�Volume 4, No. 6 June 2023

p-ISSN 2722-7782 | e-ISSN 2722-5356

DOI: �https://doi.org/ 10.46799/jsa.v4i6.600




Nuryani, Nidya Chandra Muji Utami, Fahrurrozi

Pendidikan Dasar Universitas Negeri Jakarta

Email: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]



This study started from the problem of low learning outcomes of Indonesian students in Grade 4, MI Al Muhajirien Jakapermai, which only reached 61.65 and KKM only 37%. Because of this, class action research (PTK) was done in two cycles using the inquiry learning model. To make sure the learning model is used, test questions and observation sheets are used to collect data. The results showed that the use of the inquiry-based learning model could improve learning outcomes and student achievement in the second cycle. The percentage of the increase in learning outcomes from initial conditions to cycle L is 6.8%, and from cycle I to cycle Il, it is 20.0%. From the first condition to cyclase I, MOH achievement went up by 42%, and from cyclase I to cyclase II, it went up by 118.9%. Based on these results, it is suggested that 4th graders at SD Jakapermai use the inquiry learning model to learn Indonesian. The goal of this study is to look at how the inquiry model is used to teach Indonesian subjects in elementary school, especially in Kelas 4. Also, one goal is for teachers to be able to do their job as learning facilitators as well as possible. Other goals are for students to learn how to use the scientific process, to build their knowledge through inquiry activities, for learning to be more student-centred (called "student-centred learning"), and for learning to be more meaningful so that it affects learning outcomes that go up. Can be used for the inquiry learning model, which trains students to think critically and produces many new scientific findings for students in each learning process.

Keywords: learning outcomes, reading comprehension, and inquiry-model learning.



Reading is not just an activity to open a window to the world; it is also a way to acquire abundant knowledge and information (Nurgiantoro, 2017). Reading skills are the key to success in education and social life. However, not all students are able to understand the content of the reading well, so it is necessary to use a specific learning strategy to improve reading comprehension skills. In addition, reading children's stories can train sensitivity to the environment, and the moral message of the story can help students avoid negative behavior. therefore teachers need to increase noodlesllnatl read silswal by choosing the right material that is interesting and in accordance with their interests so that their reading ability increases �(Tarigan, 2018).

Reading comprehension involves absorbing meaning to obtain what is intended. Being good at Reading means (1) recognizing words or sentences in a reading and knowing their meaning; (2) associating the meaning of personal experience with the meaning contained in the reading; (3) understanding meaning in context; and (4) evaluate the value of the reading content based on the reading experience. Reading comprehension is important to understand the meaning �(Muliawanti et al., 2022). Understanding of meaning can occur at various levels, from literal understanding to interpretive, creative, and evaluative. In terms of reading skills, grade IV students must be able to answer questions from readings or stories and find elements in stories through reading comprehension. Learning to read with comprehension can be improved in elementary schools by using the inquiry method, Through the inquiry method, students can understand readings, find difficult words in readings, and work with classmates to provide feedback and share information about the readings they are studying. Management of learning to read comprehension can be done individually or competitively, but traditionally, it tends to be more individual and competitive than the inquiry method. Teachers must have the skills to determine when and how to set learning goals individually or competitively.

����� Based on the results of observations made in the fourth grade of elementary school, it is known that the learning applied by teachers, especially reading comprehension materials, is still conventional. At the beginning of the lesson, the teacher opens by greeting and asking, How are you? checking attendance, and motivating students to be enthusiastic about following the learning. When learning to read, the teacher only tells students to read the text or reading that is on the package book or handle. Students do individual reading activities in the heart, then answer the questions in the book. Next, the students and the teacher discussed the problems that had been solved by exchanging the results of the work with their peers.

Less fun and interesting ways of reading and learning are used, so the results are not as good as they could be. That's because students are less able to understand what they're reading, and teachers haven't found a good way to help students understand what they're reading. Observations at SD Al Muhajirien have shown that it has a thematic learning curriculum for 2013. The learning outcomes that students have reached are less than the school's KKM (minimum completeness criteria) of 75. This can be seen from the 38 students in the class: only 11 students, or 20%, complete their studies. The remaining 27 students, or 80%, have not completed it. Students who are less active in learning are also seen in the learning process, such as when they do not participate in giving opinions when discussing problems and tend to be silent. At the time of learning, the teacher uses lectures, questions and answers, and assignments (Amal et al., 2021).

After looking at how students are learning in the classroom, it's clear that teachers are doing good things by using the 2013 thematic learning curriculum and three teaching methods: lectures, questions and answers, and assignments. Also, there are a number of things that need to be improved, including activity levels, how well students learn, and the use of different learning models. To overcome the problems that exist, there needs to be a change in learning. Learning is expected to be more focused on student activities so that students are no longer seen as teaching objects but as active subjects.

There are many ways, strategies, or models that can be used to learn, especially to help students understand what they are reading better. Based on Permendikbud No. 65 of 2013, process standards, inquiry-based learning models, problem-based learning models, discovery-based learning models, and project-based learning models will be used to implement the 2013 curriculum.

Inquiry learning is problem-based learning or investigation that seeks the truth or more knowledge. It needs a mind that is critical, creative, and can use its intuition. Inquiry-based learning is a way to learn that helps people learn to solve problems, test their own ideas, and know what they can do. Learning begins with the submission of a problem and questions.

The inquiry learning model puts the focus on the process of looking for and finding solutions to problems. This inquiry process will generate interest in learning the subject matter, which is critical so that students learn in non-forced environments (Hutasoit, 2021).

����� With the inquiry method, reading comprehension can be improved in elementary school. Through the inquiry method, students can understand the reading, find difficult words in the reading, and work together with a group of friends so that feedback occurs and they can share information about the reading they learned.

The management of reading comprehension learning can basically be done individually and competitively. Teachers must have the skills to determine how and when it is time to determine learning goals individually and competitively. However, traditionally, learning is usually more individual and competitive, while learning to read comprehension with the inquiry method is rarely done. One alternative to improving reading comprehension is to use inquiry methods that can overcome the problem of difficulty in interpreting reading. With the inquiry method, students who quickly understand the reading are given the opportunity to use their time by helping students who are slow to understand the reading. Thus, students who are slow to understand the reading can increase their understanding because they get guidance from friends who quickly understand the reading. In the learning process, teachers play an important role in implementing various activities that support the success of learning in the classroom (Ilmu et al., 2022).

Based on this explanation, the researchers are interested in conducting research with the title "Improving Indonesian Learners' Learning Outcomes in Reading Comprehension Skills with an Inquiry Learning Model in Grade 4 Elementary School."

Learning achievement is the ability to know or do everything there is to know or do about a subject. This is usually shown by the teacher in the form of numbers or test scores. In addition, learning achievement also includes real abilities that can be measured through certain tests. Learning achievement can be divided into three domains, namely knowledge, attitudes, and skills. Factors that affect learning achievement consist of internal factors, such as interest, talent, motivation, and sincerity, and external factors, such as the family environment, the learning environment at school, and the location of the school itself. However, this research only limited itself to the realm of knowledge (Widana, I. W., Suarta, I. M., & Citrawan, 2022).

Evaluation conducted by the teacher is a major factor in creating learning outcomes. There are two types of impacts on learning outcomes: the impact of learning and the impact of accompaniment, which is useful for teachers and students. Learning outcomes refer to the competencies or abilities possessed by students after participating in a lesson, which is part of teaching activities. Experts such as Hamdan and Khader, as well as Kpolovie, Joe, and Okoto (ricardo dan meilani. R. I, 2017). explained that learning outcomes are the key to measuring and reporting student academic achievement as well as a basis for developing more effective learning designs. In addition, learning outcomes also include changes that occur in the attitudes, actions, and character of students after learning (Andrani R., 2019). To achieve effective and efficient learning objectives, a suitable learning theory is needed in accordance with the learning objectives themselves. One example of a learning theory is a behavioristic theory, in which changes in behaviour are observed, measured, and assessed concretely through stimuli or stimulations that produce responses based on mechanistic laws.

Reading comprehension is the process of figuring out what a text says, what it means, and what it means to say. A person is said to be successful in reading comprehension if he is able to understand all the contents of the reading well (Irma Sari et al., 2021). This understanding is closely related to their ability to remember the material they read. Reading comprehension is a type of reading activity that seeks to interpret experience, connect new information with what is already known, and find answers to cognitive questions from written reading material (Utama, 2016) . Understanding what you are reading is one way to find out the intent and purpose conveyed by the author to the reader. Reading comprehension is the target in reading activities that expect students to understand and understand every reading material they read (Boliti, 2009).

Based on some of the opinions above, it can be concluded that reading comprehension is the process of understanding the information, messages, and meanings contained in a text. The acquisition of meaning, which actively involves the knowledge and experience possessed by the reader and is linked to the content of the reading, aims at students being able to know and understand the entire reading material they are reading. In addition, it becomes a benchmark for knowing the direction of the author's conversation through reading that is understood. " Reading comprehension aims to seek and obtain information, including content and the meaning of reading (Ilmu et al., 2022). Reading comprehension has the aim of 1) getting overall details and facts from the reading, 2) gaining an understanding of the main idea of reading, 3) classifying information in the reading, 4) concluding information in the reading, 5) comparing information in the reading, and 6) obtaining an understanding of patterns of fiction, written drama, critical reviews, and literary standards or norms (Sumira et al., 2018).

Based on what has been said so far, we can say that the main goal of reading comprehension is to understand the information in a reading as a whole. In addition, students are also expected to be able to retell and answer questions about the text they have read.

The level of reading comprehension can be seen in the ability to understand reading material. At the level of reading comprehension, reading is a requirement for getting to the next level, which is reading to get the most out of what you read. This understanding is meant to help you understand what the reading is about, like the words, sentences, and paragraphs. "The level of reading comprehension is defined as measuring a student's ability to understand written or implied information from the text. The level of reading comprehension is oriented towards analytical skills by referring to text fragments as evidence of the understanding gained. If related to Bloom's taxonomy (Gunawan and Palupi, 2012) "the level of reading comprehension is at the level of remembering (reading beyond the lines)". Based on the description above, it can be concluded that a person's level of reading comprehension will be better if he is able to obtain details of the contents of the reading effectively. The level of reading comprehension is oriented towards students' analytical abilities by referring to text fragments as evidence of the understanding gained (Budiarti & Haryanto, 2016).

Principles of reading comprehension are a foundation for teachers in carrying out learning. The principle of reading comprehension is the same as reading in general, but it emphasises the meaning or self-understanding of the reader. The description of the study taken from the article regarding the principles of reading comprehension is as follows: 1) recoding perceptually and contextually, 2) linking units of ideas, knowing detailed information, and building microstructures; 3) building main ideas (macrostructure); 4) using microstructure and macrostructure to identify important ideas; 5) integrating important ideas with prior knowledge, drawing conclusions, and building situation models; and 6) learning to recognise situation models and use them in other situations (Ilmu et al., 2022). The six basic principles stated above are important for reading comprehension. Therefore, it must be applied to learning activities in schools so as to improve students' reading comprehension skills. By paying attention to reading strategies, namely using the right strategies and applying learning models (Abidin, 2012).

�Reading comprehension activities require students to not only understand what they are reading but also to be able to evaluate it and connect it to what they already know. As a way to communicate, teach, and fit together, language skills include listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Therefore, in the aspect of reading, there are complex activities. Aspects of indicators used in reading comprehension skills include: 1) the ability to capture reading content; and 2) the ability to summarise reading. 3) the ability to answer questions based on reading content 4) and the ability to retell reading content. Based on the opinions above, it can be concluded that reading comprehension involves not only understanding the contents of the reading but also linking the experience and knowledge of the reader. Therefore, a reader must look for sources of information from other writers to add insight to their reading (Indrastoeti & Istiyati, 2017).

If you have good reading comprehension skills, you should be able to pick out the main ideas in what you're reading, figure out how one main idea relates to other main ideas as a whole, and be able to make connections between what you've learned from reading and things you already know. "stated that reading reference books will help readers improve their language skills. "Reading comprehension activities occur when there is an active bond between the intellect and the abilities that the reader acquires through reading experience (Ilmu et al., 2022).

The goal of reading comprehension is to get information, messages, and meaning from a text. The ability to understand reading well is an indicator of success in reading comprehension. This process involves the ability to remember reading material, interpret experiences, and relate new information to existing knowledge. Reading comprehension also aims to find answers to cognitive questions that arise from reading. Reading comprehension is very important to know the intent and purpose to be conveyed by the author to the reader. Through reading comprehension, readers can actively connect their experience and knowledge with the content of the reading to understand the entire reading material they are reading (Sutarningsih, 2022)

�Inquiry Learning Mode (Widyastuti, 2018) To build new knowledge and meaning, it is necessary to formulate questions that lead to investigations. Several inquiry learning models have been developed, including the inquiry training model and the scientific inquiry model. However, this inquiry model can be combined with other learning models. The inquiry model emphasises an inquiry process based on answering questions. Investigations can take the form of laboratory activities or other activities that gather information. This process includes gathering information, building knowledge, and developing a deep understanding of the matter being investigated. The inquiry learning approach was chosen in this study because it can answer the expectations and goals of the learning process. Freinet argues that experiential inquiry is the right way to gain knowledge and not just by observing, listening to explanations, or seeing demonstrations. The inquiry process begins with asking questions or posing problems, which are then followed by analysis and gathering information through observation, experimentation, or other activities (Hutasoit, 2021).

����� Inquiry is the process of gathering information by observing and/or trying things out to solve problems by asking questions or logically making problems. The benefits of the inquiry model are that: 1) students learn how to learn through the process of discovery; 2) the knowledge they gain through discovery is very solid; 3) the discovery model gets students excited about learning; 4) the discovery model lets students move forward based on their abilities; 5) this model makes students take charge of their learning, so they feel more involved and motivated to learn; and 6) this model is flexible.

In inquiry-based learning, the role of the teacher is to encourage and guide the students as they try to find answers to the questions they have asked or proposed. In general, students have difficulty finding problems that will be searched for possible answers, so free inquiry is difficult to do in some schools. For successful inquiry learning, the teacher's role can be made the most of by starting with a problem, encouraging students to talk about the problem and find possible solutions, helping students understand what they are learning, and showing them how to do scientific procedures (Di & Kota, 2022).

So, in this kind of inquiry-based learning, students not only have to know what they are learning but also how to use their skills. If a student only learns how to learn, he or she might not be able to grow intellectually as much as they could. On the other hand, students who can develop their intellectual skills will master the learning material (Hutasoit, 2021).

�(Hamidah & Zamzani, 2016), the inquiry learning paradigm consists of the following steps: 1) Orientation is a necessary step to create a pleasant learning environment. 2) developing problems; the instructor gives a riddle or problem. 3) For the formulation of hypotheses, students are presented with various questions that encourage them to generate hypotheses based on the topics examined. 4) Data collection is a critical mental process for the intellectual development of inquiry-based learning because this activity is needed to test a given hypothesis. 5) Hypothesis testing is a means of sharpening one's rational thinking skills. 6) Formulation of conclusions is the process of reporting findings based on the results of hypothesis testing (Choirunisa et al., 2020).


Table 1

Inquiry Learning Syntac



Teacher Behavior

Phase 1

Ask a question or


The teacher guides students to identify problems on the blackboard. The teacher divides the students into groups.

Phase 2

Make a hypothesis

The teacher provides opportunities for students to brainstorm when forming hypotheses. The teacher guides students in determining hypotheses that are relevant to the problem and prioritising which hypotheses are the priority of investigation.

Phase 3

Designing experiments

The teacher provides opportunities for students to brainstorm when forming hypotheses. The teacher guides students in determining hypotheses that are relevant to the problem and prioritizing which hypotheses are the priority of investigation.

Phase 4


The teacher guides students to get information through experiments.

Phase 5

Collect data and Analyze data

The teacher gives students an opportunity to each group to convey the results of processing the collected data.

Phase 6

Draw conclusions

�� The teacher guides students to make conclusions.



The research was conducted using a qualitative approach, where the data generated was in the form of descriptions consisting of written, and spoken words, and observed behaviors of the informants involved in the research. This study uses a qualitative descriptive method in order to provide a more accurate and in-depth picture of the context of the problems studied (([email protected]) & Program Studi Ilmu Politik, 2022).

Meanwhile, classroom action research is carried out by teachers with researchers or alone as researchers in classrooms or schools where they teach, with the aim of improving the quality of learning practises in class. Action research in the classroom looks at classes, or how teaching and learning happen in the classroom. This classroom action research was conducted in several cycles shaped like a spiral and consisted of four stages: planning, action, observation, and reflection. A special feature of classroom action research is the existence of concrete actions carried out based on observation and reflection in each cycle.

The explanation of the above class action research design can be described as follows:

First of all, the researcher will do the initial planning before starting the research. In this stage, researchers will formulate problems, set goals, and create action plans, including research instruments and learning devices. Furthermore, actions and observations by researchers aimed to understand the process of implementation of the learning model applied, namely the inquiry on Indonesian subjects on reading comprehension skills. The results of the observations are used to determine the focus of the problem to be solved, namely, the problem of student confidence and learning achievement. After that, a reflection stage is carried out in which the researcher evaluates the results and impact of the actions carried out, taking into account the observation sheet or observations that have been filled in by the observer. Finally, there is an improvement plan based on the results of the reflection that will be implemented in the next cycle. This study was conducted over two cycles, with each cycle including the same treatment on one sub-subject and ending with a test at the end of each cycle to evaluate the results of the implementation of the action. The purpose of the two cycles is to improve the teaching system that has been implemented �(Basuki, 2011).



Learning Indonesian in MI Al Muhajireen has been considered a less interesting lesson. The methods used are lectures, questions, answers, and assignments. Learning is more teacher-centered. After making direct observations in the learning process carried out in January 2023, the results of the lecture method in Indonesian lessons obtained showed that this made students feel bored to the point of being sleepy, and not bersemanngat. Based on observations made in the introduction, it was shown that the activeness of students learning was obtained on average at 45.5 percent less active with an average value of 66 learning outcomes, which had an impact on student understanding in the lesson. This has an impact also on student learning outcomes, namely the achievement of KKM 30% (n = 30) with KKM in Indonesian 75 lessons.

Based on the results, it was clear that the inquiry learning model helped students learn a lot more about Indonesian subjects in MI Al Muhajirien. In the graph of student learning outcomes in reading comprehension, the first cycle of learning outcomes showed a success rate of 37%. Students who reached the KKM with the required 75 are shown on orange rods, while those who haven't reached the KKM are at 53%, which is still a low category. While in the second cycle, the results of learning to read showed that students' understanding has increased by 92%, and the achievement of KKM is described in the second cycle at 10%, which means that 10% of students have not succeeded in achieving KKM with a value that must be obtained of 75, while the successful achievement of KKM is 90% of students obtaining a value above 75.

This finding indicates a surge in the percentage of achievement in KKM. Therefore, the purpose of this study is already said to have been successful. When viewed from the perspective of the percentage increase, both the average learning outcomes and the percentage of KKM achievement, in general, have increased. The application of the inquiry learning model to learning Indonesian in Grade 4 in MI In this study, Al Muhajirien was able to improve the learning outcomes of students cognitively. From the assessment of learning outcomes and student observation sheets, there is a significant difference between conventional learning, which is usually done using lecture and assignment methods, and learning that uses an inquiry approach. In conventional passive student learning and teacher-centered learning, students are sleepy and tend not to pay attention to learning in class. While learning using a more active student inquiry approach, teachers only act as facilitators, and students look more enthusiastic in following lessons and more independent in learning because students are required to be able to find their own answers to the problems presented.

In this study, there are several things that stand out with regard to the application of the inquiry learning model, among others: 1) Students learn investigative knowledge because it helps them find answers. This supports (Susanto, 2013). (Sunarti, 2013) claim that one of the benefits of inquiry is that it gives students the skills they need to work like scientists. 2) When students learn through inquiry, the knowledge they gain is easier to remember and lasts longer because it comes from the results of their own thinking. These findings support the findings in ��(Syahroni, 2020). The inquiry learning model is a learning model that allows students to formulate and test their own answers with or without the help of teachers through a study; 3) teachers must be able to create circumstances that are able to make learners independent learners. This is in accordance with the opinion of �(Agustin & Naim, 2015), which states that teachers act as facilitators and motivators.

The inquiry-based learning model is the reason why the results of learning are getting better. In this study, students are actively involved in learning and taught to find their own answers to the problems they face. In its application, this model is able to improve students' ability to think and work like scientists. Also, when students use the inquiry model, the information they learn is easier to remember and stays with them longer because it comes from their own thoughts. Teachers act as guides and motivators to help students learn in a way that helps them become more independent. The success of PTK is seen and achieved in the second cycle because there are still student activities that have not been carried out properly in the first cycle. (Ashar et al., 2018) have shown that using the inquiry learning model is effective and in line with the benefits that have been shown in previous studies.

Table 3

Student Reading Comprehension Scores, Pre-Cycle





Cycle I

Cycle II


Adha Bima Putra





Ahmad Alif Nur Islani





Ahmad Arya Pratama





Ahsanul Khakim





Aira Adzkiyaa





Aisyah Muwaffaqoh Al Ghaziah





Alea Mazaya Putri





Alika Naila Putri Dirgantara





Amira khanza Khoirunnisa





Aqilla Khanza Kusumawati





Avika Amanda Anggraeni





Bintany Shaliha Lana





Daffa Khairi Nasywan





Denayu Milira Sambas





Denny Indrawan





Diva Khansaa Pramana





Felicia Deeva Arsy





Ghiza Dzafira Prabowo





Hafizh Diandra





Hana Mufidah Kunaedi





Khaira Zhavita Maharani





Khresna Prayata Bachra Admadja





Kiara Mikhayla Al Kautsar





Kun Kun Aulia Ahmad










Mohamad Akbar Faizin





Muhammad Adha Dwiarso





Muhammad Azzam Al Hanif





Muhammad Khoirul Azmi





Muhammad Rassel Fabianto





Muhammad Reffi Khairi





Nazhira Hayfa Prayudi





Qemal Bintang Fathurachman





Rizqy Ahmad Zuhdy





Ryuzaki Alfaro Ghifari





Sorraya Bahiyyatul Asmahaan





Thenaura Kugy Zaskia





Zalfa Nailah Putri Permadi





















Figure 1

�Classroom Action Research Design Flowchart

Action / observation


Cycle I������





Cycle II













Figure 2

Percentage of learning outcomes and assessment of minimum completeness criteria




����� Learning Indonesian in MI Al Muhajirien is considered a less interesting lesson. Learning is teacher-centered. After making direct observations in the learning process conducted in January 2023. Explanation Cycle 1 is the set of steps taken before carrying out the study. Researchers and observers will conduct discussions that discuss the advantages and disadvantages of implementing actions. This conversation will be used to figure out what needs to be on the next syllabus. At this point, the analysis of the data will be used to figure out how well the research goals have been met. The material in the first and second syllabuses uses an inquiry-based approach.

Reading comprehension through the inquiry-method approach It is known that in the process of reading, students' understanding becomes active, not passive as in previous learning in the initial conditions. In the cycle of students, there are differences in how to learn that begin to influence the mode of inquiry, and in Cycle II, students have acted as active readers. Students read paragraph by paragraph; even students can repeat reading activities to find answers to questions in worksheets. This activity was more effective and experienced significant changes after being implemented with group discussion techniques, as seen in Cycle II. With group discussions, students can express opinions, ask questions, respond to readings, and interact with each other while learning. Activities in cycles I and II are carried out with group discussions in the classroom. With the discussion, it is known that the ability of students to express their opinions, respond, and understand the reading content is increasing. Increased ability to express opinions and respond to this, especially after students are motivated continuously by the teacher in cycles I and II.

����� �Based on the results of research and discussion, it was concluded that the inquiry learning model succeeded in improving Indonesian learning outcomes for MI Al Muhajirien students in Grade 4. The assessment of student learning outcomes is carried out individually and classically, with the minimum completeness criterion in the class of the 2022�2023 academic year being 75. To achieve individual completeness, students must achieve an absorption of 75%, while to achieve classical completeness, at least 70% of the number of students must achieve an absorption of at least 29 students, or a percentage of more than 75%. There was an increase in the percentage of KKM achievement from the initial conditions to the lI cycle of 5.8% and from cycle I to lI of 20.0%. From these findings, it is recommended to use the inquiry-based learning model in Indonesian language learning for Grade 4 students, MI Al Muhajirien, because, in general, this model can improve student learning outcomes well.



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Nuryani,Nidya Chandra Muji Utami,Fahrurrozi (2023)


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