JSA 2Volume 4, No. 5 Mei 2023

p-ISSN 2722-7782 | e-ISSN 2722-5356

DOI: �https://doi.org/




Imroatus Solihah, Tri Linggo Wati

Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo, Indonesia

Email: [email protected], [email protected]



Abstract: �������

This study aims to test whether there is a relationship between democratic teaching styles and student learning motivation. The respondents seen in this study amounted to 40 elementary school students. The method used is a quantitative method using the correlation coefficient of Spearman with IBM SPSS version 23 for Windows. The measuring instruments used were 20 items of democracy teacher teaching style questionnaires and 35 items of student learning motivation questionnaires. From the hypothesis test in this study, it shows that the significance value is 0.05<0.33 thus the hypothesis proposed by the researcher is accepted, meaning that there is a large relationship between democratic teaching styles and the learning motivation of grade IVB students at SDN Karangrejo II.


Keywords: Student Learning Motivation; Teacher Teaching Style.



Article History�����������

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Revised����������� :

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According to Muhajirah �(2020), Learning is a process of a person's effort to obtain a new change in behavior as a whole which is the result of interaction in his environment. The person learns because he interacts with the environment to change his behavior. Two important things are learning and motivation. Learning can change behavior after students get the teaching and learning process, and the results are obtained in the form of skills or abilities (Howard et al., 2015). Learning is a relatively potent and fixed change in behavior from the results of reinforcement based on achieving goals (Kusumawati, 2022c). Learning is a relatively potent and fixed change in behavior from the results of reinforcement based on achieving goals (Khasanah et al., 2014).

Teaching and learning activities require motivation to raise the spirit of the student so that the teaching and learning process runs according to the desired goals (Kusumawati, 2022b). According to Kusumawati (2022a), Learning motivation is something that causes students to be enthusiastic about learning, and supports the development of learning activities and direction in teaching and learning process activities to achieve the desired goals. Student learning motivation is obtained from students themselves and can also be from other people such as teachers during the teaching and learning process. The motivation obtained by teachers can be seen from their teaching style. Factors that influence student learning motivation According to Syamsu Yusuf in his thesis Rahmawati (2016) There are 2 internal factors, namely psychological factors, which are essential factors that connect with perspectives that can be active or restrain student learning activities. This factor is related to the student's psyche, physical factors that can change aspects of the body and personal performance consist of nutrition, sensory pancreas, and health. Learning motivation indicators According to Robbi (2020) said there are several indicators used to determine the strength of learning motivation not easily discouraged, diligent in doing tasks, easily bored with routine tasks, interest in the problems of the gods, working independently, likes to find and solve new problems, can defend his opinion, not easy to give up his beliefs.

Teacher teaching styles according to Coronel (2015) It is a method used by teachers to carry out teaching and learning activities, this is very closely related to gay student learning. The teaching style is the style of appearance when the teacher teaches, both material and mental. If the style of Form matei is the teacher who teaches following the goals to be achieved. While mentally it is by providing motivation, evaluation, and processing in class.

The characteristics of the democratic teaching style are that the teacher involves students to actively participate in learning, the teacher encourages students to actively participate in learning, the teacher gives praise or rewards to students, the teacher gives punishment according to the necessity to carry it out, the teacher allows students to ask questions, the teacher does not distinguish between students from one another, the teacher uses various learning resources, the teacher exchanges ideas with students in the process of taking decision.

The factor influencing teaching style according to Ramdani (2021) is, the perma of mastery of matter, before carrying out teaching and learning, teachers should first learn to understand the material to be delivered and understand the material. Using the right method can solve and solve problems that arise in class. The second factor is experience and knowledge. Experience and knowledge can be related to the student's environment. The family environment can provide information in terms of culture, and background so that it can help teachers when teaching, habits and attitudes, fun, and health also play a role in the lessons given (Hermino & Arifin, 2020). The third factor is teaching ability, a teacher holds discussions or exchanges of ideas about information or lack of understanding of a material because the teacher understands himself is not possible if the teacher explores and masters all subjects. The fourth factor is knowledge, a teacher must have real knowledge so that it can attract students' interest and attention as well as cause effective stimulation when learning. The fifth factor is that a teacher must provide enthusiasm and motivate learning individually, before carrying out the teaching and learning process the teacher provides motivation and the spirit of learning can be related to the material to be taught delivered.

The factors above can affect how students can be motivated to follow the teaching and learning process activities. Learning motivation is the habit of students to carry out learning activities with their help to achieve the best possible achievements (Azhari et al., 2022). Factors that influence learning motivation according to Syamsu Yusuf in his thesis �Rahmawati (2016) that is:

Internal factors: (a) Psychological factors are essential factors that connect with perspectives that can be active or restrain student learning activities. This factor has to do with the psyche of the student. (b) Physical factors are factors that can change in terms of body and personal performance consisting of nutrition, five senses, and health (Nusroh & Luthfi, 2020).

External factors: (a) Social factors are factors that start from a person's environment around students, namely deskmates, teachers, parents, and so on. (b) Non-sial factors are factors that start from the physical condition around students such as time, air, learning facilities, and place.

According to Jumasrin (2020) said there are several indicators used to determine the strength of learning motivation: (a) Not easily discouraged. (b) Diligent in doing tasks. (c) Easily bored with routine tasks. (d) Interest in the problems of adult person. (e) Self-employed. (f) Likes to find and solve new problems. (g) Can defend his opinion.

This research aims to describe and analyze the relationship between democratic teaching styles and the learning motivation of grade IVB students of SDN Karangrejo II. Benefit This research is: (a) Increased student participation, (b) Increased motivation intrinsic, (c) Improved social skills.




The type of research used by researchers is quantitative research correlation techniques. Quantitative methods are research methods in which some problems can be concluded based on concrete data containing research data in the form of numbers that will be measured as a calculation test tool using statistics (Sugiyono, 2018). The influencing variable (variable X) in this study is learning motivation. While the variable influenced (variable Y) in this study is the teacher's teaching style.

According to Widiasih (2020), the Research design is a necessary part of the entire process in the implementation and role of researchers. And also to obtain data on the relationship between teacher teaching style and student motivation by using questionnaires containing questions that will be filled in by class VI B Sdn Karangrejo II respondents. The research design can be seen as follows:


��������������������������������������������������������������� r x y




������������������� schema variable x dan variable y

information���� :

variable x������� : Learning Motivation

variable y: Teaching style of democracy �

r x y: The relationship of student learning motivation with democratic teaching styles

The population in this study was 40 students of SDN Karangrejo II class IVB. The technique used is the sampling technique. According to Sugiono (2019), the Saturated sampling technique is a technique that determines the sample if all populations are taken to be sampled, if the researcher wants a small generation. Data collection using questionnaires containing written questions for respondents to answer This research instrument uses questionnaires to measure variable values. In this study, the instrument used to obtain data is the Guttman scale. According to Sugiyono (Sugiyono, 2019), The Guttman scale is a measurement scale of internal results. Answers can be given with a high score of 1 and a low of 0. How to judge, a value of 1 for the answer "yes" and a value of "0" for the answer "no". The limit of effective criteria with a percentage score of 5% and an effective criterion score of 50-100% of the results of the analysis are expressed by frequency distribution, both in the form of absolute numbers and percentages.

The analysis technique used in the analysis of this research data is a statistical technique using product moment correlation from a person. The analysis process in this study uses computer statistical calculations with IBM SPSS statistical software version 23 for Windows. Cfig for inference making by, first comparing values r hitting with table values i.e., if value r count > r table, Then the questionnaire question item is declared valid. If value r Count< r table, Then the questionnaire question item is declared invalid. Second, compare Sig values. (2-tailed) with probates 0,05 that is, if nilai sig. (2-tailed) <0,05 and perso correlation is positive, then the question item is valid. If the Sig value. (2-tailed) > 0,05, Then the questionnaire question item is invalid. If the Sig value. (2-tailed) < 0,05 and the person correlation is negative, then the questionnaire question item is invalid.



A.     The Relationship Between Democratic Teaching Style and Learning Motivation of Class IVB Students of SDN Karangrejo II

At this stage, researchers calculated how much the relationship between teacher teaching style and student motivation using IMB SPSS for Windows. The previous way to find out whether the item is normal or not, the results the researcher stated that it was not the norm, so the researcher used nonparametric with the coefficient correlation technique from Sperman using IMB SPSS from Windows

The hypothesis is accepted if the correlation coefficient results are less than 0,05. However, if the correlation of the coefficient is more than 0,05 then the hypothesis was rejected. The results are as follows.

Table 1

Correlation Test Results





Pearson Correlation




Sig. (2-tailed)








Pearson Correlation




Sig. (2-tailed)








From the results above, it can be seen that the hypothesis is accepted, which means that there is a relationship between student learning motivation and democratic teaching styles because the results of the significant correlation coefficient are more than 0.05 < 0.33.


B.      The Great Relationship Between Democratic Teaching Style and Learning Motivation of Class IVB Students of SDN Karangrejo II

Normality test

At this stage, researchers use to find out how much the relationship between teaching style and student motivation uses the Product Moment formula using MB SPSS windows. The first way is to find normality first by inputting an item into the view column, then clicking analyze to descriptive statistics and explore. The normality test used is using a sparoid because the sample used is less than 50.




Table 2

Normality Test Results










x y



















From the calculation results above using a one-simple Kolmogorov-sparoid test with significant results of 0.05 < 0.245 so that it can be determined that it is normal.

This linearity test is used to determine the regression line between variable X and variable Y. Winarsunnu's (2010) Skala can be said to be linear if the significance value of Deviation from Linearity is less than 0.05. However, if the sig value is greater than �0.05 then it is declared not liner.

Table 3

Linearity Test Results


Some of










y * x






Deviation from Linearity






















Within Groups
















From the results of the calculation above, it is known that it is linear because the significance of Deviation from Linearity is as large. There is a linear relationship between learning motivation and teacher teaching style because it is seen from the significance value 0.05 > 0.568 which means having a great relationship.

Based on the results of data analysis on the relationship between democratic teaching style and learning motivation of grade IVB students of SDN Karangrejo II, it was found that democratic teaching style is one of the factors related to student learning motivation. This can be seen in Table 2 using the known linear linearity test because the significance of the Deviation from Linearity is 0.05 > 0.568 which means having a great relationship.

The results of this research are in line with Herry Rahmat and Miftahul Jannatin (2018) �who showed "there is a positive and significant relationship between teacher teaching creativity and student learning motivation using the Chi-Square test with a confidence level of 95%, showing the results that there is a relationship between teacher teaching style and student learning motivation in MI NW Dasan Agung Mataram marked with Asymp. Sig values (2 Tailed) 0,002<0,05. While the value of the Contingency Coefficient (CC) is obtained value of 0.606 which means it has a strong relationship.

Tri Wahyuni Also explained the factors that affect student learning motivation including "There is a significant influence on students' perceptions of variations in teaching styles on learning motivation with a GIS of 0.030 < 0.05 with an influence level of 0.366.

Teaching and learning activities do not only lie with the teacher but students also interfere in the teaching and learning process. Learning motivation is considered important in the student learning process because it functions to encourage, move and direct. To increase this motivation can be obtained from within and from outside the student. 26 One of the factors to increase student motivation is the teacher's effort in learning which is inseparable from the quality of the teacher who teaches and the teacher's teaching method or style.

The results of this study are also supported by a theory that explains that "Teachers have a large enough role to motivate their students to be happy with the lessons taught, for this reason, teachers must vary their teaching styles so that learning is exciting. Create fun learning, so that lessons that are often labeled as dizzying activities turn into learning activities that are exciting and liked by students.

The teaching style of teachers, most of which are still not good, shows the teaching style of IVB class teachers at SDN Karangrejo II. This can be seen from the method used by teachers, namely the democratic method. This method is a method that less Henrik students' attention finally students kuang motivated or less focused on the material delivered by the teacher. As professional teachers, teachers should follow the latest teaching methods or methods that can attract students' attention, it can arouse student learning motivation even more enthusiastically. The motivation to learn for most students is still low, one of the reasons is that the teacher's teaching style is still not good, and less attractive to students' enthusiasm to learn. Where, extrinsic motivation is influenced by several factors, including teachers, friends, facilities and infrastructure, finances, and others.

Low student learning motivation is caused by low extrinsic factors that encourage the emergence of student learning motivation. Based on the results of this study, it can be seen how extrinsic motivation is related to teachers who are inseparable from the quality and variety of the teacher's teaching style. This is reinforced by the results of research by Irmalia Susi Anggraini which explains that factors that influence motivation from outside students are the condition and atmosphere of the classroom, library facilities used by students, environmental conditions, and teacher efforts in learning that are inseparable from the quality of the teacher who teaches and the teacher's teaching method or style.



The results of the research objectives are whether there is a relationship between the teaching style of democracy teachers and the learning motivation of grade IVB students of SDN Karangrejo II and how much the relationship between the teaching style of democracy teachers and the learning motivation of SDN Karangrejo II students, the result is that it has a large relationship can be seen from the results of the significance of the correlation of 0.05>0.568.




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Imroatus Solihah, Tri Linggo Wati (s) (2023)


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Jurnal Syntax Admiration


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