JSA 2Volume 4, No. 7, July 2023

p-ISSN 2722-7782 | e-ISSN 2722-5356

DOI: https://doi.org/10.46799/jsa.v4i7.655




Arief Yulianto

Faculty of Computer and Media Visual Communication Design Study Program

Media Nusantara Citra University

[email protected]



Textiles are an important part of Indonesia, both as a component of clothing and as ritual and ceremonial items. The Textile Museum is a museum founded in 1976 which was pioneered by Mr. Ali Sadikin as the governor of DKI Jakarta at that time. However, over time, interest in visiting museums has decreased, especially with the C19 pandemic, many learning tourist attractions such as museums have experienced a decline in visitors. The role of the mobile app interface can make it easier for visitors or potential visitors and anyone to get various information easily and practically. This research will create a prototype UI design mobile apps interface for the Textile Museum using Adobe XD software. The research begins with mapping the problem, determining various solutions, determining the best solution, forming prototypes, and testing the results on target consumers, testing marketing concepts and brand awareness to capture the number of visitors to come to the Textile Museum.


Keywords: Textile, Prototype, UI Design, Travel, Marketing, Brand



Textiles became an important part of Indonesia, both as a component of clothing and as ritual and ceremonial objects. The Textile Museum is a museum established in 1976 which was pioneered by Mr. Ali Sadikin as the governor of DKI Jakarta at that time. But over time, interest in visiting museums is felt to have decreased, especially with the C19 pandemic, many learning attractions such as museums have decreased visitors. The role of the mobile app interface can make it easier for visitors or potential visitors and anyone to get various information easily and practically. This research will create a prototype UI design mobile apps interface for the Textile Museum using Adobe XD software. The research begins with mapping problems, determining various solutions, determining the best solution, forming prototypes, and testing results on target consumers, testing marketing concepts and brand awareness to capture the number of visitors to come to the Textile Museum.


Keywords: Textile, Prototype, UI Design, Travel, Marketing, Brand



Textiles became an important part of Indonesia, both as a component of clothing and as ritual and ceremonial objects. Traditional textiles are a rich aspect of Indonesian culture and a testament to the level of technological expertise and fine art skills achieved by the creator of the work and as a door to history in each of his works (Aaron, 2013). The Textile Museum is a museum established in 1976 which was pioneered by Mr. Ali Sadikin as the governor of DKI Jakarta at that time (Desianty, 2020). This museum was established to honor Mrs. Tien Soeharto, as the Head of State of the Republic of Indonesia, and was inaugurated its opening on June 28, 1976, in its development the Textile Museum strives to promote and promote the fabric of the archipelago as a characteristic of Indonesia, especially for science and tourism. But over time, interest in visiting museums is felt to have decreased, especially with the C19 pandemic, many learning attractions such as museums have decreased visitors. In a report, the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) reported that there were around 121 thousand visits to museums in Jakarta throughout 2021. This number decreased considerably compared to 2020 which totaled 2 million visits (Maulida, 2018). Visits to the Museum of Fine Arts and Ceramics, Bahari, Textile, and Joang '45 Museum also dropped significantly throughout 2021, with a range of 2 thousand to 20 thousand visitors per museum.


Figure 1

Museum Visitor BPS Data 2020-2021 (Kusuma, 2022)

Chart, bar chart

Description automatically generated

From the diagram, visitors to the Textile Museum are ranked 3rd from the bottom, meaning that the number of visitors is very small amounting to 3,674 visitors. On the one hand, the Textile Museum initially had a website design and was very informative, but this was also still lacking to attract visitors to come to the Textile Museum. The absence of applications to book tickets, understand batik motifs and weaving motifs, history and event info about batik or weaving is still not included in the website menu. With the ease of access via smartphones, most young people use mobile devices to access information anywhere. The role of the mobile app interface can make it easier for visitors or potential visitors and anyone to get various information easily and practically.

This research will create a UI design mobile apps interface for the Textile Museum using Adobe XD software. Research begins with mapping problems, determining various solutions, determining the best solution, forming prototypes, and testing the results on target consumers.UI design is widely used to create an application interface for desktop and mobile. The world of design is growing (especially in the realm of Visual Communication Design), the development of design in the creative industry is increasingly demanding according to needs. UI design does not only discuss website design but the demand for mobile-based interface applications for the digital industry is also very necessary.

Figure 2

Textile Museum Website Design Display


It looks interesting, but currently the absence of a website operator is an obstacle in itself. The absence of a mobile application interface at the Textile Museum is the background of this research, with the existence of a mobile apps interface is expected to add to the marketing side and brand awareness of the Textile Museum as a place or knowledge center to provide information to visitors and potential visitors. The question in this study is "How can Mobile Apps Design be useful to increase visitor interest and marketing and brand awareness?".

This research will be conducted qualitatively to look inside the Textile Museum in increasing visitor interest and marketing and brand awareness. This research is important to; (1) contribute knowledge about the in-depth picture of the visitor experience when coming to the Textile Museum; and (2) provide input in the ethical role of museums or tourist attractions to increase visitor interest.

Figure 3

Visitors practicing batik

In the Textile Museum there is a batik training facility intended for visitors who come. The formulation of the problem in the research is based on the description that has been described, namely, (1) How to identify and analyze the branding strategy used bythe Textile Museum today in increasing the number of visitors? (2) How to develop the potential of the educational tourism marketin the Textile Museum in increasing the number of visitors? (3) How to formulate a UI Design mockup design that will be used by the Textile Museum in increasing the number of visitors?

While the objectives of the study are (1) Identify and analyze the branding strategy used bythe Textile Museum today in increasing the number of visitors. (2) Developing the potential of the educational tourism market in the Textile Museum in increasing the number of visitors. (3) Formulate a UI Design mock up design that will be used by the Textile Museum in increasing the number of visitors.

The benefits of this research can be divided into several things, the first is theoretically, namely (1) This research can provide benefits for sharing with other parties both in sharing efforts to develop brand awareness and market educational tours with special interests. (2) This research will provide awareness of the use of UI Design application design of a Museum Apps to provide digital information and increase visitor interest. (3) This study can also contribute to other researchers who want to conduct similar research on various special interest tourism marketing strategy efforts so that they can be useful and contribute positively to science in general.

The second is practically, namely for the (internal) Textile Museum (1) Can be a model for developing sustainable marketing and branding awareness that can be applied to the educational tourism industry at the Textile Museum. (2) Can be a forum for learning batik and textiles as well as natural coloring through educational tourism activities to increase visitor interest. (3) Can contribute thoughts for internal parties in developing tourism marketing knowledge and brand awareness by making a UI Design application idea for application development in increasing the number of visitors. For the government (DKI Jakarta Province, Department of Tourism, Culture, and Education) This research can provide information, input and reference in determining strategic steps in an effort to increase brand awareness and marketing of educational tourism at the Textile Museum. For the public and visitors of this research can provide information about various services. And the importance of preserving, maintaining, and marketing an educational tour at the Textile Museum.

The research method is carried out with the concept of descriptive qualitative research which refers to the phenomena in the Textile Museum.



������������� The research design used is a qualitative approach using phenomenological methods because the purpose of research is to find the essence of an experience (Rukhmana et al., 2022). In this case, the experience of visitors to the Textile Museum. Through this research, it is expected that scientific contributions will emerge in order to understand the process of designing mobile apps for brand awareness in increasing visitor capacity. After the selection of participants, an in-depth interview will be conducted to extract the essence of the interview data of the management and visitors of the Textile Museum.


Picture 05.

Research Instrument Flow





















Basically, the data collection tool in research (research instrument) is the researcher himself.


In this study, the author obtained information covering the elements contained in the results of interviews conducted in depth with the speakers, regarding the benefits of making application designs for the Textile Museum to increase the number of visitors by looking at the marketing side and brand awareness.








The process begins with researching the situation by conducting interviews with resource persons, then conducting an analysis obtained that, it is necessary to make UI design is needed to help the marketing process and increase brand awareness so that visitors can increase.

The author succeeded in conducting an analysis in making UI design for the Textile Museum application. UI Design requirements for the Textile Museum application can include several aspects that need attention. Here are some common needs to consider:

  1. Intuitive navigation: Make sure the user interface has easy-to-understand and intuitive navigation. Visitors should be able to easily explore various in-app features and content, including collections, exhibitions, events, and additional information.
  2. Display of attractive content: UI design should pay attention to how best to display content about textiles, such as collection images, descriptions, history, and related information. Users must be able to see and understand this information clearly and interestingly.
  3. Responsive and adaptive: Textile museum apps should be responsive and accessible through a variety of devices, including smartphones, tablets, and desktops. Make sure the UI design and content layout adapt well across different screen sizes.
  4. Search availability: Provide a powerful search feature to allow users to find the specific content they are looking for. These searches should be efficient and include relevant filters or categories.
  5. Multimedia integration: Textiles often have a high visual value, therefore it is important to pay attention to multimedia integration in UI design. This can include an attractive image display, a 360-degree view, zoom, or a video explaining the textile technique or manufacturing process.
  6. Engaging interactions: Use interactive design elements, such as animations, smooth transitions, or eye-catching visual effects to enhance the user experience. This can create an interesting atmosphere and make users engage with textile museum content.
  7. Accessibility: Make sure the UI design pays attention to accessibility for users with various needs. This includes good use of color contrast, easy-to-read fonts, and support for screen readers.
  8. Ease of sharing: Provide the ability for users to share content from the textile museum app to social media or via email. This can expand the reach of the museum and invite user participation.
  9. Personalization: Consider personalization options in UI design to allow users to save favorite collections, create lists of events of interest, or set other user preferences.

Each textile museum application will have unique needs depending on the context and purpose of the museum. It is important to understand the target audience and consider their specific needs in UI design.

The author in doing the UI design process makes a wireframe, starting with making a simple design in the form of mapping color in one tone.


Picture 06.

Wireframe Design for UI Design Registration Process

The beginning of making before becoming a design prototype begins with making a wireframe design



















Picture 07.

Design Wireframe for UI Design Homepage

The beginning of making before becoming a design prototype begins with making a wireframe design

A picture containing text, screenshot, design, rectangle

Description automatically generated
















Picture 08.

Wireframe Design for UI Design Ticketing

The beginning of making before becoming a design prototype begins with making a wireframe design

A screenshot of a mobile phone

Description automatically generated with low confidence















Picture 09.

Wireframe Design for UI Design Payment Process

The beginning of making before becoming a design prototype begins with making a wireframe design


A screenshot of a phone

Description automatically generated with low confidence
Screens screenshot of a phone

Description automatically generated with medium confidence


































Figure 10

Wireframe Design for UI Design Searching

The beginning of making before becoming a design prototype begins with making a wireframe design

















Picture 11

Wireframe Design for UI Design Profile and 360'

The beginning of making before becoming a design prototype begins with making a wireframe design

A screenshot of a phone

Description automatically generated with medium confidence













Picture 12.

UI Design Registration

Final UI Design for Textile Museum app





























Picture 13.

UI Design Homepage

(Note: on every page there will be a 360' view button option)

Final UI Design for Textile Museum app





























Picture 14.

UI Design Ticketing, Souvenir and Guide Selection

Final UI Design for Textile Museum app




































Picture 15.

UI Design Souvenir

Final UI Design for Textile Museum app

























Picture 16.

UI Design Searching

Final UI Design for Textile Museum app









Figure 10 : UI Design Payment

Final UI Design for Textile Museum app




























Picture 17.

UI Design Account Profile

Final UI Design for Textile Museum app




















Picture 18.

UI Design 360' and Icon

Final UI Design for Textile Museum app











A picture containing clipart, sketch, cartoon

Description automatically generated




Picture 19.

Barcodes containing videos of app usage

Can be scanned and attached to it the finalization video data UI Design Prototype for the Textile Museum application.

A qr code on a white background

Description automatically generated with medium confidence














�������� Special tourism can take advantage of the existence of the Jakarta Textile Museum by integrating it into travel packages specifically designed for tourists interested in textile arts, handicrafts, or Indonesian culture. Tourists can visit this museum as part of their trip aimed at exploring Indonesia's textile wealth, attending special events or workshops organized by the museum, and gained a deeper understanding of Indonesian textile art.

�������� Thus, the Jakarta Textile Museum can be an attractive destination in special tourism that focuses on textile arts and Indonesian culture. Not only that, developing a digital application for the Jakarta Textile Museum is a good step to increase brand awareness and marketing. Here are some ways these apps can help:

1.      Detailed Museum Information: In the app, provide detailed information about the museum, including its history, vision and mission, collections owned, and programs offered. This will give potential visitors a better understanding of the museum and provide a solid foundation for branding.

2.      Virtual Tour: Provide a virtual tour feature within the app to allow users to explore museums and collections virtually. This will provide an interactive experience to users who may not yet be able to physically visit the museum. Make sure this feature is well designed and attractive to keep the user's interest.

3.      Educational and Entertainment Content: In the app, feature textile-related educational and entertainment content, such as articles, videos, images, and stories about traditional and contemporary textile art. This will increase users' knowledge of textiles, provide added value, and strengthen the museum's image as an authority in the field.

4.      Event and Exhibition Notifications: Use the app to provide notifications about upcoming events, exhibitions, and museum programs. Users can receive immediate notifications about events they're interested in, so they can stay connected to museums and engage in a variety of activities.

5.      Search and Filtering Features: Integrate search and filtering features within the app to help users easily find the information they're looking for. For example, they can search collections by fabric type, region of origin, or specific time era. This will increase user satisfaction and allow them to explore more efficiently.

6.      User Engagement and Engagement: In the app, provide features for users to leave reviews, provide feedback, or share their experiences on social media. This will increase interaction with users and encourage them to become museum brand ambassadors by sharing their positive experiences with others.

7.      Loyalty Programs and Discounts: To increase user engagement, consider providing an in-app loyalty program. Users can get special benefits, such as ticket discounts, exclusive access to events, or limited opportunities to get museum items. This will stimulate users to continue using the app and visiting museums.

8.      Integration with Social Media: Make sure the app can integrate with social media platforms, such as Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter. This will make it easier for users to easily share museum content, increase brand exposure and create a positive network effect.





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Copyright holders:

Arief Yulianto (2023)


First publication right:

Journal of Syntax Admiration


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