JSA 2Volume 4, No. 7 July 2023

p-ISSN 2722-7782 | e-ISSN 2722-5356

DOI : https://doi.org/10.46799/jsa.v4i7.646




Norma , Daswati , Nuraisyah , Dandan Haryono, Nasir Mangngasing, Abdul Rivai

Postgraduate Public Administration Masters Program at Tadulako University

email: [email protected] , [email protected] , [email protected]



This Research aims to find out and analyze Linen Management in the Laundry Installation of the Undata Palu Regional General Hospital. The main theories that are referenced in this study are Terry's theory which includes; (1) Planning, (2) Organizing, (3) Actuating, (4) Controlling, This research method uses a descriptive - qualitative approach. The location of this research was located at the Laundry Installation of the Undata Palu Regional General Hospital, with 4 informants selected purposively. Data collection is carried out by conducting interviews, observations, and documentation. Data analysis techniques using Miles and Huberman interactive models. Based on the results of the research, Linen Management at the Laundry Installation of the Undata Palu Regional General Hospital is in the category of being able to be carried out according to the management process, that is from planning, organizing, mobilizing and supervising. Planning of work programs related to Linen in the Laundry Installation of the Undata Palu Regional General Hospital has been carried out according to the available budget both from direct and indirect sources of APBD, Organizing has not been implemented effectively by organizing human resources from recruitment to placement , Mobilization can be carried out by the leadership by directing or fostering employees to work properly and well, while supervision is carried out either directly or indirectly.


Keywords : Management, Planning, Organizing, Actuating, Controlling



According to the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 44 of 2009 concerning Hospitals, a Hospital is a health service institution that organizes full individual health services that provide inpatient, outpatient and emergency services. In Regulation of the Minister of Health Number 4 of 2018 concerning Hospital Obligations and Patient Obligations, in article 2 paragraph 1 one of the obligations of every Hospital is to make, implement and maintain quality standards of health services in Hospitals as a reference in serving patients.

The need for quality hospital services is increasing along with the improvement of the economy and the degree of public health. In recent years, the growth of hospitals in Indonesia has experienced significant developments with the issuance of various laws and regulations aimed at encouraging investment and creating better conditions for providing hospital services. Evidently, not only is the government providing health services to the public, the private sector is also now increasingly active in developing hospitals in Indonesia.

Medical services at hospitals cannot run well if they are not supported by other supporting services available at each hospital. The laundry installation is a medical support unit that has an important role, namely as the person in charge of providing linen services to hospital patients, especially inpatients. Laundry unit which is a non-medical support unit and one of the services to advance the quality of hospital services that provide linen services, especially to patients undergoing inpatient care. The laundry unit processes hospital linen, especially linen which is a complement to the patient's resting place, namely the bed of an inpatient. Of course, indirectly, the laundry installation is an effort to break contact with the transmission of diseases caused by linen users. Therefore, it requires special attention to hospital linen services in order to create linens that are ready to use, clean and provide comfort to patients (Asanti, Cahyono, & iw, 2020).

Linen is a material or cloth used in hospitals for the needs of wrapping mattresses, pillows, bolsters, blankets, staff clothing, patient clothing and other sterile instruments. Linen is a term to refer to all textile products in hospitals which include linen in the treatment room and surgical gowns in the operating room, while nurse uniforms, doctor coats and work clothes are usually not grouped into the linen category, but are categorized as uniforms. According to the laundry sector, there are soiled linen and fouled and infected linen. The space that needs to be provided is a dirty linen room, a clean linen room, a linen carriage warehouse, a warehouse for storing clean equipment and washing equipment (Djojodibtoro, 1997).

������������� Linen monitoring is an effort to supervise the stages of cleaning linen in hospitals to reduce the risk of health and environmental problems caused. Poor linen processing will lead to potential disease transmission for patients, staff and other linen users.

������������� The need for linen in each hospital room varies in terms of type, amount, and condition. The flow of linen processing is quite long, requires special processing and involves many health workers. Good linen quality is important to note to avoid infectious diseases and the effects of using materials, linen processing must be done carefully, to prevent nosocomial infections. The role of linen management in hospitals is quite important, starting from planning, one of the linen processing subsystems is the washing process. The flow of functional activities starts from receiving dirty linen, weighing, selecting, washing, squeezing, drying, sorting stains, ironing, sorting damaged linen, folding, tidying, packing or packaging, storing and distributing to units that need it, while damaged linen is sent to the sewing room. To carry out these activities smoothly and properly, a well-planned flow is needed.

In receiving and serving patients, it is fitting that hospitals must provide good service to deal with consumers with various characteristics, hospitals must equip themselves so that they always listen to consumers' voices, and have the ability to respond to every need, consumer expectations and demands of service users of health care facilities . This is closely related to health workers, medical services and other supporting non-medical services which must complement each other to always accompany and serve patients as consumers.

The PNS/ASN and Honorary staff who served at the Undata Hospital in Palu were 1,266 people. In relation to the laundry unit and the quality of linen management at Undata Palu Regional General Hospital, the number of employees attached to the linen section is a total of 17 people, 5 medical staff and 12 non-medical staff. Supporting equipment available is 2 washing machines, 1 drying machine unit, and ironing board 1 unit. Regarding human resources in the linen section of Undata Hospital Palu, they have not received special attention, because the officers in the linen section have not received vaccines which should be routine every 6 months, there is still a lack of training in carrying out the duties and functions of linen management, as well as clothing for officers in the the linen did not meet the standards because only gloves were facilitated by the hospital, and from the data we found that the availability of Linen in the Laundry Installation at the Undata Palu general hospital did not meet the requirements, namely the number of linens available did not match the amount that should have been available, so they do it diligently, namely washing clothes to meet the needs for linen needed in hospital services.

In terms of the provision of linen to support the services provided to patients, especially patients undergoing hospitalization, it will be able to run well if the availability of linen needed by the room can be fulfilled, both in terms of quantity and readiness when it will be used. While the current conditions illustrate the availability of linen which is still lacking and has not met the needs.

From the description above, it is very necessary to conduct research on Linen Management in the Laundry Installation at the Undata General Hospital, Palu, which is expected to help improve linen management in good and appropriate laundry installations to support excellent health services.



The method used in this study is a descriptive qualitative research to find out linen management by taking informants who are chosen deliberately and are people who know the problems and are trusted at the Laundry Installation at Undata Palu Hospital. The informants in this study are as follows:

1.    Head of Medical Support Section

2.    Head of Laundry Installation

3.    Staff Laundry Installation

Determination of data sources in this study was carried out purposively . According to Sugiono (2008: 216), "Determination of data sources on the people interviewed was carried out purposively, namely selected with certain considerations and objectives". Then several employees and staff were selected who were experts or directly involved in linen management at the laundry installation at the Undata General Hospital in Palu.

This study refers to Terry's theory (2010:67), which explains that the function of linen management can be seen from 4 aspects . ie . planning, organizing, actuating and supervising, the conceptual definition of linen management research for installing laundry at Undata Palu Regional General Hospital is the implementation of linen management which includes planning, organizing, activating and supervising.



In the context of implementing Regional Autonomy as mandated in the Law - Law Number 32 of 2004 concerning Regional Government, the Government in carrying out government, development and social affairs must be in accordance with the aspirations of the local community concerned. In this regard, it is undeniable that Regional Government policies must focus on improving the quality of service to the community.

Therefore, the Hospital is expected to carry out management functions as stated by Terry (2010: 67), which explains that the management function of linen management is seen from 4 aspects, namely planning, organizing, actuating and supervising, so the conceptual definition of linen management function research in The Laundry Installation at the Undata Palu Regional General Hospital is the implementation of linen management which includes the implementation of planning, organizing, actuating and supervising.

, it can be concluded that linen management in laundry installations is an activity - organizational activities related to linen management to obtain good linen management efficiently and effectively, as well as manage the assets owned to achieve the goals of the organization. The link with this research is limited to linen management at the Laundry Installation of the Undata Regional General Hospital Palu as one of the functions of the Undata Regional General Hospital, so the researcher adopts the opinion of a management expert namely Terry who sees management functions from 4 aspects, namely starting from planning, organizing , actuation and supervision by Terry (2012:17).

Planning ( Planning )

Planning is a process involving efforts made to anticipate future trends and determine appropriate strategies and tactics to realize the targets and goals of an organization. The planning function in the health sector is the process of formulating health problems in the community, determining the needs and available resources, setting the most basic program goals, and developing steps to achieve the goals that have been set. Planning is an important function because it will determine other management functions and is the basic foundation of the overall management function.

Undata Palu General Hospital has carried out good planning regarding the development of the Hospital, in accordance with the statement from the Head of the Medical Support Section as follows :

From the planning aspect, the Undata Hospital carried out the planning by taking into account the needs of both sources of funds originating from the APBN and APBD funds. Likewise human resources, carefully taking into account what are the obstacles, formulating forms of implementing activities that aim to achieve goals (Interview with Head of Medical Support Section , November 21 , 2022 , Murniati, S.Kep., MAP )

The results of these interviews prove that the management function seen from the planning aspect is very important, because it can be known about how many human resources are needed and what infrastructure is needed and how to overcome if there are obstacles - obstacles hindering the implementation of the planned program. Such as the obstacle to providing maximum service to the community due to inadequate facilities and infrastructure.

The following is the statement from the Head of Laundry Installation :

In formulating the plan for the hospital in the medical support section it involves the leadership and staff, with the intention that the leadership and staff are subordinated medical support field, to propose what needs are urgent to be carried out whether it is related to human resources or facilities and infrastructure (Interview with the Head of the Laundry Installation, Date , 2 5 November 2022, Nurseha, SKM)

these interviews prove that formulating a plan involving all related elements is very useful. The benefits can be information about deficiencies - deficiencies and obstacles related to the development of service quality in Laundry Installations at Hospitals, as the person in charge of this laundry installation, the person concerned always enters and submits proposals for needs to the supervisor who is directly responsible.

services at Undata Hospital have not given maximum satisfaction to the community, because there are still inadequate facilities and infrastructure for linen management at the Undata General Hospital Laundry Installation. However, the management function continues to run well, it's just that the situation and conditions are very decisive. So planning on the use of the budget can be spent according to its designation.

Organizing _ _

To carry out activities as part of medical support, namely especially in the linen section of the Laundry Installation at the Undata Palu Regional General Hospital, maximum organization is needed because organizing is the process of setting organizational standards according to organizational goals, the resources they have, and the environment that surrounds them.

( 2012:17), organizing ( organizing ) namely as a way to gather people - people and placing them according to their abilities and expertise in the work that has been planned. This means organizing human resources in the aspects of (1) placement and (2) recruitment.

In the following, the Head of the Medical Support Section said that from an organizational aspect that is related to linen management in the laundry installation, the Undata Hospital carried out the organization by paying attention to:

Recruitment and placement of employees always pay attention to the level of education and skills and how many employees are recruited and place employees according to their expertise. It's just that the number of employees at the Laundry Installation at the Undata Regional General Hospital is still insufficient, so it is necessary to add employees who have scientific disciplines that match the needs of the Laundry Installation. (Interview with Head of Medical Support Section, December 5, 2022, Murniati, S.Kep., MAP ).

Based on the results of interviews with informants, it is proven that the management function in the organizational aspect related to linen management in the laundry installation has been carried out properly. It can be seen that the hospital has made plans regarding the number of employees to be recruited and the placement of employees is appropriate. with their expertise, but the need for additional employees in the Laundry Installation section is expected to be able to help improve performance in the Hospital Laundry Installation.

The following information from Head of Laundry Installation :

The number of employees at the Laundry Installation currently recruited is 17 people, 9 are PNS and 8 are Non PNS. It consists of 5 health workers and 12 non-health workers as many as 17 people. This means that the number of employees who provide services in the linen section at the Hospital Laundry Installation is sufficient, but there is still a need for additional health workers who have special expertise in this linen laundry. (Interview with the Head of Laundry Installation , Date, 8 December 2022, Nursesha, SKM ).

Based on the results of interviews with informants, it proved that the organization at the Undata Regional General Hospital was already in the good management category. Because human and non-human resources have been well organized where employees or health workers have been recruited, but it's good that additional employees are still needed to meet the needs of the Laundry Installation at the Undata Palu Regional General Hospital.

The following information from Laundry Installation Staff :

Recruitment and placement of employees has been organized in accordance with the plans made by the Planning Department, taking into account the level of expertise and skills for employees, but has not paid maximum attention to the level of education to be placed in the Laundry Installation. What should be recruited more are Associate Experts in Environmental Health and Bachelors in Environmental Health (AMKL). (Interview with Laundry Installation Staff , Dated, 10 December 2022, Diar Latifah, AMKL).

The results of the interviews prove that it is indeed very beneficial if the organization is carried out well, because all activities can be carried out in a systematic and structured manner. The function of the Laundry Installation linen management seen from the organizational aspect at the Undata Palu General Hospital has been carried out quite well.

It has been proven that the hospital can recruit employees, both medical and non-medical personnel according to needs and place employees according to their abilities and expertise. However, for health workers, namely in the Laundry Installation, they have not paid attention to the level of education to support performance in the Laundry Installation, namely Environmental Health Associate Experts and Environmental Health Scholars who still need additional employees with this expertise in the Laundry Installation.

Actuating _ _

Actuating , namely to move the organization so that it runs according to the division of labor for each and mobilizes all existing resources within the organization so that the work or activities carried out can go according to plan and can achieve goals . This means that the researcher is limited to aspects of (1) cooperation between leaders and subordinates, (2) subordinates and subordinates in managing linen at the Laundry Installation at the Undata Palu Regional General Hospital .

In the following, the Head of the Medical Support Section said that from the aspect of mobilization that has to do with linen management at the Laundry Installation , the Undata Hospital carried out the mobilization by paying attention to:

The aspect of mobilizing the Undata Hospital Laundry Installation carries out the mobilization function in managing linen effectively by taking into account the abilities of each employee. Employees who are assigned as executors and linen management officers can be well mobilized because they generally understand their respective duties and functions. For example, the dirty linen reception department has the skills and understanding related to dirty linen management so moving them is easy and we always urge them to be careful in managing linen at the Laundry Installation at the Undata Regional General Hospital. (Interview with Head of Medical Support Section, Date, 15 December 2022, Murniati, S.Kep., MAP ).

Based on the results of interviews with informants, it was proved that the Hospital Laundry Installation in managing linen can carry out its functions properly, because it is able to mobilize the executors and linen management officers, especially at the reception of dirty linen. This is because the hospital has organized well, namely placing professional employees in the field of linen. Leaders find it easy to mobilize each employee so that employees can work according to applicable regulations, namely good and correct linen management.

The following information from Head of Laundry Installation :

Indeed, in carrying out duties as a linen manager, good cooperation must be created so as not to cause unwanted mistakes, therefore leaders and subordinates coordinate with each other regarding good and correct linen management. (Interview with the Head of Laundry Installation , Date, 17 December 2022, Nursesha, SKM ).

Based on the results of interviews with informants, it is proved that the Undata Hospital Laundry Installation performs a good management function, is proven to be able to mobilize subordinates to manage linen properly, so that the expected targets can be achieved according to what is expected, both for the executors and dirty linen management officers so that they can redistributed to places of service in the Undata Regional General Hospital.

The following is information from the Laundry Installation Staff:

The Mobilization function is going well, because the Hospital has properly organized employee resources who do have expertise in linen management, the hospital even motivates employees to further improve quality by participating in training related to Hospital Laundry Installation management. The goal is that employees have the knowledge and skills in carrying out the tasks and functions that have been determined. Hope to In the future, the hospital still needs to increase the number of training related to good and correct linen management skills to increase and increase the knowledge of employees at the Hospital Laundry Installation . (Interview with Laundry Installation Staff, Date, 2 December 1 2022, Nuraeni, AMKL).

The results of the interviews prove that the mobilizing function is going well, because the leadership continues to motivate employees to further improve quality by attending higher education levels.

It is proven that leaders and subordinates understand their duties and functions well, so that what is expected in linen management can be achieved as expected, namely good and proper linen management at the Hospital Laundry Installation. An officer and implementer at the Laundry Installation in carrying out their duties and responsibilities cannot be separated from the possibility of arising risks in the process of managing linen, namely that it can be contaminated with disease if it is not carried out with the right procedures. Therefore, the leadership should provide direction as much as possible so that employees can carry out their duties according to the correct rules and procedures, so that employees avoid errors or mistakes in linen management. To avoid the risk of errors, an executor and linen clerk must be careful (thorough, patient, and skilled), one's ability to differentiate understanding (interpretation) of a problem at hand. Thorough regarding the ability to examine various issues, patient regarding self-control and skilled in solving problems.

the management function in mobilization can create cooperation and mutual coordination between leaders and subordinates as well as from subordinates and subordinates in managing linen at the Hospital Laundry Installation. The link with this research is that good linen management at the Laundry Installation greatly influences employees, both leaders and subordinates, because managing dirty linen so that it can be used again requires the right expertise. Accuracy of planning, the need for the importance of expertise in linen management determines the effectiveness of a goal in the Hospital Laundry Installation.

Supervision ( Controlling )

Supervision ( controlling ) is to oversee whether the movement of this organization is in accordance with the plan or not. As well as overseeing the use of resources within the organization so that they can be used effectively and efficiently without anything deviating from the plan.

The following is the Head of the Medical Support Section conveying aspects of supervision that are related to linen management at the Laundry Installation at Undata Palu Hospital :

The Head of the Medical Support Section carries out direct supervision of the tasks assigned to his subordinates, to find out whether the work mechanism he is carrying out, as well as whether the results of his work are in accordance with the plans and procedures that have been set, because supervision is closely related to planning. (Interview with Head of Medical Support Section, Date, 28 December 2022, Murniati, S.Kep., MAP ).

Based on the results of interviews with informants, it was proved that in the Undata Hospital Laundry Installation, supervision was carried out both directly and indirectly. The target of supervision carried out by the Head of the Medical Support Section is direct supervision and indirect supervision. As for direct supervision carried out such as the level of employee discipline in managing linen, official responsibilities and good cooperation, this is of course related to employee performance which is based on procedures and instructions in management linen.

The following is an explanation from The Head of the Laundry Installation regarding supervision of the scope of the Laundry Installation :

Indeed, the elements of leadership related to linen management at the Laundry Installation always supervise both directly and indirectly. This supervision is carried out so that corrective action can be taken immediately if there is an error and it is not in accordance with the work program as a guide made previously, so that improvements can be made immediately in the implementation of work. (Interview with the Head of Laundry Installation , Date, January 4, 2023, Nursesha, SKM ).

Based on the results of interviews with informants, it is proven that in the Laundry Installation of Undata General Hospital, the management function in the supervision process continues because the work in linen management is quite heavy, because it must be consistent and cannot go out of procedures in carrying out tasks in managing the linen.

The following is information from the Laundry Installation Staff:

Direct supervision that is often carried out is non-level supervision which is generally carried out in the form of observation and assessment but does not rule out the possibility for supervisors (leaders) to be able to take corrective actions that are guidance in nature . (Interview with Laundry Installation Staff, Date, 6 January 202 3 , Diar Latifah, AMKL).

The results of the interviews prove that in the Laundry Installation of the Undata Hospital, Palu, supervision is always carried out, both tiered and inherent. The reason is that if direct supervision is carried out, the leader directly communicates with subordinates.

The following is information from the Laundry Installation Staff:

In addition to direct supervision, the leadership also supervises indirectly, namely through reports submitted by ordinary subordinates in written or oral form. Indirect supervision, every leader of the organization supervises in the form of checking the implementation of work based on reports that come to him. These reports can be in the form of descriptions of words, series of numbers on the results of programs and activities that have been achieved in accordance with what has been determined/planned . (Interview with Laundry Installation Staff, Date, 9 January 202 3 , Nuraeni, AMKL).

The results of the interviews prove that in the Undata Hospital Laundry Installation the supervisory function runs smoothly. It is proven that supervision of linen management can be carried out directly and indirectly. Direct supervision is directly related to employees while indirect, namely through written reports.

Observing the results of research originating from informants that in the Laundry Installation of Undata Hospital, linen management has been carried out well, namely the leadership supervises both directly and indirectly. Implementation of Indirect Supervision carried out by the Head of Medical Support Section such as the implementation of a work program where each employee is obliged to help develop plans and work programs for their respective sub-sections, as a guide in carrying out tasks, in the work program each has determined the target to be achieved and work procedures that will be guided by each employee in completing his work, because the work program functions as a means or means of supervision in assessing the activities of subordinates whether they work according to the program or not.

Supervision of the implementation of the work program at the Laundry Installation is aimed at, among other things, the period for completing the work program, determined work procedures, use of funds, policies that have been issued and preparation of semi-annual reports and annual reports from sub-sections. If it turns out that there are activities that are not in accordance with the work program that has been made, this indicates that there has been a violation of work discipline by employees who handle certain jobs.


Based on the results of research on linen management at the Laundry Installation at Undata General Hospital, it is in the category that it can be carried out according to the management process, namely starting from planning, organizing, actuating and supervising.

Planning for a work program related to linen management at the Laundry Installation at the Undata Palu Regional General Hospital has been carried out according to the available budget, both from direct and indirect APBD funds. Organizing has not been carried out effectively by organizing human resources starting from recruitment to placement, related to supporting facilities and infrastructure at the Hospital Laundry Installation are still very much needed. Mobilization can be carried out by the leadership, namely directing or fostering employees to work properly and well, while supervision is carried out either directly or indirectly.



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Herfania. 20 21 . MSME Management during the Covid-19 Pandemic at the City Forest Tourism Object in Palu, Central Sulawesi . Tadulako University Postgraduate Program, Palu.

Sari. 20 12 . Apparatus Performance Management Function in the West Palu District Office . Tadulako University Postgraduate Program, Palu.

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Republic of Indonesia Law. Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 44 of 2009 concerning Hospitals .

Terry George R, 2010. Principles of Management. 18th printing. Jakarta PT. Bumi Aksara

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Terry George R, 2010. Principles of Management. 18th printing. Jakarta PT. Bumi Aksara



Copyright holders:

Norma , Daswati , Nuraisyah , Dandan Haryono, Nasir Mangngasing, Abdul Rivai (2023)


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Journal of Syntax Admiration


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