JSA 2Volume 4, No 7 July 2023

p-ISSN 2722-7782 | e-ISSN 2722-5356

DOI: https://doi.org/10.46799/jsa.v4i7.646





Muzakir Tawil, M. Kafrawi Al- Kafiah Samsu, Yulizar Pramudika Tawil, Risma Ariyani

Tadulako University

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]



The Indonesian government has passed the Law on the Elimination of Domestic Violence (PKDRT Law) to provide comprehensive protection, including guarantees of legal protection and victim recovery. Domestic violence is stated in article 1 point 1 of Law Number. 23 of 2004 concerning the elimination of domestic violence. means any action against a person, especially women, which results in physical, sexual, psychological, and or domestic neglect, including threats to commit acts, coercion, or unlawful deprivation of independence within the scope of the household. Domestic violence can occur to husbands, wives, and children as well as those within the scope of the household. There are two main underlying causes of domestic violence. Firstly, economic factors. The economic factor in question is the lack of established economic conditions in the household so that the many demands that arise in the household are unable to be fulfilled. This condition is what then triggers conflict and even acts of domestic violence. Secondly, a patriarchal culture which embraces the meaning of a social system that places men as the main power holders and dominates in the role of political leadership, moral authority, social rights, and control of property. A patriarchal culture that sees paternal lineage indirectly gives birth to the idea that women have a lower position than men (subordinate). Which ultimately involves many women becoming victims of domestic violence. The objectives of this research are: To find out the implementation of the Domestic Violence Policy at the Palu City Women's Empowerment and Child Protection Office. The research design uses descriptive qualitative. This research is designed within one year.


Keywords: Policy Implementation, Domestic Violence



On 22 September 2004, the Indonesian government passed the Law on the Elimination of Domestic Violence (UU PKDRT) to provide comprehensive protection, including legal protection and victim recovery.

Domestic violence as stated in article one point one of Law Number 23 of 2004 concerning the elimination of domestic violence. means any action against a person, especially a woman, which results in physical, sexual, psychological, and or domestic neglect, including threats to commit acts, coercion, or unlawful deprivation of independence within the scope of the household.

Seeing the data on cases of domestic violence that always increases every year at the end of the year issued by the National Commission on Violence Against Women, of course, raises many questions to the public about the existence of Law No. 23 of 2004 which regulates the elimination of domestic violence.

To carry out the prevention of domestic violence, the minister whose duties and responsibilities are in the field of women's empowerment carries out preventive measures, among others, organizing communication, information, and education on the prevention of domestic violence.

The integrated service center for women's and children's empowerment was established by the ministry of women's empowerment and child protection in every province throughout Indonesia, which aims to provide services for acts of violence against women and children and seeks to contribute to the empowerment of women and children to realise gender equality and justice, it can be seen how the process of implementing the policy of Law Number. 23 of 2004 is by the laws and regulations.

Looking at the situation of the problem of high cases of domestic violence that occurred in the province of Central Sulawesi, the researcher was interested in taking a research locus, precisely in the city of Palu which is also one of the cities that reveals many cases of domestic violence. From the data obtained from interviews with the integrated service center for women's empowerment and child protection of Palu City, 88 cases of domestic violence were recorded from 2017 to 2018 reported in the jurisdiction of Palu City.

�The implementation of the elimination of domestic violence policy in the Palu city women's empowerment and child protection office Researchers relate to the theory put forward by Charles O. Jones (Leo, 2016) in carrying out program implementation activities or policy implementation, there are three types of activities that need to be considered carefully, namely organization, interpretation, and application.

�From the results of the study, researchers saw that the implementation of the Policy on the elimination of domestic violence in the Palu City Women's Empowerment and Child Protection Office showed that it had not run optimally.

����� By looking at the problems described above, researchers are interested in raising the theme of the implementation of policies to eliminate domestic violence in the Palu city women's empowerment and child protection office because looking at the situation and conditions based on data, Palu city is one of the areas with domestic violence emergencies. In addition, the reason researchers took the theme of the elimination of domestic violence policy at the women's empowerment and child protection office in Palu city women's empowerment and child protection office was to find out how much the government's role was in implementing the domestic violence elimination policy.

To find out the assessment of informants on the Implementation of the Elimination of Domestic Violence Policy at the Women's Empowerment and Child Protection Office of Palu City, researchers have conducted in-depth interviews consisting of three aspects, namely organisation, interpretation, and application. Where the three aspects above are based on the theory put forward by Charles O Jones quoted (Agustino, 2016: 154: 155) (Wahid et al., 2022)

Charles O. Jones (1996: 296) (Agustino, 2016: 154-155) (Archer et al., n.d.), explains the organization in policy implementation, namely the formation or rearrangement of resources, units, and methods to make the program run. Thus, each organization must have an organizational structure, qualified human resources as implementing personnel, and facilities and infrastructure that can support the implementation of policies to eliminate domestic violence.

The organizational structure provides a clear picture of positions, duties, and functions and is a framework of work guidelines for employees to realize the vision and mission of the Palu City Women's Empowerment and Child Protection Office. For the tasks of implementing policies to eliminate domestic violence to be carried out by applicable regulations, each officer is required to have adequate abilities in their respective fields.

(Sovacool et al., 2018) states that Interpretation is interpreting policy language into appropriate plans and directions that can be accepted and implemented. Interpretation is a process of oral communication between two or more people. To find out the Implementation of the Elimination of Domestic Violence Policy at the Women's Empowerment and Child Protection Office of Palu City in terms of interpretation, it can be seen whether the implementation of the market retribution policy has been implemented by the applicable rules and regulations.

According to Charles O. Jones (1996: 296), states that implementation is the routine provision of services, payments, or others tailored to the objectives or equipment of the program (Paulweber et al., 2010). An implementation is an act of putting into practice a theory, method, and other things to achieve certain goals for the benefit of a group that has been planned and arranged in advance. Policy implementation can be carried out well if the routine implementation of government regulations can be carried out by carrying out activities to achieve policy objectives. Implementation in the form of routine service provision in terms of providing services by policy goals and objectives and equipped with clear work procedures.


This research uses a qualitative-descriptive approach through field study. field study is conducted in in-depth interviews to explore information in-depth, open, and free with the problem and focus of research and directed at the research center (Adongo et al., 2013).

Primary data sources in this study are informants/resources who master the problem, have data, and are willing to provide complete and accurate information. They are the employees of the Office of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection of Palu City. Data collection of primary data sources was conducted through in-depth interviews with the people mentioned above. Secondary data was also collected in the form of documents supporting the study.

The collected data were then tested for data validity using construct validation and internal validation techniques. Construct validation was carried out by collecting as much evidence as possible and verification with key informants, while internal validation was carried out by matching, explaining, and analyzing the timing of events. Furthermore, the validated data were analyzed using qualitative data analysis techniques.



Implementation of the Policy on the elimination of domestic violence in the Office of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection of Palu City by looking at the three pillars of policy implementation, namely organization, interpretation, and implementation/application by conducting interviews involving several informants who are considered to know and understand the problems to be studied. Each informant is identified to get to know each informant more closely to understand each informant's characteristics so that the information obtained is optimal according to the level of the researcher�s needs.

1.      Organization

In terms of organization, the implementation of policies to eliminate domestic violence in the Palu City Women's Empowerment and Child Protection Office shows that it has not gone well, with several influencing factors, among others, the existing organizational structure has not been running according to its duties and functions, human resources and a sense of empathy are still very minimal and inadequate infrastructure in implementing policies to eliminate domestic violence.

2.      Interpretation

In terms of interpretation of the Implementation of the Policy on the elimination of domestic violence at the Palu City Women's Empowerment and Child Protection Office, it shows that it has not been effective as a whole in carrying out procedures by Law No. 23 of 2004 concerning the elimination of domestic violence regarding socialization, communication and education to the community so that there are still many people who do not know clearly about the policy.

3.      Application

In terms of application/implementation, the implementation of the elimination of domestic violence policy in the women's empowerment and child protection office of Palu City shows that it has not been running optimally because it has not been fully implemented in accordance with existing regulations, so that the services provided by the relevant government agencies, namely the women's empowerment and child protection office of Palu City together with the integrated service center for women's empowerment and child protection of Palu City are very limited. So that the community complains about the services provided. besides that, economic and cultural factors are also one of the obstacles to the application of the elimination of domestic violence policy in Palu City.



The implementation of the policy on the elimination of domestic violence in the Office of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection of Palu City shows that it has not gone well because three aspects are not fulfilled as a tool used to research, namely organisation, interpretation, and application.

This can be seen from the organisational aspects that have not fully carried out their respective duties and functions, minimal resources and empathy, and also inadequate infrastructure in the implementation of policies to eliminate domestic violence. Apart from that, the Interpretation aspect has not been running well as a whole. As well as from the aspect of Application / Application has not been running well because it has not been fully implemented by existing regulations, so the services provided by the relevant government agencies, namely the Office of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection of Palu City, in addition to economic and cultural factors are also one of the major obstacles to the application of policies to eliminate domestic violence in Palu City.


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Copyright holders:

Muzakir Tawil, M. Kafrawi Al- Kafiah Samsu, Yulizar Pramudika Tawil, Risma Ariyani (2023)


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