Decision type: Reject, Resubmit, Revision, Accept



This article requires changes before a final decision can be made. Authors are requested to modify their manuscript based on comments received from referees and editors, and to submit a new version for consideration within 2 weeks of receiving notification. A point-by-point explanation of how comments have been addressed should be included with the revised version of this article. Revisions may undergo further peer review and papers may undergo more than one round of revisions. If the authors do not revise their articles to the satisfaction of the editors, the articles may still be rejected from publication in the Syntax Admiration Journal.


Last admission

This article may be accepted for publication, subject to the conditions that need to be addressed in producing the final version of the manuscript. This may include sub-editing changes and minor amendments to ensure the paper fully meets our criteria. After a final check at the editorial office, acceptance is confirmed and the article is forwarded to the publisher for publication.


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