Volume 4, No. 4 April
p-ISSN 2722-7782 | e-ISSN 2722-5356
DOI: �https://doi.org/
Herry Shufi, Pio Ranap Tua Naibaho
Teknik, Universitas Tama Jagakarsa
Email: [email protected], [email protected]
Abstrak: ��������
construction of the OCC Building is the main target of all buildings that must
be completed in the Jabodebek LRT Depot area located
in Jatimulya, East Bekasi. In writing this thesis,
only discusses the stages of casting concrete structures on the foundation. The
condition of a very large area with various other construction works around it
and very limited execution time requires contractors to be creative and find
solutions about the most effective and efficient methods. The construction of
the OCC Building uses concrete construction with quality K-250 (fc'20.75 MPa)
and K-350 (fc'29.05 MPa). The problem occurs is because this area is between
the side of the Jakarta-Cikampek toll road and the
edge of Kalimalang which also has the Kalimalang highway which both are roads that have a very
dense traffic flow, so alternative foundry work methods are needed. In this
project, 2 casting methods are used, namely by using Ready Mix Concrete and Dry
Mix Concrete. Meanwhile, the writing of this case studies only reviews aspects
of quality, time, and cost if the casting method only uses Dry Mix concrete as
a substitute material for Ready Mix concrete. If only viewed from the cost of
casting, the use of dry mix concrete requires higher costs than ready mix, but
when viewed as a whole from all aspects of work costs, the use of dry mix can
increase time efficiency in project completion, so that it can affect cost
efficiency which at the end of the project can be completed faster at a lower
cost. Meanwhile, from the results of data processing with the Analitycal Hierarcy Process (AHP)
method, Dry Mix concrete is more chosen by respondents, it can be concluded
that Dry Mix concrete is better than Ready Mix concrete for use in the OCC
Building-Depo LRT Jabodetabek construction project.
Keywords: AHP; �Cost; �Dry Mix; �Method Of
Implementation; �Ready Mix; Time.��������������
Article History�����������
Accepted�������� : 5 April 2023
Revised����������� :
Publish������������ :
The Jabodebek
Integrated Cross Rail Project or abbreviated as Jabodebek
LRT is a rapid transit system with light rail / Light Rail Transit (LRT) that
is being built in Jakarta and integrated with the Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, and
Bekasi areas (Bintari & Pandiangan, 2016). Jabodebek LRT operations
will be operated by PT. Kereta Api
Indonesia (KAI) Operation Area I Jakarta (Farda & Lubis, 2018). The LRT engine control room is centered entirely
in the Operation Control Center (OCC) located in the Operation Control Center Building.
Operation Control Center
Building (OCC Building) is one of the supporting buildings for operational
facilities in the Jati Mulya-East Bekasi Depot Area (Kuntjoro & Aji, 2018). This building structure is built with concrete
construction, where there are 2 types of instant concrete used, Amran (2022) namely: (a) Ready Mix instant concrete for casting
structures. (b) Dry mix instant concrete for non-structural casting.
The project area is
located between the side of the Jakarta-Cikampek toll
road and the edge of Kalimalang, which also has the Kalimalang highway. Given the short period of work and the
very dense traffic flow on both roads which resulted in the smooth delivery of
Ready Mix concrete material from the batching plant to the location (Zekavat et al., 2014);(Nemati & Uhlmeyer, 2021). So that large volume casting work is very
dependent on the situation, an alternative Construction Value Engineering is
needed in the casting method using Dry Mix concrete in small volumes and large
volumes so that the work can be completed in a more effective and efficient
period (Birgitta et al., 2020);(Soekarno & Hari Murti, 2022). This Construction Value Engineering needs to be
done considering the actual condition of the concrete compressive strength test
results in Dry Mix relatively faster than Ready Mix against the quality target
design (Tangnga, 2022). Where dry mix usually reaches 100% of the target
quality design at the age of concrete on the 3rd or 7th day.
The purpose of this study
is to find out the best alternative by determining the ratio between dry mix
and ready mix concrete in terms of quality, time, and
cost. The benefits of this research are: (a) Demonstrate the ability to
innovate in the field of construction. (b) Save time and cost. (c) Reduce
environmental impact.
There is also a similar study conducted by Raharja (2013), In his research
entitled "The Effect of Using Rice Husk Ash as a Partial Cement
Replacement Material on the Compressive Strength and Modulus of Elasticity of
High Performance Concrete" in his research resulted in that the use of
rice husk ash as a substitute for some cement resulted in an increase in
compressive strength value. The largest increase occurred in the 10% variation
of rice husk ash, which was 18.15% (from 85.55 MPa to 101.07 MPa). The effect
of rice husk ash on the modulus of elasticity is directly proportional to its
compressive strength.
Special Value Engineering is applied to the upper structure work of the OCC
Building building using the method or technique of
the Value Engineering Work Plan. The research flow diagram related to the
application of the Value Engineering method can be seen in the following figure:
Figure 1 Research Flow Chart
Data collection techniques in writing this Thesis are obtained through (a)
Observation. (b) Interview. (c) Making field notes.
Analytical Hierarcy Process (AHP) Method
The Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method is
not an Expert System but is included in one of the Decision Support Systems
(DSS) which is an interactive information system for information providers,
modeling, and data manipulation (Sarabi
& Darestani, 2021). This method is one of
the methods used in decision-making systems that take into account factors of
experience, preferences, intuition, and perception and is perfect for combining
personal judgments logically (Eling
et al., 2014). Furthermore, the
personal assessment is processed with AHP so that it changes form into a number
that is easy to calculate. In using the AHP method, several
principles must be understood Utomo (2019), namely (a) Creating a Hierarchy. (b) Assessment of
Criteria and Alternatives.
Table 1
Saaty Comparison Scale
Intensity of Importance |
Information |
1 |
element is equally important |
3 |
element is slightly more important than the other |
5 |
element is more important than another |
7 |
element is more important than another |
9 |
element is essential over the other |
�2,4,6,8 |
between two adjacent counterweight values |
Opposite |
activity I get one number compared to activity j, then j has the inverse
value compared to i. |
After getting all the data needed, then a Value
Engineering analysis is carried out to produce cost savings. Furthermore, the
calculation of the data obtained into the AHP method is carried out, so that
definite results are obtained in the form of Ranking which is used to help the
object in breaking the problem (Franci et al., 2016).
A. Foundry Work Segment
Table 2
Casting Segment Volume
Lt.D |
Lt.1 |
Lt.2 |
Lt.3 |
Lt.4 |
LR |
UR |
No |
Type of Construction |
Concrete Quality |
Vol/Seg |
Vol/Seg |
Vol/Seg |
Vol/Seg |
Vol/Seg |
Vol/Seg |
Vol/Seg |
1 |
Column Structure |
K-350 |
22.76 |
18.66 |
25.04 |
23.13 |
14.70 |
2 |
Structure Beam |
K-350 |
3.13 |
17.94 |
26.60 |
26.36 |
19.49 |
22.01 |
3 |
Seperator Beam |
K-350 |
0.59 |
0.59 |
0.59 |
1.17 |
1.56 |
4 |
Plate |
K-350 |
20.29 |
3.60 |
17.86 |
28.43 |
28.40 |
23.05 |
18.14 |
5 |
Ladder |
K-350 |
2.64 |
7.95 |
6.15 |
5.17 |
3.99 |
6 |
Terrace Embankment, Parapet, Wall &; Dog House |
K-350 |
2.97 |
5.13 |
7.54 |
7,09 |
7 |
Planter Box |
K-350 |
2.39 |
2.44 |
8 |
AC Outdoor Stand |
K-350 |
0.75 |
0.87 |
9 |
Pedestal GRC,CW & Hoist |
K-350 |
2.88 |
10 |
Close Dog House |
K-350 |
1.70 |
11 |
Floor Thickening 75 mm |
K-250 |
6.18 |
8.23 |
14.03 |
8.49 |
Casting criteria in this work
are divided into 3 types of foundries, namely:
Type I (points 1, 2, and 4)
The volume of concrete needs is quite high in
each casting segment and must be prepared, calculated, and carried out
continuously according to land readiness and it is ensured that there is no
time lag until the casting is completed.
Type II (points 5, 6, 11)
The volume of concrete is
adjusted on the casting segment, carried out in stages;
Type III (points 3, 7, 8, 9, 10):�������
Very little concrete volume in the casting segment, it can be carried out
gradually and related to previous work.
Casting Duration
Based on routine observations for the results of
the Concrete Compressive Strength Test on test specimens made in the Concrete
Mix Experiment, the casting duration is planned by referring to the following:
(a) Dry Mix K Concrete-350 (fc�29.05 MPa), Achieve Quality ≥60% or K-210
(fc�17.43 MPa), at the age of concrete 3 days. (b) K Ready Mix Concrete-350
(fc�29.05 MPa), Achieve Quality ≥60% or K-210 (fc�17.43 MPa), at the age
of concrete 7 days.�
Figure 1 Dry Mix Casting Duration
Figure 2 Ready Mix Casting Duration
A comparison of the time required for all casting
work on the use of each type of concrete Ramadhani (2021) is (a) the Total duration of Dry
Mix is 77 days. (b) The total duration of Ready Mix is 124 days. (c) Time
difference of 47 days. (d) Percentage difference in duration -37.9 %.
It is known that the duration of casting with Dry
Mix is 47 days faster or 37.9% faster than with Ready Mix. The ratio of the
duration of the implementation is Dry Mix 1: 1.61 Ready Mix
Casting Cost
Table 3
Concrete Work Cost Budget Plan
Dry Mix |
Ready Mix |
NO |
Type of
Construction |
Volume |
Price (Rp) |
Price (Rp) |
Sum |
Sum |
1 |
Column Structure |
566.96 m3 |
5,728,696,013 |
5,121,973,336 |
2 |
Structure Beam |
698.47 m3 |
5,716,126,999 |
4,968,671,116 |
3 |
Separator Beam |
4.50 m3 |
36,827,024 |
32,011,425 |
4 |
Plat |
997.70 m3 |
7,444,945,276 |
6,377,273,458 |
5 |
Ladder |
59.50 m3 |
371,474,602 |
296,458,006 |
6 |
Terrace Embankment, Parapet,
Wall &; Dog House |
52.44 m3 |
350,887,478 |
294,769,697 |
7 |
Planter Box |
7.26 m3 |
48,578,244 |
40,809,077 |
8 |
Outdoor Ac Stand |
3.23 m3 |
21,612,635 |
18,156,105 |
9 |
Pedestal GRC, CW & Hoist |
5.76 m3 |
38,541,416 |
32,377,450 |
10 |
Close Dog House |
1.70 m3 |
11,375,071 |
9,555,845 |
11 |
Floor Thickening 75 mm |
132.57 m3 |
295,178,125 |
171,406,382 |
Total Concrete Work |
20,064,242,883 |
17,363,461,895 |
The costs required for casting can be seen in the
following cost comparison:
Total Cost of Dry Mix=
Total Cost of Ready Mix= 17.363.461.895
Cost Difference= 2.700.780.988
Percentage difference in cost= 15,55%
It is known that the cost of casting with Dry Mix
is more expensive 2.700.780.988 or 15,55 % more expensive than Ready Mix. The
Implementation Cost Ratio is Dry Mix 1.16: 1 Ready Mix. The calculation of the
implementation duration ratio between the dry mix and ready
mix concrete methods will be different if there are differences in conditions
as follows: (a) If the access road to the location is getting farther or more
difficult, you can use Dry Mix concrete with the packaging of 50 kg/sack (0.024
m3), but ready mix concrete can only use mini mixer maximum capacity of 3 m3.
The casting duration of the dry mix will be faster than the ready mix. While
the difference in casting costs is getting smaller, where Ready Mix casting is
only slightly cheaper than Dry Mix. (b) If the access road to the site is very
far or very difficult, so that it can only be passed by small vehicles, the
foundry may only use packaged dry mix concrete or conventional processed
Application of the AHP Method
The data analyzed in the AHP method was obtained by distributing
questionnaires to experts regarding the criteria for casting work using Dry Mix
and Ready Mix concrete. The purpose of distributing
this questionnaire is so that respondents fill out a Google form that is made
containing all components of criteria and alternatives, all comparison values that
must be filled in by respondents are in the Google form. The respondents were
chosen from 50 people, the majority of whom were engineers who worked in the
field of structure and infrastructure.
Key Criteria Weighted Value
Definition of criteria to be used as a measuring point for
problem-solving and the level of importance of each criterion: Hierarchy, Best concrete material.
Table 4
Main Criteria Data of foundry work
Criterion |
Code |
Location |
C1 |
methods |
C2 |
Workforce |
C3 |
Quality |
C4 |
Time |
C5 |
Cost |
C6 |
Table 5
Summation of weights of key criteria
No |
Criterion |
Respondents |
Geomin |
Criterion |
1 |
2 |
3 |
48 |
49 |
50 |
1 |
Location |
0.20 |
0.20 |
0.11 |
0.20 |
0.33 |
0.14 |
0.27 |
Working Method |
2 |
Location |
0.14 |
0.17 |
0.14 |
0.33 |
0.14 |
0.20 |
0.50 |
Workforce |
3 |
Location |
0.11 |
0.14 |
0.17 |
0.11 |
0.11 |
0.14 |
0.20 |
Quality |
4 |
Location |
5.00 |
0.14 |
0.17 |
0.33 |
0.14 |
0.20 |
0.46 |
Time |
5 |
Location |
0.14 |
0.11 |
0.13 |
0.20 |
3.00 |
0.14 |
0.33 |
Cost |
6 |
Working Method |
7.00 |
5.00 |
8.00 |
9.00 |
5.00 |
7.00 |
4.16 |
Workforce |
7 |
Working Method |
0.11 |
6.00 |
5.00 |
0.14 |
0.33 |
0.20 |
0.34 |
Quality |
8 |
Working Method |
5.00 |
0.13 |
7.00 |
9.00 |
5.00 |
7.00 |
2.46 |
Time |
9 |
Working Method |
7.00 |
0.11 |
7.00 |
5.00 |
3.00 |
7.00 |
1.83 |
Cost |
10 |
Workforce |
0.11 |
0.20 |
0.17 |
0.11 |
0.11 |
0.14 |
0.21 |
Quality |
11 |
Workforce |
7.00 |
0.33 |
0.17 |
0.33 |
0.14 |
0.20 |
0.49 |
Time |
12 |
Workforce |
0.11 |
0.33 |
0.17 |
0.20 |
0.14 |
0.33 |
0.48 |
Cost |
13 |
Quality |
9.00 |
0.14 |
8.00 |
9.00 |
7.00 |
9.00 |
4.21 |
Time |
14 |
Quality |
8.00 |
0.13 |
8.00 |
7.00 |
9.00 |
5.00 |
3.84 |
Cost |
15 |
Time |
0.14 |
8.00 |
8.00 |
5.00 |
3.00 |
7.00 |
1.75 |
Cost |
Furthermore, the calculation of the sum of the weights filled in by respondents
is 1 � 50, then the total weight is divided by the number of respondents,
namely 50 respondents.
Table 6
Consistency Calculation
The Index Consistency calculation for each
criterion is location 6.17; working method 6.32; labor force 6.07; quality
6.37; time 6.26; and costs 6.14. This process is carried out to determine the
Consistency Ratio (CR) value. Where the consistency requirement must be less
than 10% or CR< 0.1. After calculating the weight of the criteria in Table
4.13, the maximum lambda value is calculated (λMaks),
summing the result of multiplying priority weights by the number of columns.
The maximum lambda value (λMax),
λMaks = (6,17 + 6,32 + 6,07 + 6,37 + 6,26 + 6,14) / 6 = 6,221
Calculate the Index Consistency value (CI):
CI= (λMaks � n) /
�� = (6,221-6)
/ (6 -1)
����������� = 0,044 < 0,1 consistent
Consistency Ratio Value �(CR), is calculated by dividing the
Consistency Index (CI) by Random Index (RI). For matrix order n = 6, value RI =
CR = CI/RI =0,044/1,24 = 0,036 consistent
The ratio Consistency Value of
0,036 is no more than the tolerance limit of 0,1, Therefore, this comparison
matrix is considered consistent and confirms that the study does not need to be
repeated or improved.
Table 7
Concrete Alternative Data
Alternatives |
Kode |
Dry Mix |
A1 |
Ready Mix |
A2 |
After the weight of the criteria is obtained by the AHP method, then
analyze the best alternative between the two alternatives of Dry Mix Concrete
and Ready Mix concrete based on the criteria of Location,
Work Method, Labor, Quality, Time, and Cost.
Table 8
Global Priority Ranking
Based on concrete alternatives
Alternatives |
Ranking |
Dry Mix |
0,58 |
Ready Mix |
0,42 |
From the final result of the calculation of the
method AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process), it is known that the order of Global
Priority is as follows:
a. Concrete Dry Mix (A1), First rank by value 0,58
b. Concrete Ready Mix (A2), Second rank by value
From these results, the concrete that was chosen by respondents for the
structural work of OCC Building-Depo LRT Jabodebek was
Dry Mix concrete.
Alternative Diagram of AHP Results
Quality Target Design Ratio between Dry Mix and Ready Mix concrete methods: (a) 3 days faster Dry Mix quality target 50%
dari Ready Mix. (b) The 7-day quality target of 23%
faster Dry Mix than Ready Mix. (c) The ratio of implementation
duration between dry mix and ready mix concrete method
is Dry Mix 1: 1,61 Ready Mix. (d) The Implementation Cost Ratio
between Dry Mix and Ready Mix concrete methods is Dry Mix 1,16: 1�
Ready Mix.
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Raden Herry Shufi, Mardiaman, MT (s) (2023) |
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