�Volume 4, No. 5 Mei 2023
p-ISSN 2722-7782 |
e-ISSN 2722-5356
Tasya Fadillah, Ahmad Cik, Melati, Kumba
Faculty of Economics and Business, National University, Jakarta
Email �[email protected], [email protected],
[email protected], [email protected]*
This study aims to analyze the influence of competence,
job training and work discipline on the performance of Sekretariat Direktorat
Jenderal Perikanan Tangkap employees. The analytical method uses in this study
are descriptive analysis and inferential analysis. Data analysis of several
tests are instrument testing, multiple linear regression analysis, model
feasibility testing, hypothesis testing t test and using the Statistical
Product and Service Solution (SPSS) version 26.0 program. The subject of this
research is an employee at the Sekretariat Direktorat Jenderal Perikanan
Tangkap with 71 employee respondents with the method of collecting data through
questionnaires. The results of multiple linear regression analysis show that
the variables of Competence, Training and Work Discipline have a positive and
significant effect on employee performance, which is shown in the coefficients
table in the regression equation model Y = 0.150 X1 + 0.420 X2 + 0.466 X3 +
4.157. The results of the model's feasibility test are shown with a significant
value of 0.000 which is shown in the ANOVA table, which means that the model in
this study is feasible to use based on the significant value obtained. The
conclusion from the results of the hypothesis with a partial t-test obtained a
significant value on the competence variable of 0.044, while the training and
work discipline variables have a significant value of 0.000. It can be
partially concluded that the three independent variables have a significant
influence on the dependent variable.
Keywords: Competence, Motivation,
job training , work discipline and Employee Performance.
The function of
human resources for agencies is as a milestone to achieve their goals.
High-capacity human resources are a determining factor for the success of the
company. Human resource management has an important role in achieving better performance
but with various policies that can match the mutual interests between agencies
and employees (Pramularso, 2018).
Employees and
agencies are two things that are interconnected with each other, employees
occupy the main position in controlling agency activities. Through the
performance improvement program, employees of each agency try to develop their
agency through various ways that have been compiled from the program. An agency
must motivate and supervise so that its employees can develop all their
competencies because to achieve the goals that have been set (Arianty, Bahagia, Lubis, &; Siswadi, 2016).
performance as a benchmark for agencies to assess capabilities, productivity,
and provide useful information for human resources. An employee who shows how
well he is performing will affect the performance results in the company
whether it reaches the target or not. Professional human resources certainly
encourage individual performance to be better so that their performance becomes
more optimal. This agency must pay attention to factors that affect employee
The results of a
person's work in an agency are closely related to employee performance, the
results of work can relate quantity, quality and on time. Therefore, employees
must have and create work competencies which are the basic foundation of internal
agencies that are interconnected in various elements that determine the
activities of all employees to collaborate and work efficiently and effectively
to achieve agency goals. Competence is an internal factor of a person to be
able to complete a job based on the knowledge and skills possessed. In Law of
the Republic of Indonesia No. 13 of 2003 concerning Manpower Article 1
paragraph 10 it is stated that "work competence is the work ability of
each individual which includes aspects of knowledge, skills, and work attitudes
in accordance with established standards".
Training is one
of the important assets for an agency to change employee performance in order
to achieve the success and growth of the agency. The training provided to
employees can increase work motivation so that employees are more confident to
work so that they can improve the achievement of individual performance.
Training can also provide experience for an individual to improve his abilities
and learn new skills, this is because in the company there will be work
provisions that can change due to strategies, changes in the work environment,
and so on.
According to Hamalik (2012: 10), training is a process that involves a
series of planned actions carried out in the form of labor support, which are
carried out by training professionals in time intervals, in order to expand the
work competence of participants to increase effectiveness and productivity in
an organization.
According to Bactiar Arifudin Husain in the
journal (2018), work discipline is "a form of employee effort that seeks
to improve and shape employee knowledge, attitudes and behavior so that
employee behavior voluntarily tries to work cooperatively with other employees
and improve work performance�.
Work discipline
is the attitude of employees in obeying work agreements or work mechanisms that
have been set. This work discipline has very influential benefits both for the
wishes of employees and for the organization. For employees, the existence of
work discipline can complete their tasks with full responsibility or awareness
and can improve their performance in order to achieve organizational goals.
Therefore, with the existence of work discipline for the organization, it will
bear the maintenance of order and smoothness in the implementation of work in
order to obtain more optimal results.
The Ministry of
Marine Affairs and Fisheries of the Republic of Indonesia (MMAF RI) is one of
the ministries in the Indonesian government system that assists the president
in regulating and managing the sea and existing ecosystems. The Directorate
General (Ditjen) of Capture Fisheries is one of the
echelon 1 work units within the scope of work of the Ministry of Marine Affairs
and Fisheries of the Republic of Indonesia. This work unit has the task of
organizing the formulation and implementation of policies in the field of
capture fisheries management. The Director who is the head of the Directorate
General of Capture Fisheries will be assisted by a Secretary General (Sekjen). The Secretary General is assisted by several
sections including the program section, personnel section, section (legal,
organization and public relations) and section (finance and general).
The Directorate
General of Capture Fisheries emphasizes that every employee has the ability in
accordance with their field of work, but in reality
not all employees have met these minimum competencies. To improve high
performance, agencies must also create employees who are competent in carrying
out duties professionally and responsibly.
Based on
quantitative data from the sub-coordinator of the employee planning and
development section, it can be seen that the percentage of employee performance
in 2018-2020 has fluctuated. It is concluded that the performance of employees
at the Secretariat of the Directorate General of Capture Fisheries can be said
to be not optimal because it has not met the employee performance target of
100%. From this instability, it causes a problem that will occur in the
Secretariat of the Directorate General of Capture Fisheries which is caused by
the competence of employees is less optimized when compared to the educational
background and specialization of employees, then in providing job training that
needs to be improved. And the last is the attitude of work discipline that must
be improved so that its performance gets optimal results.
The problems
found at the Secretariat of the Directorate General of Capture Fisheries are
things that must be considered again, so the author is interested in exploring
in depth in order to provide solutions in overcoming company problems. However,
the author's concentration to be investigated more deeply, namely the problem
of competence, training, work discipline and employee performance. This is
supported by Plamularso's research (2018) entitled
"the effect of competence on the performance of CV Inaura
Anugerah Jakarta employees" which concluded that
competence has a positive and significant influence on the performance of CV Inaura Anugerah Jakarta
Previous research
by Sugiarti, Tuti Hartati, Hafniza
Amir (2016) entitled "The Effect of Job Training on Employee Performance
at PT Padma Ardya Aktuaria
Jakarta" which concluded that the results of this study showed the effect
of job training on employee performance.
In several
studies conducted by researchers also presented by Bachtiar Arifudin
Husain (2018) entitled "The influence of work discipline on employee
performance (At PT. Bank Danamon Tbk
Bintaro Branch)" which concluded that the
results showed that work discipline had a positive and significant effect on
employee performance.
Based on the
description in the background of the problem, the problems that the author will
propose in this study are as follows: 1) Does competence have an influence on
employee performance at the Secretariat of the Directorate General of Capture
Fisheries? 2) Does the training have an effect on employee performance at the
Directorate General of Capture Fisheries Secretariat? 3) Whether work
discipline has an influence on employee performance at the Secretariat of the
Directorate General of Capture Fisheries?
The purpose of
the study is to determine and analyze the effect of competence on employee
performance at the Secretariat of the Directorate General of Capture Fisheries.
To determine and analyze the effect of training on employee performance at the Secretariat
of the Directorate General of Capture Fisheries. To find out and analyze the
effect of work discipline on employee performance at the Secretariat of the
Directorate General of Capture Fisheries. The benefits of this research are
expected to be useful input and consideration for the Secretariat of the
Directorate General of Capture Fisheries to improve employee performance by
considering factors of competence, training and work discipline.
The object in
this study is Employee Performance which is influenced by Competence, Training
and Work Discipline. This research was conducted at the Secretariat of the
Directorate General of Capture Fisheries. The reason the researcher chose this object
is as a source of data in this study and also to find out whether or not all
existing research objects affect the performance of employees at the
Secretariat of the Directorate General of Capture Fisheries.
Primary data
or original data that has an up to date nature. To
obtain primary data, researchers collected raw data using questionnaires sent
to respondents. The respondents in this study were employees in the Secretariat
of the Directorate General of Capture Fisheries. The secondary data in question
is data arranged in the form of archives, but in general in the form of
evidence, namely records and reports have been compiled in a structured manner
in documents. Whether it's published or not. Secondary data in this study are
profiles and performance data of employees of the Secretariat of the
Directorate General of Capture Fisheries.
According to
(Hardani et al., 2020) the classification of research
data based on its nature / form is based on two categories: qualitative and
quantitative. This study included quantitative data, using causal associatives. This quantitative approach is mainly
concerned with the calculation of data to provide a strong quantitative
interpretation. The data in this study was in the form of cross sectional
collected by researchers as a result of distributing questionnaires to
respondents. Neuman (2014) defines cross-sectional research as research that
examines information regarding a case or event at a particular point in time.
Neuman (2014)
defines population as a unit or combination of a group of people consisting of
large units of a sample used by researchers in their research. In this study,
the population includes all respondents, namely permanent employees at the Secretariat
of the Directorate General of Capture Fisheries totaling 86 people.
Neuman (2014)
defines a sample as a small part or subgroup that has been predetermined by
researchers from a large unit or population. In line with this understanding,
researchers use samples to generalize or assist researchers in representing the
target population that has been determined by researchers, namely employees at
the Secretariat of the Directorate General of Capture Fisheries. Furthermore,
in terms of sampling techniques used is "Simple Random Sampling" Hardani, et al (2020) Simple Random Sampling is that every
component of the entire population has the same chance to be selected. This
means that each element is randomly selected from every other element
regardless of the level present in that population.
Neuman (2014)
explained that data analysis techniques are a cycle as an orderly process that
functions to organize, integrate, and examine data through analyzing
relationships between concepts used in research by generalizing research
findings to identify topics more broadly. Data analysis is classified into 2
types, namely quantitative data analysis and qualitative data analysis (Neuman,
2014). Related to this, researchers using quantitative data analysis techniques
are a method of analyzing data systematically, planned, and structured with
processed data in the form of numbers (numeric). Furthermore, researchers use
Software Statistical.Package for the Social Sciences
(SPSS) version 26 in the interest of analyzing or processing data.
In this
study, researchers used a data collection method using questionnaires. To
determine this, researchers use the Likert scale to measure the level of
respondents' approval of the statements given. The scale used is a scale of 1
to 5 which is then used to determine the results of the variables tested.
A.Characteristics Responden
profile data used in the research at the Secretariat of the Directorate General
of Capture Fisheries consists of gender, age, education level, and length of
work. For the purposes of data collection as material for analysis by
considering the situation and conditions faced, a sample of 71 employees was
taken, then the employees were given a questionnaire in the form of a google
Respondent's Gender
on research questionnaire data, it can be known the number and percentage of
employees in the Secretariat of the Directorate General of Capture Fisheries
with a gender classification of 17 employees with a percentage of 23% and
female gender of 54 employees with a percentage of 76%.
2. Usia Respond
on the results of the research questionnaire data, it can be known the number
and percentage of respondents of employees of the Ministry of Directorate
General of Capture Fisheries aged 20-30 years as many as 65 employees with a percentage
of 91%, aged 31-40 years 6 employees with a percentage of 8%.
3. Recent
on the results of the research questionnaire data, it can be known the number
and percentage of the last education with a classification of SMA as many as 15
employees (21%), D3 as many as 21 employees (29%), S1 as many as 35 employees
(49%). From the table, it is concluded that the most respondents are S1
4. Long
level of work
on the results of the research questionnaire data, it can be known the number
and percentage of work time with the characteristics of respondents based on
length of work, namely <5 years as many as 62 employees (87%), 5-10 years 7
employees (9%), 11-15 years 2 employees (2%). From the table above, it can be
concluded that the most respondents are those who work < 5 years.
B. Complete
Results of Research Estimates
1. Descriptive
Analysis Method
statistical tests were conducted to see whether the effect between competence,
training and work discipline on the performance of employees of the Secretariat
of the Directorate General of Capture Fisheries.
Competency (X1)
from the results of the distribution of questionnaires obtained the perception
of respondents' answers to Competencies with a total mean of Competence
of 4.07. The indicator with the largest total mean value is the level of
conformity of work quality with a value of 4.45. And the indicator with the
lowest total mean value is Skill development ability with a value of 3.77.
b. Training
from the results of the distribution of questionnaires obtained the perception
of respondents' answers to Competencies with a total mean of Competence
of 4.07. The indicator with the largest total mean value is the level of conformity
of work quality with a value of 4.45. And the indicator with the lowest total
mean value is Skill development ability with a value of 3.77. Obtained from the
results of the distribution of questionnaires obtained the perception of
respondents' answers to training with a total training mean of 4.26. The
indicator with the largest Total Mean value is attitude and skill with a value
of 4.34. And the indicator with the lowest total mean value is the training
method with a value of 4.14.
c. Work
Discipline (X3)
from the results of the distribution of questionnaires obtained the perception
of respondents' answers to work discipline with a total mean of work discipline
of 4.41. The indicator with the largest Total Mean value is obeying the rules
of time with a value of 4.51. And the indicator with the lowest total mean
value is Obey to other regulations with a value of 4.30.
d. Employee
Performance (Y)
from the results of the distribution of questionnaires obtained the perception
of respondents' answers to Employee Performance with a total mean of employee
performance of 4.23. The indicator with the largest Total Mean value is
quantity with a value of 4.27. And the indicator with the lowest total mean
value is attitude with a value of 4.20.
2. Inferential
(2014) states that inferential statistical analysis is an advanced stage of
descriptive statistics, that is, after researchers can describe the results of
the study, then in this analysis, researchers can test hypotheses, test whether
the sample is right for the population, and decide whether the average results
can show that there is a relationship that really exists and not just by
chance. In this context, researchers use inferential statistical analysis consisting
of simple linear regression analysis. Here is the explanation:
a. Double
linear regression analysis
linear regression analysis is carried out with the aim of discussing the extent
of the influence of the independent variable (X) on the dependent variable (Y).
Where the independent variables are competence (X1), Training (X2), and Work Discipline
(X3) and the dependent variable is employee performance (Y). In calculating the
regression coefficient in this study using the SPSS 26 program.
3. Test
a. Uji Validitas
this study, validity tests were carried out on a sample of 71 respondent
employees. The validity test is used to find out whether each question made in
the form of a questionnaire is suitable for use or not. Proof of validity test
is seen from the test which is carried out through a way that is by correlating
between the value per individual statement with the total value of the
variable. It can be concluded that all statement items totaling 38 statement
items are said to be valid, because the calculated value in the corrected item
total correlation column < of the rtable is 0.2335.
b. Reliability
the aim of seeing whether the tool to measure a data has a high level of
accuracy and consistency. The SPSS program facilitates to measure reliability
i.e. by using and viewing cronbach alpa(a). A data is declared reliable if the cronbach alpa score exceeds 0.6
so that the level of accuracy can be accepted Based on the results of table
4.11, it can be found from all results of Cronbach's Alpha all variables in
this study that exceed the value of 0.6. This means that the instruments of all
variables are good, and stable so that this research can be continued to the
next stage.
4. Classical
Assumption Test
a. Normality
normality test is carried out with the aim of determining whether the
distribution of the independent variable (X) with the dependent variable (Y)
can be said to be normal or not (Ghazali, 2016: 154). In this study, the
normality testing method was to use the Kolmogrov -
Smirnov One sample test. Results from the K-S test. It can be measured through
if the significance value > 0.05 then it can be said to be normally
distributed. That the results of the One simple Kolomogorov-smirnov
test can be explained that overall the variables used
in this study can be declared normally distributed. Due to the value of Asymp.sig. (2-tailed) of 0.85 > level of sifnificance 0.05.
b. Multicollinearity
to determine whether there is a correlation in all independent variables. The
results can be measured through if the tolerance value exceeds 0.1 or the VIF
value is smaller than 5, then it is said that multicolonicity
does not occur. Based on the table above, the tolerance value for each
independent variable shows a tolerance value of > 0.1, namely, the
competency variable of 0.996, training of 0.630, and work discipline of 0.628.
when viewed from the VIF value for each independent variable in this study
succeeded in smaller than 5, namely, on the variables of competence of 1,004,
training of 1,587, and work discipline of 1,592. So
the regression or model used in this study is said to be free of multicolonicity which means that this study is good and can
have met the criteria of multiple linear regression tests.
c. Scatterplot
Heteroscedasticity Test
to measure whether there is a difference in variance and residual from one
observation to another. One method to determine whether heteroscedasticity
occurs or not is to look at the scatterplot graph on the predicted value of the
bound variable (ZPRED) and its residual value (SRESID). The benchmark for
decision making in this test is that if the points in the image obtained have a
certain regular pattern, it can be said that heteroscedasticity occurs. But if
it spreads without producing a pattern, then the model is said to have no
d. Autocorrelation
tests conducted in a study have the aim of seeing a regression model whether or
not it is indicated into the problem of autocorrelation. A study can be said to
be good if it is free from the problem of autocorrelation. One way to test it
is to use the Durbin Watson test (D-W test). From table 4.15 there is a Durbin
Watson value of 2.117 compared to the Durbin Watson value of the table that
uses a significance level of 5% N which is 71, and the value (k) or the number
of independent variables (X) which is three. So in
Durbin Watson the table obtained the value DL = 1.5205 and DU = 1.7015. Because
Durbin Watson's value of 2.117 is greater than (DU) according to the decision
criteria, namely (DU = 1.7015) and less than 4 � 1.7015 = 2.298 (4 � DU). This
can be concluded in accordance with the decision criteria that DU < DW <4
� DU (1.7015 <2.117 <2.298), so it can be said that in this study there
was no autocorrelation.
5. Uji Model
a. Test
Coefficient of Determination (R2)
determinant coefficient (R2) is performed to indicate a model's ability to
describe the variation of the independent variable. The output of the Model
Summary in the SPSS program shows that there is an Adjusted R Square column
with a coefficient of determination value R2 = 0.628. This means that 62.8% of
Employee Performance (Y) is influenced by Competency (X1), Training (X2), and
Work Discipline (X3). While the remaining 37.2% was influenced by other
variables or factors that were not analyzed in this study.
b. Test F
this study, a model feasibility is needed using the f test, where data
processing using the SPSS program will display the ANOVA output table as below.
After seeing the table, researchers will find out whether this research model
is feasible to be used in describing the influence that exists on independent
variables against the dependent variable. Decision making uses hypothetical
criteria, namely if the sig value < 0.1 then it is declared feasible to use.
the ANOVA results, a calculated F value of 40.404 was obtained with a Sig value
of 0.000. Based on these data, the value of sig. < 0.1 in this case, it was
concluded that in this study the model was declared significant and feasible to
be used in research, namely based on the sig value obtained that the three Independent variables (X) can explain any changes in the
value of the dependent variable (Y) because it has a significant influence.
6. Uji
a. T Test
T test is used with the aim of showing whether the significance of the
influence of each individual or partially from the independent variable on the
dependent variable in a study. Looking at the significance value of each
variable X is a way to know that. Then it can be concluded that the results of
the t test test are:
testing the competency hypothesis on employee performance obtained a calculated
t value of 2.048 > t table of 1.996 along with a signification level of
0.044 < 0.05 this means that competence has a positive and significant
influence on employee performance variables of the Directorate General of
Capture Fisheries Secretariat.
testing the training hypothesis on employee performance obtained a calculated t
value for training of 4.576 > t table of 1.996 along with a signification
level of 0.000 < 0.05 this means that training has a positive and
significant influence on employee performance variables of the Directorate
General of Capture Fisheries
H3: hypothesis
testing Work discipline on employee performance obtained t count of 5.068 >
t table of 1.996) along with a level of significance of 0.000 < 0.05 this
means that work discipline has a positive and significant influence on employee
performance variables of the Directorate General of Capture Fisheries.
C. The Effect of Competency on the
Performance of Employees of the Directorate General of Capture Fisheries
Competence is a
factor that drives a certain activity, therefore
competence is often said to be a driving factor for individual behavior. The
better the employee has, the better the employee's performance. Based on the
results of this study, it shows that the application of competencies has a
positive and significant effect on the Secretariat of the Directorate General
of Capture Fisheries. The analysis is strengthened by the results obtained
through several tests and the results of hypothesis testing based on the t test
were obtained at 2.048 with a significance level below 0.05, which is 0.044.
This positive and
significant influence shows that there is an influence on the competence
experienced by employees and can affect the improvement of employee performance
at the Secretariat of the Directorate General of Capture Fisheries. This is
also proven by the value of the coefficient of 0.150. This means that the
higher the competence of employees, the performance of employees working at the
Secretariat of the Directorate General of Capture Fisheries will increase.
Therefore, the variable (X1) proposed in this study can be accepted and
supported by facts. To strengthen a research result, namely previous research
in this variable conducted by Ade Muslimat (2020) in
his research proved that competence has a positive and significant effect on
employee performance.
D. The effect of training on the
performance of employees of the Secretariat of the Directorate General of
Capture Fisheries
The results of
this study are in line with the theory put forward by Rivai
and Sagala in Sinambela (2016: 169) "training is
a systematic process of changing employee behavior to achieve organizational
goals, which are related to the expertise and ability of employees to carry out
current work". Based on the results of this study, it shows that the
implementation of training has a positive and significant effect on the
performance of employees of the Secretariat of the Directorate General of
Capture Fisheries.
The analysis was
strengthened by the results obtained through several tests and the results of
hypothesis testing based on the t test were obtained at 4.576 with a
significance level below 0.05, which is 0.000. This positive and significant
influence shows that conducive training will create good performance. This is
because training is a concept that can be used as a suggestion to measure the
conformity of the objectives of the agency and the resulting impact. This is
also proven by the value of the coefficient of 0.420.
It can be
explained that training has a role to improve employee performance, because
with training, employees can work more optimally in accordance with their
responsibilities. Therefore, the variable (X2) used in this study can be
accepted and supported by facts. To strengthen a research result, namely
previous research in this variable was conducted by Eli Yulianti (2015) in his
research that training has a positive and significant effect on employee
E. The Effect of Work Discipline on
the Performance of Employees of the Secretariat of the Directorate General of
Capture Fisheries
Work discipline
can be interpreted as an important function in achieving agency goals because
the more effective employee discipline, there will also be many work
achievements produced by employees. Based on the results of this study, it
shows that the application of work discipline has a positive and significant
effect on the performance of employees of the Secretariat of the Directorate
General of Capture Fisheries. The analysis was strengthened by the results
obtained through several tests and the results of hypothesis testing based on
the t test were obtained at 5.068 with a significance level below 0.05, which
is 0.000.
This positive and
significant influence shows that discipline in an agency is something that
advances the agency through attitudes, character, and actions in accordance
with predetermined regulations. Therefore, the variable (X3) used in this study
can be agreed and supported by facts. There are other research results that can
strengthen this research, namely previous research in this variable conducted
by Bachtiar Arifudin (2018) in his research that good
work discipline has a positive and significant effect on employee performance.
Based on all
stages of research that have been carried out, the conclusion in this study is
that competence has a positive and significant effect on the performance of
employees of the Secretariat of the Directorate General of Capture Fisheries.
The indicator with the largest value is found in the indicator The level of
conformity of work quality. And the indicator with the lowest value is found in
the Skill development ability indicator.
implementation of training has a positive and significant effect on the
performance of employees of the Secretariat of the Directorate General of
Capture Fisheries. The indicators with the greatest value are found in attitude
and skill indicators. And the indicator with the lowest value is found in the
training method indicator. Work discipline has a positive and significant
effect on the performance of employees of the Secretariat of the Directorate
General of Capture Fisheries. The indicator with the greatest value is found in
the indicator obeying the rules of time. And the indicator with the lowest
value is found in Compliance with other rules.
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Copyright holder: Tasya Fadillah, Ahmad Cik, Melati, Kumba Digdowiseiso*
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