application without causing chaos in that area.

3)   The existence of a tuyul application or fake GPS will harm other drivers and get orders. Therefore, more drivers are needed so that they can spread to every area to reduce the actions of unscrupulous GPS parties.

4)   Provide bonuses commensurate with the distance traveled by drivers queuing consumers

c)    WO (Weakness-Opportunity) Strategy

1)   The Fake GPS application is an advantage for unscrupulous drivers who want to quickly get orders, because the higher the competition anter ojol, Grab takes anti-Fake GPS actions if doing so will be sanctioned to break up partners.

2)   With such a high demand, a more accurate pick-up point is needed so that it is faster to meet consumers in order pick-up, especially in an environment that is only passed by motorbikes.

3)   The more ojol drivers who enter until the age of more than 55 years, the level of use will decrease, so initial training is needed before taking to the streets to be served to all corners of Jember Regency.

4)   The GrabNow application makes it easy to meet between drivers and consumers.

d)   WT (Weakness-Threath) Strategy

1)   Grab will conduct a fake GPS search and sanction a reprimand or break up so that all drivers will be fair in seeking orders.

2)   Provide the maximum pick-up distance from the driver point to the consumer. So that service is more efficient.

3)   There is always a notification every time there is a new application that appears from Grab.

4)   Grab must listen to complaints from partners, namely drivers who feel the price offered is less than optimal with the current driver acceptance.


Based on the results of analysts, Gojek and Grab's strategy in increasing the market in Jember Regency requires positioning. Positioning is a step of identification, development, and communication of privileges that are special, distinctive and unique, different from competitors. Gojek and Grab companies always make efforts to improve the market, especially in Jember Regency, through improvements made by both companies. The improvement in question is to continue to innovate to improve internal applications by utilizing the many new applications available and also there are always system changes in improving services. Gojek and Grab companies have many features that complement each application. In terms of service, they both offer the best features and services.

Based on the SWOT analysis on the SO Strength position, Gojek and Grab can choose alternative strategies in an effort to create customer loyalty in their current market area by:

a.    Strength (strength) SO, Gojek

1)   Continue to innovate for the improvement of internal applications by taking advantage of the many new applications available.

2)   Issue E-Voucher as a substitute for electronic credit card payment.

3)   Improve the quality, loyalty and performance of all employee components with Study, Training and bringing in consultants.

4)   Creating a Cause Related Marketing program,� where customers who utilize gojek services, means also contributing to (eg improving the quality of clean water, community nutrition, cancer prevention etc.).

5)   Expanding the use of gopay to control more retail both online and offline.

6)   Improve services for driver partners, so that their loyalty and solidity increase.

7)   Forming a special marketing team and educating drivers to serve� corporate customers who want to join their services.

b.   Strength (strength) SO, Grab

1)   Will provide better services to maintain customer loyalty at lower prices and demand will increase.

2)   Being able to pick up consumers in an environment that can only be passed by motorbikes will provide more value for service to consumers, especially plus the GrabNow application will speed up drivers.

3)   The wider service area and more drivers available will provide loyalty to consumers in all areas of Jember Regency.

4)   The higher the level of competition between ojol, Grab's IT always increases its strategy to compete until it raises the latest application in the form of GrabNow.


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Moch. Arief, Misbahul Munir, Hersa Farida Qoriani (2023)


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