JSA 2Volume 4, No. 4 April 2023

p-ISSN 2722-7782 | e-ISSN 2722-5356

DOI: �https://doi.org/




Larasati Nurul Iman

Perbanas Institute

Email: [email protected]




This study aims to determine the impact of using hashtags and optimizing broadcast time on the reach of Lontara.app Instagram. The type of data carried out in this study is quantitative data in the form of reach figures seen on Lontara.app Instagram insights. This research sees the difference between before-using broadcast time optimization and after-broadcast posts at the highest and second-highest time of followers in Lontara.App instagram account. From this research, there has been an increase in the reach of Instagram Lontara. app by optimizing broadcast time with the aim that the content created can be seen by potential customers or consumers right when they are active. The results of this study indicate an 81.76% increase in Instagram Reach for the use optimization of broadcast time using the highest active time from Instagram Followers. Conclusion, From this study, optimizing broadcast time increases the reach of Instagram Lontara. app. This is evidenced by Lontara.app's Instagram reaches data which has increased. After calculating the increase, it was found that the result of the increase was in Condition 1 at 18.00 WIB, which was the highest active time of 81.76%, and Condition 2, which was the second highest active time of 40.8%. From this research, there has been an increase in the reach of Instagram Lontara. app by optimizing broadcast time with the aim that the content created can be seen by potential customers or consumers right when they are active.


Keywords: Hydraulic; Paving Block; Suppressant



Article History�����������

Accepted�������� : 10 April 2023

Revised����������� : 16-04-2023

Publish������������ : 25-04-2023



In the industrial era 4.0, the development of technology and information has become very important in providing information with a wide range (Javaid et al., 2020). According to Williams (1999), information technology is a technology that combines computers (computing) with high-tech communications so that they can carry data, voice, and video. According to the Big Indonesian Dictionary (2016), technology provides all the necessities and comforts of human life. The rapid development of technology and information gave birth to an information society (�alışkan, 2015). An information society is one in which part of its generation works in the information field and considers information an essential part of life (S�nchez-Hern�ndez et al., 2019). The existence of developments in information and communication technology that has changed people's habits has become an opportunity for marketers to build digital marketing (Xiang et al., 2015).

As a social media platform, Instagram can function as a good liaison between sellers or service providers to consumers through content (Yahia et al., 2018). According to Kotler and Kartajaya (2019), marketing using content is a form of brand journalism and publication expected to connect a brand with consumers. Hashtagging content will reach consumers with appropriate interest. In addition to hashtagging, display time placement is essential so that content can appear on consumers' homepages at the right time (Helm & Jones, 2016). The Lontara app is one of the products that utilize Instagram for its marketing activities.

Instagram is a platform with great potential, especially in digital marketing (Konstantopoulou et al., 2019). As reported in Jurnal. id on the Entrepreneur Journal page, around 75% of Instagram users shop, search, and notify others when they see a product display (Putri & Windasari, 2023). Based on data obtained by one of the creative agencies, We Are Social (2021), Indonesia is even ranked 4th on Instagram users, namely 62 million people. Also, the average Indonesian spends 8 hours 52 minutes a day accessing the internet, 3 hours and 14 minutes of which are used to access social media. Based on data compiled by We Are Social (2021), 86% of social media users in Indonesia have an Instagram account and spend an average of 17 hours each month on Instagram. The potential for digital marketing in Indonesia is also huge.

According to We Are Social (2021), 79% of internet users in Indonesia buy goods via mobile phones. According to Marwick (2015), no broadcast time is right for everyone. Therefore, the display of Instagram content needs to be adjusted for each account. Each account will have a different active time; this is available and can be seen in the insights section provided by Instagram. Viewing at the right time will bring the content displayed to appear top by users when consumers actively use Instagram.

According to Allen and Fjermestad (2001), reach is the potential visitors of a page. In the case of Instagram, reach is potential visitors to the profile or content page. So from the opinion of Allen and Fjermestad (2001), reach is an account that has been reached through content that has been tagged or hashtagged. So that with the reach of Instagram account owners, they can find out and measure how many people have visited their Instagram account.

This research focuses on the effect of using broadcast time on the reach of marketing content on the Instagram platform. Reach itself is obtained from the number of people who visit the account at a time. Reach itself is essential in marketing through Instagram, this is because reach broadcasts potential visitors for the product being marketed (Allen & Fjermestad, 2001).



The research method used in this research is quantitative. According to Sugiyono (2013), quantitative methods are carried out with the aim of testing established hypotheses based on the philosophy of progressivism to examine specific samples or populations, data collectors use instruments, and data analysis has quantitative statistical properties.

In this study, the weekly reach was obtained from the Lontara.app Instagram account is the variable being observed. Using different broadcast times will see the results of the reach obtained in each condition. As a control range before the optimization is used as a control variable. The research variable can be seen below.

Dependent Variable

Independent Variable

Control Condition Before Optimizing Broadcasttime (X0)

Condition 1: Broadcast time at highest followers activity (X1)

Condition 1: Broadcast time at second highest followers activity (X2)

Reach Instagram (Y)

(X0 , Y)

(X1 , Y)

(X2 , Y)


Data was collected by taking Instagram reach data obtained by Lontara. app account. Data is taken every day with a range of one day as the independent variable, and the range results obtained are the dependent variable.

Data processing is done by looking at weekly reach comparisons before optimization, after using hashtags, and after optimizing broadcast time on Lontara.app Instagram posts to see improvements in hashtags and optimization of broadcast time. The calculation of the increase is as follows:

Mean Arithmetic

Arithmetic Mean or arithmetic average is the number of observations obtained in the ratio of the total observations. In measuring the average of a population, the following formula is used


Description automatically generated

μ = Population Average

Xi = Data Value

N = Number of Data

with this algorithm of mean arithmetic, we can use it to calculate the reach as follows

R(Condition)������� = Average of reach at each week

∑Rt(n)������������� = Total Reach of time (week)

n��������������������� = Number of Data/day

With this calculation, we can also calculate the growth of reach by calculating the precentage of reach growth bellow


R(Condition) = Average of reach weekly in condition (Condition 1/ Condition 2)

R(Control)�� ��= Average of reach weekly in control

G(Condition) = Percentage of growth after using condition compared to control

Data processing is done by displaying control charts and each condition.



A.     Control Data

Control data is the initial data before optimizing the use of hashtags and broadcast time in this study (Storer et al., 2021). This initial data is data obtained from broadcasts on 1-7 February 2021 on Instagram Lontara. app which currently still uses makeshift hashtags and has not utilized Instagram's analysis features to find out optimal viewing times. So that when the initial data was taken, the broadcast time used was still at 12.00 WIB. In this control condition, the Lontara.app coverage results are obtained as broadcast in the table.




















From the features available on Instagram, it can also be seen that the most active time of Instagram users visiting Instagram is Lontara. app. By using this feature, it can be used as a basis for decision-making in determining when is the best time to display content

Chart, histogram

Description automatically generated

Figure 1. Instagram Lontara App Followers Activity Data


With this graph, we can determine that 18.00 WIB(Western Indonesian Time) on Lontara. The app was the highest time with followers activity with 107 Followers Activities and 15.00 WIB for the second with 102 Followers Activities. For the next part Condition 1 (X1) will be at 18.00 WIB and 15.00 WIB for Condition 2 (X2).


B.      Broadcast Time Optimization Result

In the optimization implementation, the average weekly reach for optimizing broadcast time at 18.00 WIB (Condition 1) was 1,619.5, and optimization for the broadcast time at 15.00 WIB (Condition 2) was 1,255. By calculating the increase obtained from this optimization, we get an increase from Condition 1 of 81.76% and Condition 2 of 40.8%. Thus, there has been an increase in reach after using hashtag optimization. This increase also corresponds to the most effective time for Instagram Lontara. app in Figure 1, obtained from the features available on Instagram. A comparison of reach results can be seen in the following graph.


Figure 2 Reach Graph control, condition 1 (18.00WIB), and condition 2 (15.00 WIB





From this study, optimizing broadcast time increases the reach of Instagram Lontara. app. This is evidenced by Lontara.app's Instagram reaches data which has increased. After calculating the increase, it was found that the result of the increase was in Condition 1 at 18.00 WIB, which was the highest active time of 81.76%, and Condition 2, which was the second highest active time of 40.8%. From this research, there has been an increase in the reach of Instagram Lontara. app by optimizing broadcast time with the aim that the content created can be seen by potential customers or consumers right when they are active.




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Copyright holder:

Larasati Nurul Iman (s) (2023)


First publication right:

Jurnal Syntax Admiration


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