JSA 2Volume 4, No. 5 Mei 2023

p-ISSN 2722-7782 | e-ISSN 2722-5356

DOI: https://doi.org/




Shofi Sasmita, Beureukat, Adam Nurkholik, Kumba Digdowiseiso*

Faculty of Economics and Business, National University, Jakarta

Email : [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]*



This study aims to determine and analyze the effect of motivation, compensation, and job satisfaction on employee performance at PT. ANZ Bank Indonesia. This type of research data uses descriptive quantitative methods and uses primary data in the form of a questionnaire to 80 respondents in a closed manner at PT. ANZ Bank Indonesia. The data analysis technique uses inferential analysis with multiple linear regression and uses the Statistical Product and Service Solution (SPSS) version 25 program. The results of smultiple linear regression analysis show that the motivation variable (X1) has no positive and insignificant effect on employee performance, compensation (X2) has a positive and significant effect on employee performance, and job satisfaction (X3) has a positive and significant effect on employee performance. From the results of this study, it is expected that PT. Bank ANZ Indonesia can maintain and evaluate deficiencies in Compensation, Motivation, and Work Discipline that can improve Employee Performance.


Keywords: Motivation, Compensation, and Job Satisfaction



In this era of globalization, agencies are required to improve the quality of products, services, costs, and reliable and professional human resources. Organizations must also have a good strategy in order to survive with competition between organizations in this era of globalization. This refers to the human resources themselves must have good performance to compete with other companies as strong competitors. For an organization that can satisfy its employees, it has its own advantages because employees will feel that their performance is good and will continue to improve overall performance in the future.

Broadly speaking, human resources are important assets for companies that are indispensable to help move their companies well, of course, balanced with human resources that have good quality to support the success of the vision and mission, as well as the goals of a company. This is supported by the opinion of Werther and Davis in Sutrisno (2017: 4), human resources are employees who are equipped with skills and resilience in achieving organizational goals. Organizations need human resources to achieve the vision, mission, and goals of the company together. Therefore, a company must have quality, competent, highly dedicated and professional human resources.

In every organization must have its own standards in determining the performance appraisal of its employees (performance appraisal). Overall performance appraisal is carried out by an organization, especially to find out how employees behave in carrying out their work related to the determination of compensation, training and development, career planning and development, employee motivation and promotion. This is as stated by Widodo (2015: 130), performance appraisal is an assessment of a person's level of performance compared to predetermined performance standards, as a consideration in determining promotion, compensation, the need for training or development, or for dismissal of someone. According to Siagian (2012: 286) explained that motivation is the driving force that causes a member of an organization to be willing and willing to carry out various kinds of activities that are his responsibility and carry out his obligations.

According to Nawawi in Hannoum & Basyir (2020), compensation is an award or reward given to employees with their contribution in achieving organizational targets based on their performance. Meanwhile, according to Priansa (2014), compensation is a reward or recompense provided by the organization to employees, because these employees have contributed energy and thoughts for the progress of the organization to achieve the goals that have been set.

According to Herzberg (in Muhammad Busro 2018: 101) job satisfaction means being a positive feeling of an assessment of the results obtained with the expected results. Job satisfaction is a person's positive attitude towards his work that arises based on an assessment of the work product produced. Meanwhile, according to Priansa (2018), job satisfaction is the feeling of every worker towards his work, whether happy or unhappy as a result of workers' relationships with their work environment or a perception of mental attitudes, and a result in assessing workers for their work.

Judging from the various things above that PT. Bank ANZ Indonesia realizes that human resource management is a very important factor in company activities and the company needs qualified employees to support all company operational activities. One way for companies to get quality employees is by providing motivation, compensation and job satisfaction results for the performance of these employees.

Therefore, researchers are interested in reviewing employee performance at PT. Bank ANZ Indonesia. Employee performance is an attraction to be researched, because with good performance measurement will be able to contribute ideas to improve employee performance. Success in carrying out tasks in a company will be designed by employees themselves with the knowledge of the leadership. Thus the employees of PT. Bank ANZ Indonesia can measure its ability and then combine it with its work so that it will produce better performance. It does not mean that there will be a minimization of job targets.

According to researcher Rahadian Fernanda (2016) in his journal compensation, job satisfaction, work motivation and leadership style have a positive effect on employee performance. The results of this study show that compensation, job satisfaction, work motivation and leadership style positively affect employee performance. According to researcher Dini Fitrianasari, et al (2013) in the journal compensation is very important for employees in an effort to improve employee performance both directly and indirectly. The results of this study show that compensation is very important and affects employee performance.

According to the next researcher, Addina Fitriyani (2019) stated that there is a positive and significant influence between compensation and job satisfaction on employee performance. The results of this study show that compensation and job satisfaction have a positive and significant effect on employee performance.

Based on the background description of the problem above, the main problems faced by this study are as follows: 1) Does motivation have a positive and significant effect on the performance of PT. Bank ANZ Indonesia? 2) Whether compensation has a positive and significant effect on the performance of PT. Bank ANZ Indonesia? 3) Whether job satisfaction has a positive and significant effect on the performance of PT. Bank ANZ Indonesia?

Research Objectives 1) To determine and analyze the influence of motivation on the performance of PT. Bank ANZ Indonesia. 2) To determine and analyze the effect of compensation on the performance of PT. Bank ANZ Indonesia. 3) To find out and analyze the effect of job satisfaction on the performance of PT. Bank ANZ Indonesia. The results of the research are expected to be used as advice and consideration for companies in improving employee performance effectively and efficiently. The results of this study are expected to be a source of reference, especially in the fields of motivation, compensation, and job satisfaction in future research on the same topic.



The object used in this study is employee performance as a dependent variable influenced by motivation, compensation, and job satisfaction as independent variables. This research was conducted at PT. Bank ANZ Indonesia located at WTC 3, Level 31, Jl. Jenderal Sudirman, RT.8/RW.3, Kuningan, Karet, South Jakarta City. The reason researchers conduct research in taking this research object is as a source of data and reference to find out whether the object of research on the independent variable has an effect or not affects the dependent variable on PT. Bank ANZ Indonesia.

The data source used in this study is an internal data source. Internal data sources are data sources obtained from within the company or organization where the research is conducted. In this study, the source of internal data is employees of PT. Bank ANZ Indonesia. Internal data in the form of company history and development, data and description of research results.

Primary data is data obtained directly from the results of respondents' responses to questionnaires distributed using the Likert Scale. In this study, the primary data used were sourced from respondents who were employees of PT. Bank ANZ Indonesia, which consists of respondents' identities, respondents' responses to motivation, compensation, job satisfaction and employee performance. Secondary data is data that is not self-researched. Secondary data is used to complete the required data such as the number of employees, history and development, as well as the vision and mission of the company PT. Bank ANZ Indonesia.

According to Sugiyono (2016: 80) said that population is a generalized area consisting of, objects or subjects that have certain qualities and characteristics determined by researchers to be studied and then drawn conclusions. The population used in this study is employees of PT. Bank ANZ Indonesia with 100 people.

According to Sugiyono (2016: 81) said that the sample is part of the number and characteristics by the population. If the population is large, and it is impossible for the researcher to study everything in the population, for example due to budget, energy, and time constraints, then the researcher can use samples taken from that population. What is found from such samples, the conclusions can be applied to the population. From the existing population, the minimum sample size is obtained using the slovin formula with a significant rate of 5%.

Based on the calculation of the slovin formula above, the number of samples in the study was 80 respondents. This sampling uses Probability Sampling and Random Sampling methods. According to Sugiyono (2014: 82) Probability Sampling, namely the sampling technique used in this study is the Simple Random Sampling technique. The definition of Simple Random Sampling according to Sugiyono (2014: 82) is a technique of taking sample members from a population that is carried out randomly without paying attention to the strata in that population. In this study the technique used was Purposive Sampling.

In this study, the data collection technique used was by questionnaire. According to Sugiyono (2014), questionnaire is a statistical data collection technique carried out by giving a set of written questions or questions to respondents to answer. The questionnaire will use a Likert scale consisting of several questions related to Motivation, Compensation, Job Satisfaction and Employee Performance consisting of 5 statements from "Strongly Agree" to "Strongly Disagree" with each answer weighted with a value.



A. Characteristics Responden

1. Respondent's Gender

The results of research on 100 employees or samples who work at PT. Bank ANZ Indonesia, known the number and percentage regarding the gender of respondents. Based on table 4.2 above, it can be said that the number of respondents with female sex was 69 people with a percentage of 86.25%, and the number of respondents with male gender was 11 people with a percentage of 13.75%.


2. Usia Respond

It can be said that the number of respondents aged 20-30 years is 71 people with a percentage of 88.75%, the number of respondents with the age of 31-40 years is 4 people with a percentage of 5%, the number of respondents with the age of 41-50 years is 5 people with a percentage of 6.25%, and the number of respondents with the age of ≥50 years is 0 people with a percentage of 0%.


3. Last Level of Education

It can be said that the number of respondents with the last education of junior high school was 2 people with a percentage of 2.5%, the number of respondents with the last education of high school was 50 people with a percentage of 62.5%, the number of respondents with the last education of D3 was 1 person with a percentage of 1.25%, and the number of respondents with the last education of S1 was 27 people with a percentage of 33.75%.


4. Long Work

It can be said that the number of respondents with a length of work of ≤5 years was 10 people with a percentage of 12.5%, the number of respondents with a length of working 5-10 years was 68 people with a percentage of 85%, the number of respondents working for 11-15 years was 0 people with a percentage of 0%, and the number of respondents with a length of working ≥15 years was 2 people with a percentage of 2.5%.


5. Employee Status

It can be said that the number of respondents with permanent employee status was 29 people with a percentage of 36.255%, and the number of respondents with non-permanent employee status was 51 people with a percentage of 63.75%.


6. Employee Salaries

Based on table 4.7 above, it can be said that the number of respondents with employee salaries of IDR 1,000,000 � IDR 2,500,000 is 30 people with a percentage of 37.5%, the number of respondents with employee salaries of IDR 2,500,000 � IDR 5,000,000 is 30 people with a percentage of 37.5%, the number of respondents with employee salaries of IDR 5,000,000 � IDR 7,500,000 is 14 people with a percentage of 17.5%, and the number of respondents with employee salaries of IDR 7,500,000 � IDR 10,000,000 is 6 people with percentage 7.5%.


B. Complete Results of Research Estimates

1. Descriptive Analysis Method

a. Descriptive Analysis

The results of this descriptive test are to determine the total average value (mean) and overall on each variable. Where these variables are independent variables Motivation (X1), Compensation (X2), and Job Satisfaction (X3). While the dependent variable is Employee Performance (Y).

1) Motivation (X1)

The results of respondents' assessment of motivation variables were obtained with the lowest total average gain with value

3.96 on behavioral indicators and highest total average gain with value

4.41 in the business indicator and the overall total average gain of 4.29.


2) Compensation (X2)

Respondents obtained the results of respondents' assessment of compensation variables with the lowest total average gain with a value of 3.75 on the salary indicator and the highest total average gain with a value of 4.31 on the benefits indicator and an overall total average gain of 4.17.

3) Work Satisfaction (X3)

Respondents obtained the results of respondents' assessment of compensation variables with the lowest total average gain with a value of 3.95 on the reward indicator and the highest total average gain with a value of 4.38 on the co-worker indicator and an overall total average gain of 4.20.


4) Employee Performance (Y)

The results of respondents' assessment of compensation variables were obtained with the lowest total average gain with a value of 4.08 on the timeliness indicator and the highest total average gain with a value of 4.18 on the quantity indicator and the overall total average gain of 4.11.


2. Inferential Analysis Methods

a. Double Linear Regression Analysis

Multiple linear regression analysis is used to determine the effect of Motivation (X1), Compensation (X2), and Job Satisfaction (X3) as independent variables on Employee Performance (Y) as the dependent variable. In the calculation of multiple linear regression coefficients using the program SPSS ver 25.

From the equation shows the result that:

1) The value of the motivation regression coefficient in the regression equation is 0.058 and the significant level is 0.608 so that it can be interpreted that every increase in motivation by one unit, employee performance will increase by 0.608 if the assumptions of other independent variables are considered constant.

2) The value of the compensation regression coefficient in the regression equation is 0.307 and the significant level is 0.017 so that it can be interpreted that for every one-unit increase in compensation, employee performance will increase by 0.307 if the assumptions of other independent variables are considered constant.

3) The value of the job satisfaction regression coefficient in the regression equation is 0.482 and a significant level of 0.000 so that it can be interpreted that every increase in motivation by one unit, employee performance will increase by 0.482 if the assumptions of other independent variables are considered constant.


3. Test Instruments

a. Uji Validitas

In this study, validity and reliability tests were conducted on a sample of 80 respondent employees. Proof of validity test can be seen from the test conducted by correlating the individual score of each statement with the total score of the variable. The criteria used to determine whether or not the statements in this study are valid or not are as follows:

a. Significance level of 5% or 0.05

b. Degree of fredoom (df = n-2), 80-2 = 78 obtained rTABEL = 0.2172

c. If the calculation < rTABEL (at a significant level of 5% or 0.05, it can be said that the questionnaire statement item is invalid.

d. If the calculation > rTABEL (at a significant level of 5% or 0.05, then it can be said that the questionnaire statement item is valid.


b. Reliability Test

Reliability tests are used to test whether the results of the questionnaire are reliable or not. A questionnaire is said to be reliable if a person's answers to statements are consistent or stable over time. Reliability is measured using Cronbach Alpha. If the Cronbach Alpha value > 0.6, then the research results are declared reliable and if the Cronbach Alpha value is < 0.6, then the research results are declared unreliable. It can be said that each question or indicator on the questionnaire in the measurement of all variables both independent variables have a Cronbach's Alpha value of motivation of 0.776, compensation of 0.773, job satisfaction of 0.776 and the dependent variable has a Cronbach's Alpha value of employee performance of 0.776. So it can be concluded that all indicators are declared reliable or have met the reliability requirements, because they have an alpha value of more than 0.6.


4.Classical Assumption Test

a. Normality Test

The normality test is used to test whether in a regression model, the two variables (independent or dependent) have a normal or at least close to normal distribution. The normality test is performed with the Komogorov-Smirnov one-sample test. If the value is above 5% (0.05), then the data of the variable in question are normally distributed. that value Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) of 0.053 which means that all variables, both independent and dependent variables used in this test, are declared normally distributed because of their significance of 0.053 > 0.05.


b. Multicolonicity Test

The multicolonicity test is useful to find out whether the proposed regression model has found a strong correlation between independent variables. If there is a strong correlation, there is a multicolonicity problem that must be addressed. Test criteria in the multicolonarity test include:

1) If the VIF value < 10 tolerance > 0.1 then multicolonicity does not occur.

2) If the VIF value > 10 tolerance < 0.1 then multicolonicity occurs.

It can be seen that independent variables include motivation has a Variance Inflation Factor (VIF) value of 2.511 < 10 and a tolerance value of 0.398 > 0.1, compensation has a Variance Inflation Factor (VIF) value of 3.195 < 10 and a tolerance value of 0.313 > 0.1, and job satisfaction has a Variance Inflation Factor (VIF) value of 2.605 < 10 and a tolerance value of 0.384 > 0.1. So it can be concluded that the regression model is stated not to occur multicolonicity.


c. Autocorrelation Test

Autocorrelation tests are used to determine whether in the regression model there is an inequality between the variance of residual from one observation to another. The method used is the Durbin-Waston test (DW Test), if DW is located between DU and 4-DU then there will be no autocorrelation, but if Pw < DL or 4-DL then autocorrelation will occur, if this test has autocorrelation, it is necessary to strive so that autocorrelation does not occur. It can be known that the value of Durbin Watson (DW) is 2,134 where the number of free variables is 3 with a sample of 80 respondents. So that a dL value of 1.5600 and a dU value of 1.7153 are obtained. In Durbin Watson's calculation, the value is between DU and 4-DU, namely dU < dW < 4-dU = 1.7153 < 2.134 < 2.2847. So it can be concluded that this multiple linear regression model does not occur autocorrelation.


d. Heteroscedasticity Test

The heterokedasticity test aims to test whether in the regression model there is an inequality of variance from the residual of one observer to another. If the variance from residual one observer to another is fixed, then it is called homokedasticity and if different it is called heteroscedasticity. A good regression model is a homoscedasticity regression model or heteroscedasticity because this data collects data representing various measures.

Ghozali (2013: 142) one way to detect the presence or absence of heteroscedasticity is to perform a Glacier test. It can be seen that testing heteroscedasticity on independent variables, namely motivation has a significance of 0.357 > 0.05, compensation has a significance of 0.191 > 0.05, and job satisfaction has a significance of 0.805 > 0.05 using the Glejser Test, then the results obtained in this regression model are stated that heteroscedasticity does not occur.


5. Test Model Eligibility

a. Test F

This F test is used to find out that in this model the independent variable is able to explain the dependent variable. And to see whether the analyzed model has a high level of model feasibility, namely the variables used by the model to explain the analyzed phenomenon (Ferdinand, 2013: 300). ANova test, which is a test to see how all independent variables together affect the dependent variable. it can be known that the calculated F value is 41.687 with a significant level of 0.000. From the table can be obtained with the value of sig. 0.000 < 0.05, so it can be concluded that the independent variables of motivation, compensation, and job satisfaction together have a significant influence on the dependent variable of employee performance.


2) R2 Coefficient of Determination Test

The R2 coefficient of determination test essentially measures how far the model is able to explain the variation of the dependent variable. The value of the coefficient of determination is between zero and one. A small value of the R2 coefficient means that the ability of independent variables to explain the variation of the dependent variable is very limited. A value close to one means that the independent variables provide almost all the information needed to predict the variation of the dependent variable. The higher the Adjusted R Square value, the better the independent variable will explain its dependent variable.

It can be known that the Adjusted R Square value of 0.607 or 60.7% shows that the dependent variable of employee performance is influenced by independent variables, namely motivation, compensation, and job satisfaction. While the rest of the calculation of 39.3% is influenced by many factors from other variables that were not fully studied in this study.


6. Hypothesis Testing (T Test)

The T test is one of the test tools that includes a difference test, because this T test is used to determine the presence / absence of differences between the means of two samples. To find out if there is a partial relationship between the independent variable and the dependent variable in question. In this case, by looking at the T test, it can be known that each independent variable is partially independent of the dependent variable, the T test is used.

1) Hypothesis testing on Motivation (X1) on Employee Performance (Y) obtained a calculated t value of 0.515 < t table 1.991 and a sig. value of 0.608 > 0.05. So it can be concluded that H0 is accepted and Ha is rejected, meaning that Motivation does not have a positive and insignificant effect on Employee Performance at PT. ANZ Bank Indonesia.

2) Hypothesis testing on Compensation (X2) on Employee Performance (Y) obtained a calculated t value of 2,434 > t table 1,991 and a sig value. 0.017 < 0.05. So it can be concluded that H0 is rejected and Ha is accepted, meaning that compensation has a positive and significant effect on Employee Performance at PT. Bank ANZ Indonesia.

3) Hypothesis testing on Job Satisfaction (X3) on Employee Performance (Y) obtained a calculated t value of 4.236 > t table 1.991 and a sig. value of 0.000 < 0.05. So it can be concluded that H0 is rejected and Ha is accepted, meaning that job satisfaction has a positive and significant effect on Employee Performance at PT. ANZ Bank Indonesia.


C. The Effect of Motivation on Employee Performance at PT. Bank ANZ Indonesia

Based on the above research on testing the T Test hypothesis, it was found that motivation did not have a positive and insignificant effect on the performance of PT. Bank ANZ Indonesia. The results of this analysis were obtained through several tests and the results of testing the T Test hypothesis with a calculated t value of 0.515 < t Table 1.991 and significant values of 0.608 > 0.05. This positive effect does not mean that the company does not provide motivation for PT. Bank ANZ Indonesia, the less it also affects its performance.

From the results of respondents' answers to questionnaires that have been given by researchers get an average result of 4.29. This means that most respondents expressed agreement in their assessment. These results show that the statement of the Motivation questionnaire (X1) within the PT. Bank ANZ Indonesia is good enough. Motivation is the provision of driving force that creates a person's work excitement so that they want to work together, work effectively and are integrated with all their efforts to achieve satisfaction. The results of this study are reinforced by the results of Nur Hasmalawati's (2018) research that motivation does not have a positive and insignificant effect on employee performance.


D. The Effect of Compensation on Employee Performance at PT. Bank ANZ Indonesia

Based on the above research on testing the T Test hypothesis, it was found that compensation had a positive and significant effect on the performance of PT. Bank ANZ Indonesia. The results of this analysis were obtained through several tests and the results of testing the T Test hypothesis with a calculated t value of 2,434 > T Table 1.991 and significant values of 0.017 < 0.05. This positive influence means that the company provides the compensation desired by PT. Bank ANZ Indonesia, the greater the opportunity for employees to improve their performance. From the results of respondents' answers to questionnaires that have been given by researchers get an average result of 4.17. This means that most respondents expressed agreement in their assessment. These results show that the statement of the Compensation questionnaire (X2) within PT. Bank ANZ Indonesia is good enough.

Compensation is all income in the form of money, direct or indirect goods that employees receive in return for services rendered to the company. The establishment of an effective compensation system is an important part of human resource management because it helps attract and retain talented jobs. In addition, the company's compensation system has an impact on strategic performance.

The results of this study are reinforced by the results of Addina Fitriyani's research (2019) that Compensation has a positive and significant effect on Employee Performance.


E. The Effect of Job Satisfaction on Employee Performance at PT. Bank ANZ Indonesia

Based on the above research on testing the T Test hypothesis, it was found that Job Satisfaction had a positive and significant effect on the Performance of PT. Bank ANZ Indonesia. The results of this analysis were obtained through several tests and the results of testing the T Test hypothesis with a calculated t value of 4,236 > t Table 1.991 and significant values of 0.000 < 0.05. This positive influence means that the company provides job satisfaction obtained by PT. Bank ANZ Indonesia, the greater the opportunity for employees to improve their performance.

From the results of respondents' answers to questionnaires that have been given by researchers get an average result of 4.20. This means that most respondents expressed agreement in their assessment. These results show that the statement of the Job Satisfaction questionnaire (X3) within PT. Bank ANZ Indonesia is good enough. Job satisfaction is one of the most important elements in organizations. This is because job satisfaction can affect work behavior such as lazy, diligent, productive, etc., or have a relationship with several types of behavior that are very important in organizations. The results of this study are strengthened by the results of Moch's research. Alfiansyah (2021) that Job Satisfaction has a positive and significant effect on Employee Performance.



Conclusion as follows: The results of the hypothesis test that have been analyzed show that motivation does not have a positive and insignificant effect on employee performance. This means that Motivation at PT. Bank ANZ Indonesia has not fully affected Employee Performance. The results of the hypothesis test that have been analyzed show that compensation has a positive and significant effect on employee performance. This means that Compensation at PT. Bank ANZ Indonesia has fully influenced Employee Performance. The results of the hypothesis test that have been analyzed show that Job Satisfaction has a positive and significant effect on Employee Performance. This means that Job Satisfaction at PT. Bank ANZ Indonesia has fully influenced Employee Performance.



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Copyright holder:

Shofi Sasmita, Beureukat, Adam Nurkholik, Kumba Digdowiseiso* (2023)


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Jurnal Syntax Admiration


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