JSA 2Volume 4, No. 7 July 2023

p-ISSN 2722-7782 | e-ISSN 2722-5356

DOI: https://doi.org/10.46799/jsa.v4i7.622




La Jaali , Sitti N. Batjo

STIA Abdul Azis Kataloka

Email: [email protected], [email protected]



Leadership tight relation with head school as leader . Behavior head school must capable advance performance Teacher with show care, proximity and attention full to Teacher Good in a manner individual nor group. Study This aim For know Leadership Head School in increase Master's current performance Covid-19 pandemic ( Study at AL HILAAL Elementary School, East Laburan ) Village Luhutuban West Seram District . Deep data collection techniques study This use guidelines interview , observation and documentation . Deep data analysis study This using engineering models analysis interactive from Miles and Huberman covering stage Data reduction , data presentation and data verification or withdrawal conclusion . From the results study This can concluded that at Al- Hilaal Elementary School East Laburan is past interview direct with informant that Head School already very good in increase teacher performance in schools . This visible in communication and relationships Good between head school with the teacher in the learning process . Although found a number of thing to be inhibitor head school as well as internal teachers increase current teacher performance Covid-19 conditions viz limited internet/tower network , limited electricity ( electricity light up at night day ), lack understanding of teachers and participants educate in IT use , and limitations ownership Cellphones by teachers and student .


Keywords : Leadership , Teacher Performance and Covid- 19



In context appearance global pandemic Covid-19, head school own crucial role in face challenge this and improve teacher performance at SD AL-HILAAL Laburan Timur, District Island Manipa, West Seram District. Change operational sector daily education become something must consequence the spread of the Corona virus outside normal. In effort prevent transmission of Covid-19, the implementation of social distancing and physical distancing has done in accordance with instructions government . This also has an impact on change system learning from stare advance go online.

In the middle various change social and crisis multidimensional that hit Indonesia, looking for ideal leader with commitment tall become challenge . No seldom found leaders who don't worth and less own clear vision and mission to institution led education . Condition sort of This can create culture negative schools and conflicts between subordinate . because it 's leadership Competent pedagogy is essential in build effective school .

Behavior head school own role important in advance teacher achievement with show kindness , closeness , and concern full to the teacher as individual nor group . Behavior positive leader can motivate and guide individual For Work The same in reach objective organization . because it 's leadership head school own impact big for subordinates and teachers.

Teacher performance is teacher 's ability finish task Study teach and responsibility answer to students below his leadership . Teacher performance can seen from competence pedagogic , personality , social , and professional must fulfilled . Change This happened in almost all schools in Indonesia, including SD AL-HILAAL Laburan Timur. In condition pandemic , chief school No can supervise direct learning process teach in class , but rather must done online .

As school base in the District Island Manipa, SD AL-HILAAL East Laburan also faced same challenge in change the learning process from stare advance go online. There is limitations network and lack knowledge about use technology information (IT) both by teachers and student . Teacher and student development in using IT and applications online learning such as Zoom or Google Meet are also becoming challenge . In context here , chief SD AL-HILAAL Laburan Timur school has role important in increase teacher performance and guarding productivity during the Covid-19 pandemic .

Success A organization is largely determined by the leadership in it . Successful leadership is moment management organization done with style good and effective leadership . Leadership is application from sciences social , because its principles and formulas expected can give benefit for well-being human . Although experts own different meanings , however there is similarity in definitions the .

According to Suradji and Martono (2014: 8), leadership can defined as person or group of people leading others. With thus , leadership refers to someone or group of people who have role as leader . From definition this , can developed that leadership involve activity leader in lead group of people for reach objective together . kindly more specifically , leadership can interpreted as abilities , skills , and expertise a leader in lead working group of people The same in stable situation ( Suradji and Martono , 2014 : 8).

In context this is leadership become important for man Because exists limitations or excess specific to the individual . on one side , man own limitations in ability For lead , while on the other hand , there are individual with excess ability leadership . because that's a need will leadership appears . Leadership has long been focus research experts , who observe various aspect reality leadership in society . Importance coordination , communication , and supervision in leadership school during a pandemic . During a pandemic , leadership in schools is very important For ensure happening effective coordination , communication , and supervision . Lack coordination , communication , and supervision become constraint in the world of education and causes exists difference perception between field components like head service , superintendent , head schools and teachers. Besides that , lack socialization from head school to power educators and education as well influential factors .

In context activity education in schools , one very important element in reach objective is source Power power educator or teacher. Teacher has role crucial as executor decisive forefront success participant educate and give color in the learning process teach .

Head school own very big role in push good teacher performance . Teacher performance has significant impact to progress education in schools , which in the end contributed to creation graduate of quality . because it 's leadership head school play role important in create generation quality nation .

See from explanation definition leadership above , human need leadership Because exists limitations or excess specific to yourself them . on one side , man own limitations in ability For lead , while on the other hand , there is individual with excess ability leadership . Here it is Why There is need will leadership . Researchers study have long noticed problem leadership , analysis various aspect the reality that happened in society .

Leadership is something growth experience from people who are associated For something objective in something group . Following There is opinion a number of expert about that leadership , as following :

a.         George R. Terry (1995)

Leadership is activity For influence others to do so Work with Like willing For reach objective group .

b.        Swansburg (1986)

Leadership is an influencing process activity something organized group in his efforts reach determination or achievement purpose. (linda Permata, 2019: 20-21)

Leadership is a process of influence activity individual or groups for reach objective objective certain in established situation. In influence activity individual leader use power , authority , influence , nature and characteristics , and purpose is increase productivity and group morale . (A. Aziz Al- Barqy , 2015: 48).


1.        Function Leadership

kindly operational can distinguished in five functions tree leadership, namely:

a.         Function Instructions

Function This characteristic communication One direction , leader as communicator is decisive party what , how , when , and where order That done for a decision can held in a manner effective . Effective leadership need ability For move and motivate others to want carry out command .

b.        Function Consultation

Function This characteristic two way communication . At stage firstdeep set decision leader , most of the time need material considerations , which require it consult with the people he leads are judged have various material required information in set decision .

c.         Function Participation

In operate function This leader try activate the people they lead , either in participation in take decision nor in implement it . Participation No means free do whatever , but done in a manner controlled and directed form Work The same with No interfere or take task main people other . Opt-in leader must still in function as leader and not executor .

d.        Function Delegation

Function This held with give bestowal authority create / assign decision , fine through agreement nor without agreement from leadership. function delegation basically mean trust . Recipient people delegation That must believed is servant leader who has similarity principles , perceptions , and aspirations .

e.         Function Control

Function control mean that successful / effective leadership able to manage activity its members in a manner directed and deep effective coordination so that possibility achievement objective together in a manner maximum . Function control can embodied through activity guidance , direction , coordination , and supervision .

In the Minister of Education and Culture Republic of Indonesia Number 6 of 2018 Concerning Teacher Assignment As Head School , mentioned that Head School is a given teacher task For lead and manage unit education that includes park kindergarten , garden child outside ( TKLB ), school elementary school, school base outside ( SDLB ), school medium first (junior high school), school medium First outside ( SMPLB ), school medium high school, school medium vocational schools (SMK). medium on outside normal (SMALB), or Indonesian Schools Abroad .

Head school is a power functional teacher gives task For lead something school Where learning process is carried out teaching , or place Where happen interaction between giving teachers lessons and students receive lesson , chief school depicted as the owner hope tall for staff and for students . Leadership head school is capabilities a For influence others to work reach goals and objectives . Leadership head school can classified as approach nature , behavior and situational in studies leadership head school .

Leadership head school can used everyone and no only limited apply in something organization or office certain . Leadership head school is activity For influence behavior of others, or art influence behavior man Good individual nor group

Leadership head successful school is head understanding school existence school as complex organization or unique , as well capable carry out his job in lead school . In the something organization will succeed even fail as big determined by leadership . Leader is the one explaining principles and techniques that ensure motivation , discipline and productivity If Work The same with other people.

Head school own role Which very big to realization performance Teacher good . Teacher performance own role Which very big to progress education in school . Progress education in school own role Which very big to creation that graduate quality . By Because That leadership head school role to creation generation nation Which quality .

In ideally , performance head school must create effective situation in organization education school . As manager , chief school role direct in planning , organizing , monitoring , evaluating , and effort repair sustainable . As leader , chief school must give role model , motivation , persistence , and encouragement innovation as milestone for organization .

Head school own a vital role in structure organization school . The duties carried out by the head school own impact significant to the smooth running of the educational process in schools . because that is , performance head school ideally should capable create environment organization effective education . Not quite enough answer head school covers role as manager and leader . As manager , chief school involved direct in activity planning , organizing , monitoring , evaluating , and effort continuous improvement . As leader , chief school must give exemplary , motivation , perseverance , as well push innovation as footing for organization . Bottom of Form


According to Supardi, (2013) understanding performance is something activities carried out For carry out , complete duties and responsibilities in accordance with expectations and goals that have been set . According to Marihot Old Efendy in the book Management Human Resources say that , �Performance is show work which is results Work generated by employees or behavior real displayed in accordance with role in organization �, ( Marihot Old Effendi . 2002: 194).

Performance is something function from motivation and ability For finish task or job . Somebody duly own degrees availability and level ability certain . Willingness and skills somebody Of course no Enough effective For do something without clear understanding about what will done and how do . Performance originates from the language of job performance or actual performance ( achievement Work or performance actually achieved by someone or something intuition ) .

According to Djamarah (2015:280) teachers are someone who gives knowledge knowledge to child educate or professionals who can make disciples For plan , analyze and conclude problems encountered .

Educator is job obtained from field expert with preparation and engagement in face difficulty learning . Executives at the training unit level moment This of course best in class , indeed has get commitment from various reflection and practice head school as the school 's foremost innovator . Reach objective instructive through base association or organization instructive ( Waruwu , 2021).

In regulation minister education and culture Republic of Indonesia Number 6 of 2018 concerning teacher assignment as head school . Teacher is professional educator with task main educate , teach , guide , direct , train , as well assess and evaluate participant educate on education child age early track formal education , education basics , and education medium .

With Thus , teacher performance includes all activities carried out by the teacher in operate mandate and responsibility he replied in the process of educating , teaching , guiding , directing , and guiding students to achieve level maturity and maturity . Another opinion stated that teacher performance includes teacher's ability and success in carry out tasks learning .

Another opinion states that teacher performance is indicated from : a. Control syllabus as well as instruction implementation , such as purpose , material , allocation time and tools as well as source study b. Develop teaching programs c. Carry out the learning process teach , like apply various method , strategy, approach , tips , art study , choose source learning , and using learning media . d. Evaluate results Study student .

According to Ngalim Purwanto , (2005), teacher performance can seen from : a. Teacher always make an effort guide child educate completely b. Teacher always apply curriculum in accordance with need child educate each c. Teacher always stage communication especially For earn information about child educate d. Teacher always create atmosphere life school so that feel at home be and study at school e. Teacher always maintain connection with parents student f. Teacher always maintain connection Good with society g. Teacher always make an effort For develop and improve quality profession , like read book , follow local works , upgrading seminars and activities research h. Teacher always create and maintain connection between fellow teacher i . Teacher always submit to policies and conditions government in field education j. Teacher does task profession with discipline and devotion .

According to KBBI, (2016), a pandemic can interpreted as plague spreading disease in a manner simultaneously across many broad geographic areas . Diseases included in category pandemic is easy disease contagious and have deployment persistent infection continues . because that , if there is cases that occurred in several countries other than the country of origin , remained will classified as pandemic . The Covid-19 pandemic can interpreted as spreading epidemic in a manner broad and simultaneous caused by the type of Corona Virus that attacks body human .

Pandemic refers to the level plague widespread disease in a manner international , exceed scope endemic limited to certain areas . Disease level categorized as become three stage , that is endemic , epidemic , and pandemic . Endemic is when something disease infectious continously in environment people in a certain area . epidemic happen when deployment disease the increase rapidly and beyond numbers that have set , however Still limited to certain zones or areas . Whereas pandemic is stage crucial where disease infectious the spread everywhere, covering the territory between countries .

In the world of epidemiology , a pandemic including in one level of disease of its kind based on deployment . According to Tahrus , in Ayu Tipa Uswatun and Citra Putri Wijayanti (2021:92) pandemic is spreading epidemic Already spread to several countries and continents with amount spread or massive contagion . In the middle situation current COVID-19 pandemic this , activity daily No Can walk normally . All activity start restricted For push rate spread of COVID-19. Top of Form


Based on from what was conveyed by Tahrus , then definition pandemic can interpreted as something plague disease Which its spread Already covers between country, in meaning exceed scope just endemic spread over an area certain .

Top of Form



Study This use perspective qualitative characteristic descriptive For understand phenomenon about what is experienced by the subject study for example behavior , perception , motivation , action and others holistically , and with method description in forms of words and Language, in a context special natural and with utilise various method natural . In data collection , Researcher use technique interview deep with use guidelines interview , observation , and documentation .

Selected sources is those who choose relate direct with problem this . Source person This totaling 7 persons informant . Furthermore data analysis was performed with use method Interactive from Miles and Huberman. Activity in analysis interactive covers data reduction (data reduction ), data presentation (data display ) and Withdrawal conclusion and verification ( conclusion drawings / verification ).



A.        Leadership Head School In Improving Teacher Performance During the Covid-19 Pandemic at Al- Hilaal Elementary School East Labuan .

Leadership Head Al- HIlaal Elementary School East Laburan moment the Covid-19 pandemic will analyzed from various indicator namely : 1) Giving orders , 2) Communication ethics , 3) Retrieval decision , 4) Enforce discipline , 5) How to manage error subordinates , 6) Monitoring and Evaluation .

Data regarding Leadership Head School in improve current Teacher Performance Covid-19 pandemic ( Study at SD Al- Hilaal Waste east West Seram Regency which has obtained researcher through Interview and observation . Under this , is quotes - quotes from results interviews that have been conducted researcher to Head school and the teacher council of SD Al- Hilaal class Waste east .

1.      Give order

Order is purposeful sentences For order others to do something as desired . Likewise with father Sarip Hasan who also provides order to his subordinates so always operate task they with well , orders also become one of the Chief's strategies Al- Hilaal Elementary School Waste east in increase teacher performance . Because, with exists order or given task Head SD AL-HILAAL Laburan Timur got it measure performance from his subordinates Where effective and efficient performance from the teacher will impact on learning and ability participant educate especially during the Covid-19 pandemic .

In respond question first , where researcher ask about what is your leadership strategy as Mr Head Al- Hilaal Elementary School Deep East Laburan framework increase teacher performance , especially during the current Covid-19 conditions this , then he answer as there is in quote below this :

� My strategy do as head school Elementary school at SD AL-HILAAL Laburan Timur, in increase teacher performance especially at the moment pandemic like this . That is , with do coaching discipline , be example for teachers as well as participants teach , and give guidance learning for teachers to improve the learning process in schools as well as do supervision , monitoring and teacher meetings . Besides that , me too a little give guidance about What it's Covid-19 with all regulations that apply during this Covid-19 for example always activity wearing a mask, using a hand sanitizer , always too wash hand , for avoid self from exposure to Covid-19�.


On questions Next , researcher ask about is There is task or order especially what you gave to the teacher as Head School especially at the moment pandemic moment this , then following is answer he on question these :

����������������� � If about task specially me give during the study period during this Covid-19 of course Not yet no , only just I as leader here , me often remind to teachers me so always professional in run already become task them . Moreover , at the time current Covid-19 condition This yes , where all work processes nor in field education like case Study teaching is done online /online. For example , in making learning programs to participant teach , implement activity learning / teaching , implementing analysis from results Study participant educate �.


One of them guardian class at Al- Hilaal Elementary School East Laburan moment conducted interviews researcher on the day Friday September 2 , 2022 researchers ask is Mother as the guardian teacher grade 1 school foundation of Al- Hilaal East Laburan was never given task or head orders school especially at the moment Covid-19 pandemic for the learning process teach still walk with fine , he say as quote under this :

" Yes ever , like case We must more enterprising in the process of learning / teaching , create appropriate learning programs with current Covid-19 condition where is this sometimes I bring participant educate I For Study in a manner stare face outside class remember at this time of Covid-19 We Actually not allowed carry out the learning process stare advance but done online /online. because expensive quotas , and limitations network , as well Lots participant educate class I No have a cell phone. Head school also ordered to me and also my fellow teachers so that always do analysis to results Study students �.

Researchers also asked about leadership Head School to the homeroom teacher of class 2 Al- Hilaal Elementary School East Laburan is how response Mother as a teacher with method or attitude head school in undergo his job as leader at school this , especially at the moment current Covid-19 pandemic this . Following response Mother Marli on quotes under this :

� If according to I about method or attitude he as leader at school this is very good , he is also a very firm person especially at the moment give order especially at the moment pandemic this . However he is also very friendly and very respectful as well as value subordinate the teacher �.

2.      Communication ethics

Researcher discuss about ethics head of communication school in a manner direct researcher ask about how are you as head school or leader at Al- Hilaal Elementary School East Laburan build good communication with Master. So he also replied :

� As leader at school foundation of Al- Hilaal Waste east , good way in communicate with subordinate I is I always understanding Formerly what is meant by the subordinate teacher i , so nnti No happen wrong understand when I give response , then use it language that is easy to understand , and of course we also as leader must polite and respectful subordinate us .�

Then from results interview researcher with the homeroom teacher of grade 5 Al- Hilaal Elementary School East Laburan about is according to Mother method head school as leader at school This in communicate with subordinates the teacher Already ok . Following answer Mother jaenap on quotes under this :

� If according to I method he communicate with us subordinate teachers especially I already very good he always is too use polite language as well as gentle in he said although he is a firm person �.

The researcher also asked the 5th grade teacher about his opinion to style leadership Head school Al- Hilaal Elementary School Deep East Laburan increase teacher performance during a pandemic . Then He answer as quote under this :

" Yes according to I style or characteristic head school during a pandemic this is very good , chief the school is also very strict , and always has been remind us always obey protocol health in do activity Study teach . Besides That head school also has very disciplined attitude time, responsibility answer , and be honest in operate task as leader especially in this Covid-19 condition �.���

3. Taking decision

Taking decision is a selection process an alternative way Act with efficient method in accordance situation For finish something problem . ( Salusu, 2006). Whereas According to Handoko (2014) taker decision is as a process where series activity chosen as settlement something problem certain .

Besides discuss about gift order and ethics communicate to Head School researchers also asked related how are you as Head School or leader in make mechanism decision especially during the Covid-19 time this . Following response he . As following :

" I always use characteristic leadership democratic . So, when I make or take something decision I always involving my teacher's subordinates , for example I direct create a meeting forum with the teacher so you can do discussion in identify existing problem especially now Again the Covid-19 pandemic of course There is a number of no decision Can I decide Alone but must with the agreement of other teachers " .

Furthermore researcher ask matter about is Head School as leader Once experience difficulty during the learning period of Covid-19 in taking decision . Following answer he :

� If about difficulty No too difficult , only just mechanism I in taking decision That through meeting direct with teacher. However , with the Covid-19 pandemic is what happened the obstacle . Besides so are we not biased to do meeting via Zoom or application communication others , because limited network in the village and also the teachers here Not yet too understand about technology that led us with forced do it in a manner direct stare advance , however our time use is also limited , remember we are allowed make crowd or association in long time to get prevent transmission of Covid-19".

same thing was also asked by researchers to the homeroom teacher of grade 4 Al- Hilaal Elementary School East Laburan , regarding is Head school Once involving Mother in meeting taking decision . Following response it is in the quote below this :

" Yes Once even always , chief school always do meeting with fellow teachers taking decision For overcome problem , especially at the moment pandemic conditions �.���

The researcher also asked the class 4 guardian about How mother 's opinion style or attitude leadership head school Al- Hilaal Elementary School East Labuan . Following He reply on quote under this :

� According I leadership he very good , and I personal as a teacher below leadership he really feels satisfied . He is also a smart person in respond something problem , especially problem problems in the learning process that occurs during this Covid-19 �.����������

Head Al- Hilaal Elementary School East Laburan also said if � During my Covid-19 as leaders and also my fellow teachers forced take decision For still carry out the learning process stare face , because limited internet network , lack of IT, as well Lots participant teach us not own quota and handphone for do online/online school . However , no free from protocol health like wearing a mask, Handzenitiser , and washing hand .�

4.      Enforce discipline

To be disciplined teaching teacher improvement is urgently needed capable leader empower employee mainly is teacher. Teacher is end spear success education . ( Siswoyo , 2006)

Next , researchers ask about How method Head Al- Hilaal Elementary School East Laburan as leader in discipline teachers subordinate especially at the moment Covid-19 condition . So answer He , as following :

� For strategic leadership that I do in framework increase teacher discipline is through evaluation Work with give criticism , suggestions and motivation during the forum meeting teacher coordination and doing evaluation teacher performance . Although , at the time this Covid-19 condition We No can carry out meeting in a manner effective and efficient , however I hope colleague my fellow teacher can understand it with well , so increase quality performance �.

Researchers also asked to the homeroom teacher of grade 6 Al- Hilaal Elementary School East Laburan about how mother 's opinion leadership Head school during the Covid-19 pandemic . Following He answer in the quote below this :

"Yes , according I personal method he excellent lead , chief school too often give motivation to me and also other fellow teachers so that always Spirit although in current Covid-19 condition this �.

Based on what Mrs. Huri said above , proves that important gift motivation from leader to his subordinates so that he can increase performance from the teacher , especially during the Covid -19 pandemic .

5.      How to reprimand error subordinate

As for the actions taken by the Head Al- Hilaal Elementary School East Laburan as Leader in rebuke error colleague teacher like case questions asked by researchers that is How method father in snorted error teacher's subordinates when do error , following This answer from he :

" I always rebuke error my fellow teachers with method call they especially before , and after That I give advice to the teacher concerned if someone did error for example no teacher discipline for mistakes No repeated back �.

Besides that , Chief Al- Hilaal Elementary School Waste East too say that teachers can say discipline if can obey the rules For example " Come Morning with appropriate time , right time in teach , and terminate learning with appropriate time in accordance with specified time � .

The researcher also asked one of the teachers , namely the guardian of grade 6 SD Al- Hilaal East Labuan . How mother 's opinion method head school in rebuke error teacher's subordinates in particular mother at the time do error . Following Ibu Huri's answer on the quote under this :

� According I method head school in rebuke error very good subordinates . Because of him reprimand us with only give advice , no rough and use polite language , however head the school is also a strict person �.

6.      Monitoring and Evaluation

Next , researchers ask How Head School as leader at SD AL-HILAAL Laburan east in do monitoring and evaluation to teacher performance especially during Covid- 19 . Following response he :

� My oversight do That in a manner direct because limitations network , as well as monitoring carried out No regardless from regulation government that is obey protocol health . So that in the monitoring process nor learning walk ok . Then For evaluate teacher performance " I do evaluation to teacher 's ability apply all competencies and skills needed in the learning process , and provide mentoring towards the teacher".

Then on the last question , as a leader in this school especially at the time of covid-19 was there factor father 's obstacle and supporter experience in monitor and evaluate results from teacher performance at your school lead . Following response he :

" Which become constraint main in I do monitoring and evaluation to teacher performance ie like limitations network , lack teacher's knowledge of IT, and its limitations facility support like quota and cellphone, if factor supporters through existing facilities and infrastructure at school �.�����

Meanwhile on the question for fellow teachers regarding opinion they to leadership head school , then researcher ask to the homeroom teacher of grade 3 SD Al- Hilaal East Labuan . In respond question First ie is Mother as a teacher at school foundation of Al- Hilaal Waste east Once come on in taking head decision school . So He answer , as following :

" Yes , ever . Like he always inviting I in meeting meeting organization school For determine a number of true decision For progress school �.

Next , researchers ask about how Opinion of the homeroom teacher for grade 3 SD Al- Hilaal East Laburan against style leadership head school in increase teacher performance in the future the Covid-19 pandemic . Following response he :

� According I am leadership head school as leader Already good , he is also very wise in taking decision For progress school especially in this time of Covid-19 �.

Then researchers also asked to one The teacher informant is the homeroom teacher of grade 2 SD Al- Hilaal East Labuan . About did you ever get monitoring as well as evaluation from head school during the learning process teach especially during this Covid-19 . Following answer he is on the quote under this :

" Yes , because limited internet network makes head school do supervision nor evaluation in a manner direct though currently pandemic However stick to the rules government that is put on and use protocol complete health . Like often Supervise 1 month once , held meeting evaluation , and control teacher's work ".


B.        Factor Supporters and Inhibitors Leadership Head School in Improving Teacher Performance During the Covid-19 Pandemic at Al- Hilaal Elementary School East Labuan .

a.    Factor Supporters

In increase teacher performance exists supporting factors matter the . According to Head Al- Hilaal Elementary School East Laburan that about factor supporters in increase teacher performance, especially during the Covid-19 pandemic , namely among others are fellow teachers carry out what to order or suggested to them . Then they also intertwined good communication with head school also otherwise , p This including support for He in increase teacher performance during the Covid-19 pandemic .

b.   Factor inhibitor

1)        Network limited and slow

2)        Limited Power Flow

3)        Lack of Understanding of Teachers and Participants educate To IT usage

4)        Limited ownership Mobile by teachers and students and purchases Internet quota .

Chief Al- Hilaal Elementary School East Laburan said For overcome problem above , he take decision with colleagues the teacher For still carry out work programs as well as the learning process teach in a manner stare advance , however No like condition school by year year before Covid-19. Which, time early learning / teaching held for 5 hours from 7:30 WIT until by 12:00 WIT now become not enough from 3 hours. He say too, that method this is what he is do For guard stability from quality teacher performance .



Based on results research and discussion research on chaps previously can be concluded that . Leadership head school in increase teacher performance during the Covid-19 pandemic in schools foundation of Al- Hilaal East Laburan among them . Although in the state of Covid-19, Chief school still build communication with instruct for the teachers to stay operate task teach although done online /online. As leader at school foundation of Al- Hilaal East Laburan, Chief School do with good way in communicate with his subordinates , he always understanding Formerly what is meant by his subordinate teacher , so that later No happen wrong understand when he give response . Besides That He always does too active and using language that is easy to understand , as well polite and always value his subordinates .

Head School in make and take decision always involve teachers as well staff at SD Laburan Timur, so that a decision is made is known all and be decision together. Like he create a meeting forum with the teacher council, do discussion in identify existing problem especially at the moment the Covid-19 pandemic , of course There is a number of no decision Can Head School decide alone . In enforcement Discipline Master, head school always do evaluation to teacher discipline that is through evaluation Work with give criticism , suggestions and motivation during the forum meeting teacher coordination and doing appraisal teacher performance . Head School do communication interpersonally the teacher makes error , with method call the teacher concerned especially first and give it advise no repeated back .

Head school always do supervision in a manner direct although in due to Covid-19 limited network , lack teacher's understanding of use IT , and its limitations ownership cellphone. Factor supports and factors inhibitor leadership head school in increase teacher performance during the Covid-19 pandemic in schools foundation of Al- Hilaal East Laburan among them namely : for factor supporters in increase teacher performance, especially during the Covid-19 pandemic , namely among others are fellow teachers carry out what to order or suggested to them . Then they also intertwined good communication with head school also otherwise . Whereas For factor the inhibitor is availability limited and slow network , lack understanding of teachers and participants educate to use of IT, and no android phone as well as expensive quota .




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Copyright holders:

La Jaali , Sitti N. Batjo (2023)


First publication right:

Journal of Syntax Admiration


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