�Volume 4, No. 6 June 2023
p-ISSN 2722-7782 |
e-ISSN 2722-5356
DOI: �https://doi.org/10.46799/jsa.v4i6.625
Mustika Apriyani, Kustini
Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jawa Timur Email:
[email protected], [email protected]
Abstract: ���������
The economic sector is a sector that
is currently growing rapidly. Many business people have built their own businesses, both formal and informal businesses,
one of which is MSMEs which play a
role in increasing the country's income in the form of foreign exchange. East
Java is a province with a growing
economic performance that is superior
to other provinces on the island
of Java. Madiun City is also a developing city in the East Java region
so that the development of MSMEs in
Madiun City from year to year is sure to experience rapid growth. This study
aims to analyze the influence of
Entrepreneurial Competence and Entrepreneurship Knowledge on Business
Success in MSMEs in Madiun City. The subjects in this study were
business actors in the
food and beverage business in Madiun City, totaling 30 business actors and
using 30 samples determined by the
saturated sampling method. This research uses quantitative methods with SEM-PLS (Structural Equation
Model � Partial Least Square) analysis techniques. This study concludes that the results of hypothesis testing show
a significant and positive effect between
entrepreneurial competence and entrepreneurial knowledge on business success.
This means that the entrepreneurial
competency level of MSME actors regarding business success is getting better so that they can manage
their potential into opportunities and can be developed in the future.
Keywords: Entrepreneurial Competence, Entrepreneurial Knowledge, The Success Of The Venture, Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneurship
Sektor perekonomian merupakan
sektor yang saat ini berkembang pesat. Banyak pelaku bisnis yang membangun usaha sendiri baik itu
usaha formal maupun informal, salah satunya UMKM yang memegang peran dalam menambah pemasukan negara dalam bentuk
devisa. Jawa Timur menjadi provinsi
dengan kinerja perekonomian yang tumbuh lebih unggul dari provinsi lain di pulau Jawa. Kota Madiun juga merupakan kota yang berkembang di wilayah Jawa Timur sehingga
perkembangan UMKM di Kota Madiun dari tahun ke tahun pastinya mengalami
pertumbuhan yang pesat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis
Pengaruh Kompetensi Wirausaha Dan
Pengetahuan Kewirausahaan Terhadap Keberhasilan Usaha Pada UMKM Kota Madiun.
Subjek pada penelitian ini yaitu para pelaku bismis usaha makanan dan minunman diKota Madiun yang berjumlah 30 pelaku usaha dan menggunakan 30 sampel yang
ditentukan dengan metode sampling jenuh . Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif dengan
teknik analisis SEM-PLS
(Structural Equation Model � Partial
Least Square). Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa
hasil uji hipotesis menunjukkan pengaruh yang signifikan dan positif antara kompetensi kewirausahaan dan pengetahuan kewirausahaan terhadap keberhasilan usaha. Artinya, tingkat kompetensi
wirausaha dan pengetahuan kewirausahaan pelaku UMKM mengenai kesuksesan bisnis semakin baik sehingga dapat mengelola potensinya menjadi peluang dan dapat dikembangkan di masa mendatang.
Kata Kunci: Kompetensi wirausaha; Pengetahuan
Kewirausahaan; Keberhasilan Usaha; Kewirausahaan; Kewirausahaan
One of the other
sectors that is growing rapidly throughout the world, including Indonesia, is
the economic sector. Currently in Indonesia there are many business actors who
build their own businesses, both formal and informal businesses. MSMEs (Micro,
Small and Medium Enterprises) play an important role in the community's
economy, MSMEs can bring people out of poverty because the level of employment
by MSMEs is quite high. The food and beverage industry (mamin) is one of the MSME sectors that has high demand. The
important role of this strategic sector can be seen from its consistent and
significant contribution to GDP of 3.49% in the third quarter of 2021, along
with the national economic growth which has returned to positive growth
touching 3.51% (nasional.kontan.co.id, 2021 ). East
Java's economic performance in the current period grew higher than other
provinces in Java, such as West Java, DKI Jakarta, Central Java and Banten. The
food and beverage industry is one of the MSME sectors
that has high demand. The Mayor of Madiun Midi and Deputy Mayor of Inah Raya,
the Madiun City Government built 27 MSME stalls spread across 27 Villages. The
construction of the shanties is focused on growing a local-based economy in
each Kelurahan. In addition, the construction of MSME stalls will provide
opportunities for small traders to develop their businesses. These stalls are
built in strategic places to make it easier for residents to access their
locations. There are 70 MSMEs empowered to fill Village stalls ranging from
culinary, fashion to handicraft businesses. The more widespread food and
beverage businesses in Madiun City there are 533 MSMEs which have increased
business success.
Business Success
According to Suryana in (Renaningtyas Widyaningrum, 2017: 672) business success
is the success of a business in achieving its goals. Good company performance
is one of the goals of every entrepreneur.
Utami, E. N., &
Mulyaningsih, H. D. (2016). argued that business success is essentially the
success of a business achieving its goals, a business is said to be successful
if it earns a profit because profit is the goal of someone doing business.
According to
Kustini, Dea, Endang (2021) that conditions that are better than before or
successful in achieving the intended goals are business success.
Business success is
the main goal of entrepreneurs. The competence of an entrepreneur is needed in
achieving business success. Entrepreneurial competence is also needed to
survive and develop in the midst of increasingly fierce competition because not
all entrepreneurs have entrepreneurial competence (Rahmi, 2019).
Prakasa, Y., &
Putri, Y. R. (2020). describes competency as an individual character such as
knowledge, skills, and abilities needed to do a particular job.
Sari, I. P. (2018)
Entrepreneurial competence is defined as knowledge, skills, and influences
In research
conducted by Pahlevi, Muhammad Ryan (2019) stated that the higher the
competence, the higher the level of business success. The results of research
conducted by Rahmi, Rahmi (2019) state that entrepreneurial competence has a
positive and significant effect on success
From several
phenomena faced by MSME business actors in Madiun City, there is a gap in the
existence of high demands for competence in the business world so that many
businesses that are run cannot become successful businesses, do not grow and
cannot compete in the market.
The rapidly
increasing number of entrepreneurs who build businesses also need to have
knowledge in running a business to increase quality and achieve business
According to (L
Agustine � 2020) entrepreneurial knowledge is the basis of entrepreneurial
resources within individuals. In general, knowledge is defined as everything
that is known or related to everything.
According to
Kuntowicaksono (2012: 49) entrepreneurial knowledge is a person's understanding
of entrepreneurs with various positive, creative, and innovative characters in
developing business opportunities into business opportunities that benefit
themselves and society or consumers.
Based on the results
of the initial research conducted by researchers, MSME business actors in
Madiun City have a low educational background plus a lack of socialization of
entrepreneurial knowledge.
The results of the
research conducted (Marthaella, Tarisma 2022) entrepreneurial knowledge
significantly influences business success. The best entrepreneurial knowledge
can improve business performance, win the competition and maintain market share
so that competitors do not take it.
Based on the
phenomenon above, entrepreneurial competence and entrepreneurial knowledge on
business success must be studied and reviewed in depth to analyze the influence
of entrepreneurial competence and entrepreneurial knowledge on business success
in SMEs in Madiun City.
In this study, there are three research variables with
operational definitions as follows: Entrepreneurial competence is a strong
entrepreneur and more willing to take risks. Key characteristics of an
entrepreneur include independent will, desire to innovate, aggressive
tendencies towards competitors, and tendency to actively seize market
opportunities. Entrepreneurial competence as an independent variable (X1) that
affects business success as the dependent variable (Y). This study uses
indicators from (Roblesa and Rodriguez, 2015) including communication. 1),
building social networks 2), innovation 3), leadership 4), and negotiation 5).
This variable is measured through 5 statement items. Each item was measured
using a Likert Scale ranging from 1 to strongly disagree to 5 to strongly
Entrepreneurial knowledge (X1) is a person's ability to
produce something new through creative thinking and innovative action, to
create ideas or opportunities that can be put to good use. The indicators used
by (Hisrich in Afhi Fadhlika Moelrine1, Rinaldi Syarif 2022) are: 1) Knowing
the line of business he started, 2) Having the right attitude 3) Knowing how to
Business Success (Y) Business success is a situation
where the business has increased from the previous results. Indicators of
Business Success (C. Purnama 2020) are: 1. Business profit growth 2. Increase
in sales 3. Increase in the number of customers. The indicators in this study
were measured using a Likert scale with a scale of 1-5.
And Sample
There are 30 data on MSME actors in Madiun City who are
used as research samples. This research is a population study because the
population is under 100 respondents, namely 30 people. Determining which
respondents were selected by not using techniques to provide equal
opportunities or opportunities for each element or member of the population to
be selected as samples using the saturated sampling method. Saturated sampling
or other census terms are where all members of the population are sampled
(Sugiyono, 2020: 55).
1. Convergent validity
Convergent validity This has the principle that construct
constructs must be highly correlated. Validity test on SMART PLS 4.0 by looking
at the loading factor value, which must be more than
0.7 for confirmation research and the loading factor value between
0.6-0.7 for massive exploratory research can be accepted and the average variance
extracted (AVE) value must be higher greater than 0.5 (Ghozali &; Latan,
2015: 74).
���������������������������������������������������������� Outer Loading����������������������������������������������������������
Entrepreneurial Competence
Entrepreneurial Knowledge
Business success
X1.1 |
0,946 |
X1.2 |
0,932 |
X1.3 |
0,947 |
X1.4 |
0,883 |
X1.5 |
0,912 |
X2.1 |
0,861 |
X2.2 |
0,916 |
X2.3 |
0,920 |
Y.1 |
0,926 |
Y.2 |
0,966 |
Y.3 |
J0,956 |
on table 1 shows that the results of the loading factor calculation and the
results obtained show that the loading factor value is above 0.70 so the indicator has met the requirements
of convergent validity and has the required validity based on the rule of thumb used following
what has been tested previously.
2. Discriminant validity
The way to test discriminant validity is to look at the loading factor value which must be >0.7
or you can compare the AVE square
root with the correlation value between the model constructs (Ghozali and Latan, 2015: 74).
Indicator |
Entrepreneurial Competence |
Entrepreneurial Knowledge |
Business success |
X1 |
0,924 |
X2 |
0,874 |
0,900 |
y |
0,932 |
0,878 |
0,950 |
on Table 2 data processing, it is known that the square root value of AVE is
more than 0.7 or the number
contained diagonally is greater than the number of the numbers in one column. (0,924),
(0.900), (0,950)]. So it can be said that it has met the discriminant validity
3 . Reliability Test
Reliability tests are carried
out to prove the accuracy,
consistency, and accuracy
of instruments in measuring
constructs. Measuring the reliability of a construct with reflective indicators can be carried out du events,
namely Composite reliability and Cronbach alpha or often referred to as Dillon Goldstein's. Researchers are advised
to use the Composite reliability test
because if you look at the Cronbach alpha of each construct, the value will be
lower. The Composite reliability
value for each construct must be greater than 0.7 (Ghozali and Latan, 2015:75).
Table 3
Construct Reliability Dan Validity
Entrepreneurial |
Cronbach's alpha |
Composite reliability (rho_a) |
Composite reliability (rho_c) |
average variance extracted (AVE) |
competence |
0,957 |
0,958 |
0,967 |
0,854 |
Entrepreneurial |
knowledge |
0,882 |
0,889 |
0,927 |
0,809 |
Business |
success |
0,945 |
0,946 |
0,965 |
0,902 |
From Table 3 it is known that the average variance extract (AVE) has a value of more than
0.5. Has met the reliability requirements Composite reliability has a value greater than 0.7. So it can be
concluded that all construct indicators are
reliable or fulfill the reliability test.
Evaluation of the Structural Model (Inner Model)
on Table 5, the R square for business success (Y) is 0.886, which means that
the variable business success
(Y) can be predicted by related variables, namely entrepreneurial competence (X1) and entrepreneurial knowledge (X2) as a moderating effect
of 0.886. So it can be concluded that R square has a moderate
effect between exogenous and endogenous variables.
Value r-square
R-square����������� R-square adjusted
Business success����������������������������������������������� 0,886������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 0,878
on Table 4.10 that the R square for business success (Y) is 0.8 which means
that the variable of business success
(Y) can be predicted by related variables, namely entrepreneurial competence (X1), and entrepreneurial
knowledge (X2) as moderation influences 0.886. So it
can be concluded that the R square
has a moderate influence between exogenous and endogenous variables.
Here are the results of bootstrapping to assess the effect of indicators with T-Statistics ;
Table 5
Outer Loading Bootstrapping
���������������� Original Sample��� sample average��� Standarddeviationt �����statistic��� p-value �
�X1.1 |
0,216 |
0,340 |
1,067 |
2,268 |
0,001 |
X1.2 |
0,932 |
0,958 |
1,106 |
5,219 |
0,003 |
X1.3 |
0,425 |
0,301 |
0,966 |
4,308 |
0,000 |
X1.4 |
0,231 |
0,210 |
1,069 |
7,221 |
0,003 |
X1.5 |
0,461 |
0,395 |
0,964 |
2,238 |
0,002 |
X2.1 |
0,711 |
0,466 |
0,980 |
6,273 |
0,001 |
X2.2 |
0,714 |
0,607 |
0,862 |
3,298 |
0,000 |
X2.3 |
0,428 |
0,569 |
0,945 |
5,348 |
0,000 |
Based on table 5 the results of outer loading through
bootstrapping all exogenous variables with P values < 0.05 and show the
results of calculating the t-statistics of exogenous variables > t-table
(1.96). Thus, the hypothesis in this study is accepted.
significance of the results of the T-statistic value can be observed from the
smartPLS output by bootstrapping in the following figure :
Table 6
Path Coefficient
original |
sampel |
Standard deviation |
statistic |
p value |
Kompetensi wirausaha terhadap
keberhasilan usaha |
0,287 |
0,239 |
0,045 |
2,183 |
0,000 |
Pengetahuan kewirausahaan
terhadap keberhasilan usaha |
0,361 |
0,325 |
0,281 |
1,984 |
0,002 |
������������������������������������ Based on table 6, the results of the path coefficient table above to measure the magnitude of the influence between variables, this study uses a comparison of table T (1.96) with T statistics. the result is that the T statistic is greater than the T table, the variable has a positive effect.
A. The Effect of Entrepreneurial Competence on Business Success
the results of hypothesis testing that the entrepreneurial competency variable
has a positive effect on business success. The better the MSME actors who have
entrepreneurial competence, the greater the influence for business success. The
results of this study are also supported by the results of research in the
Pahlevi Journal, Muhammad Ryan (2019) and Rahmi (2019) and Srifana (2022) which
show that entrepreneurial competence has an influence on business success which
shows that there is a positive relationship between Entrepreneurial Competence
and success. business. Entrepreneurial competence is something that must also
be possessed by someone who wants to become a successful entrepreneur. By
having Entrepreneurial Competence, business actors have competencies or
provisions that can be applied directly to business activities so that they can
achieve business success. In addition to achieving success, business actors who
have skills will have higher self-branding than others because they are considered
creative and skilled individuals by utilizing their skills in running a
B. The Effect of Entrepreneurial Knowledge on Business
the results of hypothesis testing that the entrepreneurial knowledge variable
has a positive effect on business
success. The better MSME actors who have entrepreneurial knowledge, the greater the influence for
business success. The results of this study are also supported by the research results of Tri Cahyani Pangesti Leres
(2018) and Citra Dewi (2021) which also shows that Entrepreneurial Knowledge
has a positive and significant effect on business
success to become an entrepreneur. Entrepreneurial knowledge is one of the competencies that entrepreneurs must have in order to achieve success.
By having Entrepreneurship Knowledge, business
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Pemkot Madiun
sediakan Rp4,7 miliar
untuk pengembangan lapak UMKM
https://jatim.antaranews.com/berita/572005/pemkot-madiun-sediakan-rp47-miliar-untuk- pengembangan-lapak-umkm
Perkembangan perekonomian Kota Madiun
holder: Mustika Apriyani,Kustini Kustini) (2023) |
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