Problems of E-Learning During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Syntax Admiration: Vol. 3, No. 10 October 2022 1329
students have bad study habits during distance learning. This can be seen when filling out the
attendance list, sometimes it is filled in the afternoon or on other days.
Students should be able to show that they have been able to solve learning tasks or
transfer learning outcomes. However, in reality, many students still find it difficult to do this.
The solution is that the teacher should provide varied learning models to students so that
students are not burdened and do not feel bored in this distance learning process. The teacher
must also try to give understanding to students that the material or task given is very easy and
provide rewards for students who are active and good in participating in learning.
The distance learning process should ideally still be able to accommodate the learning
needs of students to develop talents and interests according to their education level. To
achieve this, it is necessary to prepare human resources, an appropriate curriculum, the
availability of learning resources, and support for stable devices and networks so that
communication between students and educators can be effective.
The current state of the distance learning process cannot be said to be ideal, as various
obstacles remain. This hurdle also poses a challenge to the implementation of distance
learning, given that distance learning is necessary to conduct educational activities during the
emergency of the current Covid-19 pandemic. Barriers and challenges to implementing
distance learning are related to human resource preparation, lack of appropriate and diverse
teaching materials, limited facilities and infrastructure, especially technical support and
internet networks. Human resource preparation, including support from educators, students
and parents, is the most important part of implementing PJJ.
Responding to various complaints about restrictions on internet access and learning
activities stressing educators and students, the Ministry of Education and Culture is calling
for meaningful education, not just academic or cognitive achievement. More precisely, the
rules for the home learning process are laid down in the Minister of Education and Culture
Circular No. 4 of 2020 on the implementation of educational policies in the emergency
situation of the spread of the coronavirus disease (Covid-2019).
The second bullet point of the notice explains that the home-learning process will
proceed as follows: First, it is designed to provide students with a meaningful learning
experience without having to complete all syllabus work to advance grades and graduate.
Second, it focuses on life skills education, including the Covid-19 pandemic. Third, learning
activities and assignments may vary based on students’ individual interests and conditions,
including addressing gaps in home access/learning facilities. Fourth, evidence or products of
home learning activities receive qualitative and useful feedback from teachers without the
need to provide quantitative scores/values.
Harris Iskanda as Plt. Director-General of Early Childhood Education, Ministry of
Education and Culture, says teachers do not need to focus on online learning and assignments
(Cnnindonesia, 2020). Teachers should be creative and innovative in exploring interesting
learning activities, especially given the limitations of technology and internet connectivity.
For example, learn through a project to create a student-ready hand sanitizer from traditional
spices. Teachers have an important strategic role in educational settings.
This is because teachers are at the forefront of implementing education. As
practitioners, educators must embrace the challenge of balancing an era of change marked by