JSA 2�Volume 4, No. 6 June 2023

p-ISSN 2722-7782 | e-ISSN 2722-5356

DOI:� https://doi.org/10.46799/jsa.v4i6.599




Lilik Fitriani, Fahrurrozi, Nidya Chandra Muji Utami

Universitas Negeri Jakarta

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected]



Learning children's literature appreciation in elementary school is very important so that student's language skills, especially receptive skills, can develop well, one of which is poetry writing skills. Learning to write poetry in elementary schools has not been maximized due to limitations in the provision of teaching materials and approaches used by teachers in improving poetry writing skills. Writing skills are one of the most difficult skills of other language skills, therefore an appropriate approach is needed so that the learning objectives can be realized, one of which is the contextual approach because the contextual approach is the way the teacher conducts the learning process by connecting the real world of students with the subject matter to be learned. The purpose of the study was only to analyze and describe the need of developing teaching materials for writing poetry based on the contextual learning (CTL) approach in elementary schools in Bogor Regency so that the data used was qualitative. Various analyses were conducted to determine the need for developing teaching materials for writing poetry based on a comprehensive contextual learning approach based on conditions, curriculum, and the needs of teachers and students. A comprehensive needs analysis is expected and accurate is expected to be developed for teaching materials for writing poetry based on a contextual learning approach in grade IV elementary schools in Bogor Regency based on the needs of the research field.


Keywords: Needs Analysis, Writing Poetry, Contextual Learning


Language skills taught in elementary schools include receptive skills and productive skills, receptive skills are listening skills, and reading skills while productive skills are writing and speaking skills (Khair, 2018). The four skills are taught so that students can communicate well, namely being able to communicate orally and in writing. To develop these four skills, a teacher needs to make a serious effort.

The most difficult skill of language skill is writing skills. In curriculum 13 poetry writing skills are taught in elementary schools. Writing is a productive skill using writing by developing and pouring everything into the mind in the form of organized writing (Budiarti & Riwanto, 2021). Writing is also a complex activity according to psycholinguistic experts, the complexity lies in the demands of the ability to harmonize from various aspects (Wahyuningsih et al., 2021) therefore these skills for elementary school children are certainly a severe obstacle because age of elementary school children (7-12 years) is still at the concrete operational cognitive level (Juwantara, 2019). In this phase, elementary school students' reasoning is limited, and still weak in carrying out abstract reasoning.

The link with writing poetry is that writing poetry requires high reasoning skills to produce beautiful word arrangements full of meaning. (Ngatiyem, 2017) poetry is a literary work written in the form of connotative vocabulary arrangements chosen in such a way as to comply with conventional demands regarding rhythm, matra, rhyme, the number of words in each line, and the number of lines in each stanza. Writing poetry means how a person can express inner experiences about life through written language in a coherent and intact manner so that it becomes a beautiful series of words (Sari & Randi, 2021).

Learning to write poetry requires learning media to support learning activities more effectively. Van Els (1984) in (Idria, 2020) media is all possible assistance used by teachers and students to achieve educational goals. One of the learning media that can be used is teaching materials. Teaching material itself is defined as a set of materials that are systematically arranged both written and not to create an environment/atmosphere that allows students to learn (Sucipta, 2018). In addition to good teaching materials, teachers must also use the right approach so that learning activities are more meaningful. One of them is by applying an approach that can increase students' request to learn is the contextual learning approach.

������������� A contextual learning approach is an approach that helps teachers link material with students' real-world situations so that students can connect their knowledge and apply it in their lives as members of society or family (Nuryami et al., 2022). On the other hand, the contextual learning approach encourages students to work together and share ideas to encourage students to be more confident in expressing ideas in front of their friends (Karim et al., 2018). The contextual learning approach is very good when applied in learning activities because it is useful for increasing student interest in learning activities for poetry writing skills.

The results of preliminary studies conducted by researchers, namely interview activities, showed several problems including (1) problems with students, students are not able to pour ideas in the form of poetry easily, students do not have a guidebook in the form of teaching materials that make it easy to make poetry, (2) teacher problems, teachers do not have appropriate teaching materials in learning activities on poetry making materials, (3) problems in the school field only provide theme books as a teacher's guide. (4) Learning is less fun because it is not linked to the real world, causing students to not be able to fully pour ideas into writing poetry.

From the exposure to these problems, it can be concluded that learning to write poetry at SDN Bojong 03, Tenjo sub-district, Bogor Regency requires teaching materials for writing poetry with a contextual learning approach. The chosen theme of this research is theme 6 "Me and My Ideals" sub-theme 2 "Hebatnya Cita-citaku". The selection of themes and sub-themes is based on several considerations, first, the selection of themes and sub-themes is by the teaching materials to be developed. Second, the selection of themes and sub-themes is very suitable when integrated with the contextual learning (CTL) approach.

The needs analysis of the development of teaching materials for writing poetry based on the contextual learning (CTL) approach includes curriculum analysis, student analysis, and teacher analysis. Various analyses were conducted to find out the need for developing teaching materials for writing poetry based on a comprehensive contextual learning approach according to curriculum needs, student needs, and teacher needs. A thorough and accurate needs analysis can develop teaching materials for writing poetry based on a contextual learning approach for grade IV students of SDN Bojong 03 in Bogor Regency that is on the needs in the field.

Poetry is a literary work that contains the use of imaginative language and is structured with meaningful language structures (Arafah & Pattu, 2022). Poetry can also be interpreted as a form of literary work that produces an expression of thoughts and feelings imaginatively composed by concentrating all the power of language by concentrating all the power of physical and inner structures (Hanardi, 2018). Based on this understanding, it can be concluded that writing poetry requires full concentration and good language skills as well as the preparation of beautiful and meaningful words. In learning to write poetry in elementary school students, it is very important to implement it as a means to develop students' imaginative abilities while developing students' language skills.

The intrinsic elements of poetry include: 1) Theme, which is the main idea or main idea in writing poetry, 2) Rasa, which is the emotional of a poet in making poetry, 3) Tone, which is in poetry one can capture the poet's attitude through intonation or tone when delivering poetry, 4) Mandate, which is the message that the poem wants to convey, 5) Diction or word choice, which is the right choice of words used in writing poetry, 6) Imagery, which is a group of words used to re-express the impressions of the five senses in our souls, 7) Center of storytelling, which is a way of conveying stories, ideas, ideas, or storytelling, 8) Language style or majas, which is a way of expressing thoughts through language in a distinctive way from the author of the poem that shows his soul and personality, 9) Rhythm or rhythm, which is the totality of the highs and lows of the voice, the length and slowness of the voice when reading poetry, 10) Rhyme or rhyme, which is a similarity of bunya that can occur at the beginning, middle and end.

The contextual learning approach can help teachers carry out learning activities to be more interesting because learning activities are associated with students' real lives. The contextual approach (CTL) is a learning concept that helps teachers relate the material they teach to the real-world situation of students and encourage the knowledge they have and its application in their lives as members of the family and society (Berns & Erickson, 2001).

(Berns & Erickson, 2001) Concluded that contextual learning is a learning concept where teachers bring the real world into the classroom and encourage students to make connections between their knowledge and its application in their daily lives. There are seven components in using the contextual approach, namely: (1) constructivism, (2) questioning, (3) inquiry, (4) learning community, (5) modeling, (6) reflection, and (7) authentic assessment. Suyanto in Anang Sontoso. Dkk (2019) there are eleven keywords in contextual learning, namely.



This type of research uses a development research design called Research and Development which aims to provide several information and solutions in identifying problems. This research procedure takes the ADDIE development procedure which consists of Analysis, Design, Development, and evaluation (Damayanti & Yudiana, 2021). Because this research is the initial stage of the five stages above, the research that will be carried out is a need analysis. In connection with one of these stages of the development, model carried out, the type of data is qualitative data.

This research was conducted in the second week of April 2023. This research was conducted at SDN Bojong 03 Bogor District Tenjo District the respondents in this study were two class teachers and 58 fourth-grade students of SDN Bojong 03 in Bogor District Tenjo District. Based on the research approach taken, the researcher made the following research procedures:


Picture 1

Research Procedure

������������� Based on the picture above, the research procedure begins with a needs analysis. The stages are curriculum analysis, student needs analysis, then the teacher needs analysis. Data sources in this study were obtained from primary data sources and secondary data sources. Primary data sources were obtained from informants who were considered the most important in knowing in detail and clearly about the focus of the research. The informants of this research are two homeroom teachers who hold class IV A and class IV B with a total of 58 students in class IV SDN BOJONG 03. Meanwhile, secondary data sources were obtained through observational studies on the implementation of learning and documentation which includes KD mapping, syllabus preparation, teaching material documents used, photos of learning activities, and other supporting data.



The purpose of this research is to analyze and describe the need for teaching materials for writing poetry for fourth-grade students of SDN Bojong 03, Tenjo District, Bogor Regency where the teaching materials can support the learning process of writing poetry in elementary school students. To answer the research objectives, researchers conducted a curriculum analysis and needs analysis. For the needs analysis, teacher needs analysis and student needs analysis were conducted. The following will describe the analysis

1.���������� Curriculum Analysis

Curriculum analysis was conducted to find out the curriculum applied by the school at this time. The curriculum applied in the elementary school where the research was conducted is the 2013 curriculum which is integrated into an independent curriculum. Grade IV students apply thematic learning in the process of implementing independent learning. In thematic learning, the compulsory books used are books from the Ministry of Education and Culture consisting of teacher books and student books.

The themes and subthemes used as research are Theme 6 "My Dream" and Subtheme 1 "My Circulatory System is Healthy". The selection of themes and subthemes is used as research material because it is to the needs of further learning materials. The curriculum analysis in this study is a competency analysis and material analysis related to poetry writing skills.

a.���������� Competency and Indicator Analysis

The competency analysis carried out is an analysis of the basic competencies of Theme 6 "My Dream". This analysis is carried out to adjust the material that will be presented in the teaching materials that will be made later.


Table 1

Description of Basic Competency Analysis and Indicators

Basic Competency

Indicators of Competency Achievement

3. 6 Explore the poetry and message of poetry presented orally and in writing for enjoyment.

3.6.1 Identify and understand the characteristics of poetry correctly.

3.6.2 Explain the content and mandate of poetry well and correctly.


4.6 Recite a poem of personal work with proper pronunciation, intonation, and expression as a form of self-expression.

4.6.1 Identify and recite the content of the poem well and correctly.

4.6.2 Demonstrate a personal poem with proper pronunciation, intonation, and expression.



b.���������� Material Analysis

Material analysis is needed in development research to determine the material that will be presented in teaching materials for writing poetry based on a contextual learning approach. The material analysis conducted focuses on the themes and subthemes that have been determined during pre-research in elementary schools. The analysis of research materials was carried out based on the material contained in thematic books used by students. Based on the results of interviews with teachers at SDN Bojong 03 Bogor Regency, information was obtained that the teaching materials used by students only use materials in books published by the Ministry of Education and Culture and Bupena published by Erlangga. The material in the two books has not used a contextual learning approach, namely material that relates to the real world around students, especially in the SDN Bojong 03 school environment.

The material in both books is very far from the real world of students in the environment they live in. The material has not linked real life close to students. The materials in theme 6 in this subtheme are 1) Me and my dreams, 2) The greatness of my dreams, and 3) Vigorously trying to achieve goals. From the subthemes presented, the material is still far from the real life of students, as well as the images presented.

2.���������� Student Needs Analysis

Student needs analysis is carried out to determine student needs related to teaching materials. The instrument used to analyze student needs is a questionnaire. The following are the results of the respondents:


Table 2

Student respondents





1.    Books owned are only books published by the Ministry of



2.    Have Bupena books or other teaching materials



3.    The thematic books used have material that relates to the real world that is close to students' daily lives (CTL)



4.    The thematic book used has attractive colors



5.    The thematic book used contains pictures related to the real world that is close to the students' environment




Based on Table 2 above, it can be seen that students who answered Yes to the first statement (Books owned are only books published by the Ministry of Education and Culture) obtained a percentage of 85.4% while students who answered No obtained a percentage of 14.6%. In the second statement (Having Bupena books or other teaching materials) students who answered Yes were 5% while those who answered No were 95%. In the third statement (Thematic books used by the material link the real world that is close to the daily lives of students (CTL), students who answered Yes obtained a percentage of 11.7% while those who answered No were 88.24%. Then, in the fourth statement (Thematic books used have attractive colors), students who answered Yes were 30.4% while those who answered No were 69.6%. In the fifth statement (Thematic books used to contain pictures related to the real world that are close to the students' environment), students who answered Yes were 25.64% while those who answered No were 74.36%.

������������� Furthermore, from the results of interviews with students, information was obtained that students will learn more enthusiastically in writing poetry if learning activities are related to the real world of students. The teaching materials used have colorful and interesting pictures so that they are not easily bored to learn them.


3.���������� Teacher Needs Analysis

Teacher needs analysis was conducted to determine the needs of teachers for teaching materials to be developed. The analysis used to analyze teacher needs was carried out by interview. From the results of interviews conducted, teachers need teaching materials to meet the needs of independent student learning. Teaching materials that should be used are those related to the real world of students. This is done so that students find it easier to pour ideas for writing poetry so that they can hone their abilities in writing poetry.




Based on the results and discussion that the researchers have described, several conclusions are obtained:

1.                  Based on the results of curriculum analysis such as competency analysis, material analysis, and analysis of teacher books and student books, it can be concluded that there are several examples given in student books and teacher books that are not explained in detail and are not related to the real world of students.

2.                  Student analysis concluded that the majority of students revealed that they only had books published by the Ministry of Education and Culture, many students did not have bumped books or similar teaching materials, and many students revealed that the teaching materials used did not link the real world of students.

Based on the results of the research that has been conducted, the suggestions that the authors can give:

1.                  Based on curriculum analysis, teachers should provide examples of material related to the real life of students.

2.                  Based on the analysis of student needs, it is recommended that the teaching materials used by teachers are interesting ones related to the real world and the environment around students.





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Copyright holder:

Lilik Fitriani, Fahrurrozi, Nidya Chandra Muji Utami (2023)


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Jurnal Syntax Admiration


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