How to cite:
Suyuti, Achmad Wildan (2022). Problems of E-Learning During the Covid-19 Pandemic. Jurnal
Syntax Admiration, 3(10).
Published by:
Ridwan Institute
Achmad Wildan Suyuti, Giyoto, Imam Makruf
Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Mas Said Surakarta
Indonesia has been facing a pandemic since the government announced its first case of
coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19) in March 2020. Almost all areas of life are affected,
including education. The spread of Covid-19 is so fast and has spread to almost all countries,
including Indonesia, that the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the outbreak a
pandemic on March 11, 2020, Nearly 264 million children and adults were not in school
during the pandemic (UNESCO, 2020) and this pandemic has made educational conditions
undergo a significant change, thus requiring educators to conduct e-learning/ online /on-line
(Martínez et al., 2020).
Jurnal Syntax Admiration
Vol. 3 No. 10 October 2022
p-ISSN : 2722-7782 e-ISSN : 2722-5356
Technical Social
05 September 2022
18 October 2022
24 October 2022
The learning process in educational institutions during the
Covid-19 pandemic has several problems faced. The Ministry
of Education and Culture took a firm stance through several
circulars related to education policies in the emergency period
of the spread of Covid-19. This paper examines the
implementation of education policies during the Covid-19
pandemic related to distance learning policies. The distance
learning process is a solution which in its implementation has
not been optimal as a whole. There are things that must be
considered in this distance learning, among others, the quality
of teacher resources must be improved, both in terms of
content and methodology as well as in terms of the use of
information technology. In addition, students are also less
active in participating in distance learning, either due to an
unstable internet network or in terms of providing limited
internet quota. The purpose of writing this article is to learn
and understand the problems in learning activities during the
pandemic, namely distance learning so that students can
follow it actively and interestingly. This study uses a
qualitative and observational approach. The results of this
study prove that e-learning during the COVID-19 pandemic
has caused various responses and changes to system that can
affect the learning process and the level of development of
students in responding to the material presented.
Covid-19, Distance
Learning, Education .
Problems of E-Learning During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Syntax Admiration: Vol. 3, No. 10 October 2022 1325
Al-Ukhuwah Islamic Boarding School Sukoharjo is one of the Islamic educational
institutions based on Islamic boarding schools under the auspices of the Al-Ukhuwah
Foundation located in Sukoharjo Regency. As an Islamic educational institution based on
Islamic boarding schools, Pondok Pesantren Al-Ukhuwah Sukoharjo strives to become a
superior educational institution by integrating science and religion, so that graduates who are
expected to be superior and have character to benefit the students themselves are also
beneficial to their families, communities and countries. This is as stated in the school's vision
and mission.
The Covid-19 pandemic has swept the world, including Indonesia, affecting every
aspect of life, including education (Basar, 2021). Therefore, educational institutions require
the process of learning activities to be conducted remotely, i.e. students must learn and
teachers must continue teaching even when students are at home (Cahyani et al., 2020).
Therefore, teachers need to design learning through the use of online media. This is in line
with the decision of the Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia
Circular No. 4 of 2020 on the implementation of educational policies during the emergency
period of the spread of Covid-19. Various initiatives have been implemented to ensure that
learning activities continue without face-to-face activities. Technology, especially the
internet, smartphones and laptops, is now widely used to support distance learning (Lisapaly,
Learning during the Covid-19 pandemic has led to extraordinary changes, as if all
levels of education, including Islamic boarding schools, were “forced” to change and
suddenly adapt to learning at home through online media (Viani, 2021). It's certainly not an
easy task, as it's not quite done yet. The problem in the education world is that the learning
process is not yet uniform, both in terms of standards and the quality of expected learning
outcomes. Educators and students will surely find this difficult. Educators in particular need
to be creative in delivering materials through online learning media (Lestari et al., 2021).
This must also be adapted to the needs of the educational level. These effects will lead to
physical and psychological stress (Solviana, 2020). This must also be adapted to the needs of
the educational level. These effects will lead to physical and psychological stress (Jaelani et
al., 2020).
Distance learning has become a challenge in the education world. Important aspects of
improving distance learning skills need to be improved, including through training
programmes for teachers in the use of ICT (Sari & Khamid, 2021). For distance learning to
go smoothly, teachers only have basic technical skills (such as how to use a computer and
internet connection), but also know how to use recording equipment and software, and it is
not enough to teach without face - face-to-face interaction (interesting tutorial video)
(Hasanah, 2022). These skills are required when using online learning platforms. More
importantly, the gap between training scenarios and live execution must be minimized
(Azzahra, 2020).
The distance learning process using e-learning during the Covid-19 pandemic should
continue to be able to meet the learning needs of students to develop talents and interests
according to their educational level (Nurdin & La Ode Anhusadar, 2021). Achieving this,
however, requires the willingness of educators, appropriate curriculum, availability of
1326 Syntax Admiration: Vol. 3, No. 10 October 2022
learning resources, and support for stable devices and networks so that communication
between students and educators can be effective (Efastri & Islami, 2021). The current state of
the distance learning process cannot be said to be ideal as there are still various obstacles to
overcome. Since March 16, 2020, the Child Protection Board of Indonesia (KPAI) has
received approximately 213 complaints from parents and students regarding the
implementation of distance learning (Ihsanuddin, 2020). The complaints involved: First, the
work was too difficult and the time was short. Second, there are many tasks for summarizing
and copying books. Third, the study time is still strict. Fourth, the number of participants in
online learning is limited. Fifth, some students do not have personal devices, making it
difficult to take online exams.
This hurdle also poses a challenge to the implementation of distance learning, given
that distance learning is necessary to conduct educational activities during the emergency of
the current Covid-19 pandemic. Barriers to implementing distance learning are related to
human resource preparation, lack of clear direction by local governments, lack of appropriate
curriculum, and limited facilities and infrastructure, especially technical support and internet
networks (Pujowati, 2021). Human resource readiness, including educator, student and parent
support, is the most important part of implementing distance learning (Arifa, 2020).
To prevent the spread of Covid-19 to residents of educational institutions and the wider
community, the Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemendikbud) has issued a circular on
Covid-19 prevention and management. Circular No. 4 of 2020 on the implementation of
education policies during the emergency situation of the spread of the coronavirus disease
(Covid-19), which includes instructions on the learning process at home through distance
learning. Schools where teachers and students meet and interact every day can be a vector for
the spread of Covid-19. To protect school residents from contracting Covid-19, various
districts have implemented home-learning policies. The policy targets all levels of education,
from pre-primary to tertiary education, both public and private. A home-learning policy will
be implemented while continuing to engage educators and students through distance learning.
This paper describes the various problems of distance learning faced by teachers, students
and parents at Al-Ukhuwah Islamic Boarding School Sukoharjo during the Covid-19
This research method is qualitative research, research that produces descriptive data in
the form of people's written or spoken language and observable behavior (Tanzeh, 2011).
Researchers as central tools and findings emphasize meaning rather than generalization.
Researchers use such studies as an opportunity to describe and present data on distance
learning issues during the Covid-19 pandemic at Sukoharjo, an Islamic boarding school in
Al-Ukhuwah. The type of research used in this study was a descriptive qualitative research
design. Qualitative descriptive research is a research design that objectively describes the
research data.
In this study, the researchers only described or described the problems of distance
learning during the COVID-19 pandemic. This design is achieved by collecting, curating and
presenting data objectively. This study begins with a problem statement discussing the
Problems of E-Learning During the Covid-19 Pandemic
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implementation of distance learning at Sukoharjo, an Islamic boarding school in Al-
Ukhuwah. The data sources for this study were: a) teachers teaching at Pondok Pesantren Al-
Ukhuwah Sukoharjo who wished to provide data on distance learning issues, acting as
informants; b) students and c) parents of students.
Three data collection techniques were used in this study, namely observation, recording
and interview techniques. Depending on the data collection techniques used, the tools in this
study are relevant to distance learning issues during the Covid-19 pandemic. The research
tools in question are a) online observations to indirectly observe what is going on during the
implementation of learning; b) support tools and applications (laptops, smartphones, Google
Classroom, Google Sheets); c) in the form of learning-related documents requested directly
from teachers. Depending on the data collection techniques used, the tools in this study are
relevant to distance learning issues during the Covid-19 pandemic. Researchers extend their
observations by examining distance learning problems for valid and reliable data.
The research was conducted at Sukoharjo, an Islamic boarding school in Al-Ukhuwah.
The survey targets students and teachers in the field of study taught at Sukoharjo, an Islamic
boarding school in Al-Ukhuwah. The research was conducted by identifying problems
encountered in learning activities during the Covid-19 pandemic. with e-learning. The social
contexts that became the findings of this study were online learning media, educators, and
students. Then collect, analyze, and reason as necessary to solve problems in the form of
interesting distance learning strategies during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Results and Discussion
There are many issues teachers face as educators in the learning process, divided into
several indicators, including: 1) the process of providing learning materials, 2) the process of
interacting with students during the learning process, and 3) quality empowerment facilities
and learning elements , 4) manage the teaching materials provided during the learning
process, and 5) create curriculum equipment that meets current conditions (Rezky et al.,
Insights gained from this research relate to human resources, infrastructure and material
or instructional material-related constraints faced by students with less knowledge of the
content of materials provided by teachers through online media, sometimes via internet
networks Disruption, lack of media usage. Online learning, so certain topics that require
specific learning tools and/or media cannot be optimally communicated by teachers. To
address this, schools have tried to address these issues, for example, by holding training
sessions for teachers on how to use online learning media such as Google Sheets, creating
learning videos and uploading them to Youtube.
In addition, in terms of the supporting infrastructure used by teachers in the learning
process, such as strengthening the internet network, it has been built, so that the distance
learning process can be carried out optimally. In terms of teacher attitudes towards students
in distance learning, this is divided into several indicators including: 1) addressing or
perceiving the character or character of a teacher towards the learning process, 2) responding
or perceiving the character or character of a student towards the learning process, 3) helping
students' self-confidence in the learning process, 4) provide guidance to students in the
1328 Syntax Admiration: Vol. 3, No. 10 October 2022
learning process who have obstacles in distance learning and 5) communicate the evaluation
of e-learning with all parents of students.
Therefore, a teacher needs to know and be able to apply some teaching principles in
order to carry out their duties professionally. Among them, (1) teachers must be able to
arouse the attention of students on the subject matter provided and be able to use various
media and varied learning resources; (2) teachers must be able to arouse the interest of
students to be active in thinking and seek and find their own solutions to the problems they
face; (3) the teacher must develop the attitude of students in fostering social relations, both
among friends and with the community; and (4) teachers must investigate and explore the
differences of individual participants in order to serve students according to their abilities.
The condition of student learning when studying at home has been more than a year, so
that it makes him bored and finally lazy. Teachers find it difficult to provide motivation in the
learning process because students also feel unsupervised, moreover both parents are not able
to optimally supervise their learning activities, so no one guides them to learn, while the
learning process takes place in the morning until noon.
This is a problem teachers face when measuring student learning outcomes, as students
find it difficult to grasp or understand every metric submitted during distance learning, even
though learning metrics have been repeatedly submitted by teachers through learning media
such as WhatsApp platforms. This makes it difficult for teachers to know whether students
understand what is being taught to meet the specified minimum completion standard (KKM).
The reality in the field is supported by Permendikbud No. 65 of 2013 related to
preliminary activities, that teachers must prepare the following: (1) condition students to be
ready to participate in the learning process; (2) provide learning motivation to students
contextually according to the benefits and application of teaching materials in everyday life;
(3) ask questions that relate previous knowledge to the material to be studied; (4) lead
students to a problem that will be carried out to study a material and explain the learning
objectives to be achieved; and (5) convey an outline of the scope of the material and an
explanation of the activities that will be carried out by students to solve problems or
assignments. Teachers must be good at processing classes, so that they can create a conducive
learning atmosphere, provide motivation to students, attention, and even have to build more
communication with parents of students regarding the development of students while at home
(Kemendikbud, 2020).
Regarding the student mentoring process, teachers are ready to be contacted at any time
in terms of helping students understand and complete their assignments. Meanwhile, in
responding to the student learning process, the obstacle is giving a warning to students who
have never been active in WhatsApp class, even though it is enough to fill in the attendance
list provided or just comment is already considered present. Some students assume that in
giving assignments not many are able to do it properly based on what has been taught, in this
case students need direct assistance.
Based on the results of filling out the attendance list online, whether it's through the
google form, the results of the online attendance list of students, they have not been able to
make good use of study time, their way of learning is irregular so that it reflects that these
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students have bad study habits during distance learning. This can be seen when filling out the
attendance list, sometimes it is filled in the afternoon or on other days.
Students should be able to show that they have been able to solve learning tasks or
transfer learning outcomes. However, in reality, many students still find it difficult to do this.
The solution is that the teacher should provide varied learning models to students so that
students are not burdened and do not feel bored in this distance learning process. The teacher
must also try to give understanding to students that the material or task given is very easy and
provide rewards for students who are active and good in participating in learning.
The distance learning process should ideally still be able to accommodate the learning
needs of students to develop talents and interests according to their education level. To
achieve this, it is necessary to prepare human resources, an appropriate curriculum, the
availability of learning resources, and support for stable devices and networks so that
communication between students and educators can be effective.
The current state of the distance learning process cannot be said to be ideal, as various
obstacles remain. This hurdle also poses a challenge to the implementation of distance
learning, given that distance learning is necessary to conduct educational activities during the
emergency of the current Covid-19 pandemic. Barriers and challenges to implementing
distance learning are related to human resource preparation, lack of appropriate and diverse
teaching materials, limited facilities and infrastructure, especially technical support and
internet networks. Human resource preparation, including support from educators, students
and parents, is the most important part of implementing PJJ.
Responding to various complaints about restrictions on internet access and learning
activities stressing educators and students, the Ministry of Education and Culture is calling
for meaningful education, not just academic or cognitive achievement. More precisely, the
rules for the home learning process are laid down in the Minister of Education and Culture
Circular No. 4 of 2020 on the implementation of educational policies in the emergency
situation of the spread of the coronavirus disease (Covid-2019).
The second bullet point of the notice explains that the home-learning process will
proceed as follows: First, it is designed to provide students with a meaningful learning
experience without having to complete all syllabus work to advance grades and graduate.
Second, it focuses on life skills education, including the Covid-19 pandemic. Third, learning
activities and assignments may vary based on students’ individual interests and conditions,
including addressing gaps in home access/learning facilities. Fourth, evidence or products of
home learning activities receive qualitative and useful feedback from teachers without the
need to provide quantitative scores/values.
Harris Iskanda as Plt. Director-General of Early Childhood Education, Ministry of
Education and Culture, says teachers do not need to focus on online learning and assignments
(Cnnindonesia, 2020). Teachers should be creative and innovative in exploring interesting
learning activities, especially given the limitations of technology and internet connectivity.
For example, learn through a project to create a student-ready hand sanitizer from traditional
spices. Teachers have an important strategic role in educational settings.
This is because teachers are at the forefront of implementing education. As
practitioners, educators must embrace the challenge of balancing an era of change marked by
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technological complexity with ethical values. This way, schools can become moral
strongholds for children, allowing them to grow with technology and use it for positive
things. As a profession, teachers must possess academic qualifications, competencies,
educator certification, physical and mental health, and the ability to achieve national
educational goals (Law No. 14 of 2005).
The purpose of writing this article is to learn and understand the problems in learning
activities during the pandemic, namely distance learning so that students can follow it
actively and interestingly.
The distance learning process that is currently being carried out at the Al-Ukhuwah
Sukoharjo Islamic boarding school is quite good but it cannot be called an ideal learning
condition, but an emergency condition that must be implemented. There are still some
obstacles so that all learning can run optimally. There needs to be external and internal
collaboration with various related parties to make various efforts to be able to overcome
problems that occur in the distance learning process, both in terms of regulations, increasing
educator readiness, as well as expanding networks and access to learning resources, so that
they can run effectively and efficiently.
However, these efforts must continue to improve so that the optimization of distance
learning can be done not only for emergencies like today, but also under normal
circumstances based on learning needs. Government and stakeholders must continue their
efforts to promote synergies across relevant sectors to optimise the quality of education in the
context of the Covid-19 emergency and the implementation of sustainable education in the
Problems of E-Learning During the Covid-19 Pandemic
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Copyright holder :
Achmad Wildan Suyuti, Giyoto, Imam Makruf (2022)
First publication right :
Jurnal Syntax Admiration
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