�Volume 4, No. 5 Mei 2023
p-ISSN 2722-7782 | e-ISSN 2722-5356
DOI: https://doi.org/
Farrel Fikri Hamzah, Ahmad Cik, Melati,
Kumba Digdowiseiso*
Faculty of
Economics and Business, National University, Jakarta
Email : [email protected],
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected]*
This study aims to determine the effect of Intrinsic Motivation,
Organizational Culture, and Non-Physical Work Environment on Employee
Performance at PT Sriwijaya Mitra Media. The analytical method used in this
study is descriptive analysis method and inferential analysis with multiple
linear regression assisted by the Statistical Product and Service Solution
(SPSS) version 23. The data used in this Research is primary data and then
distributed in the form of questionnaires to 103 employees at PT. The results
of the analysis of multiple linear regression in this study that Intrinsic
Motivation Variables (X1), Organizational Culture (X2) and Non- Physical Work
Environment (X3) have a positive and significant effect on employee performance
(Y) at PT. Sriwijaya Mitra Media. It is hoped that the result of study can
improve employee performance at PT. Sriwijaya Mitra Media.
Keyword : Motivasi Intrinsic, Organizational Culture, and Non-Physical Work
When an Organization
or Company carries out its business activities, the Company or Organization has
factors that are bound and influence each other, in general, the main and most
important factor in the Company is the Employees or Human Resources. Employee
performance can be said to be one of the benchmarks for the Company's success
in carrying out its activities. When the Company is run by employees with
effective and efficient performance, the success rate of the Organization or
Company becomes higher as well. Therefore, managing resources optimally and
well is a mandatory thing to do, in other words, managing human resources needs
to be done well. HR plays a very important role in mobilizing other resources
with the aim of achieving company targets. In other words, if the human
resources are running well, then the organization will run well.
Performance has a role, namely as a
basis for assessment, it is obtained from the results of the work done. In
carrying out work, a person is based on motivation. (Robbins 2008), states that
motivation is someone who is willing to do work that can help the organization
in achieving goals in return that someone can meet individual needs. Someone
who has motivation in doing his job will have a good impact and contribution to
the organization.
One of the benchmarks in determining
the success of an Organization or Company is Employee
Performance. The better and more effective the performance of employees, the
success rate of an organization will increase. According to Certo, tracking
employee activities at a certain time by assessing the results displayed by employees
against the Company's achievement goals. (Ilyas, 2001).
(2012), stated that High Employee Performance is something that is desired by
the entire company. With so many employees who have good performance, the
quality of the results of the organization's products as a whole will also
increase so that the company or organization can work optimally and well and
can survive and compete in the global market.
Employees who are motivated to do
their work can have a positive and good impact on achieving organizational
goals. Motivation usually starts from within the individual, for example when
someone does work and achieves the desired results well and accordingly, then
someone will be more motivated, but on the contrary when someone does work and
the results achieved are not as desired or the results are not good then
someone will continue to work until the motivation is fulfilled or become less
enthusiastic and desperate eventually resulting in someone's performance it
will decrease.
It can be known,
motivation is something that is able to move someone in carrying out activities
or activities on something and aims to achieve the desired thing. Motivation
can be divided into, Motivation that starts from oneself (intristic
motivation) and from others or outside oneself (extrinsic motivation).
Motivation can make a person more excited and influential in doing something,
both positive and negative. Hamalik (2013: 158)
states that motivation is a change in energy driven by one's desires and
characterized by positive feelings and reactions to be able to meet goals.
Intrinsic motivation comes from
within. With Intrinsic Motivation employees will be more aware of the
responsibility of the job to encourage employees to complete their work. Therefore a person will be more aware that when performance
is good, then the needs of life will be met. Research (Akbar &; Troena, 2016) shows the influence between intrinsic
motivation on employee performance. Work Environment, can be said to be a
factor that has an impact on improving performance, when someone has a
comfortable work environment will have a positive impact on the development and
comfort of employees. That way employees will be more enthusiastic and will
eventually be able to improve employee performance. The Work Environment can be
divided into a physical work environment and a non-physical work environment.
As Sedarmayanti
argues (2001: 31), the non-physical work environment is a condition related to
relationships between colleagues, both with leaders and work partners. Another
opinion says the work environment is a condition for employees in completing
their work in a comfortable and safe room situation, both in the canor room or factory (Siagian,
2011: 139). Another factor that can influence employee performance is
Organizational Culture which basically forms habits and attitudes that are
expected to be in line with the vision and mission of the Organization or
Company and can produce individuals with integrity and discipline, have good
and commendable behavior, and are responsible and qualified both in terms of
ability and skill.
&; Mas, 2017) Explaining Organizational Culture, which is a system of
values, norms, and beliefs that are agreed and embraced by all members of the
Organization and used as a reference in action that will be a differentiator
between one organization and another, in other words, Organizational Culture is
the Main Identity of the Organization that is occupied and maintained (Massud &; Immanuel, 2017). Organizational Culture is
implemented with the aim that all existing members of the Organization can
comply and follow and be guided by the values that apply to a Company.
Therefore, Organizational Culture can be said to be a very important aspect to be better noticed by the Company or
Organization. If the values and norms of Organizational Culture are created
well, the Company will create a sense of comfort and security for employees in
completing their work.
Based on the background above, the
formulation of the problem: 1) Does Intrinsic Motivation have a positive and
significant effect on employee performance at PT. Sriwijaya
Media Partners? 2) Whether Organizational Culture has a positive and
significant effect on employee performance at PT. Sriwijaya
Media Partners? 3) Whether the non-physical work environment has a positive and
significant effect on employee performance at PT. Sriwijaya
Media Partners?
Research Objectives: 1) To determine
whether Intrinsic Motivation has a positive and significant influence on
Employee Performance at PT. Sriwijaya Media Partners.
2) To find out whether Organizational Culture has a positive and significant
influence on Employee Performance at PT. Sriwijaya
Media Partners. 3) To find out whether the non-physical work environment has a
positive and significant influence on employee performance at PT. Sriwijaya Media Partners.
Benefits of Research, As a reference for companies to pay more attention to the
motivation of their employees so that employees can provide the best
performance according to their expertise. With a safe and orderly
organizational culture, employees will feel comfortable and will work more
optimally, and a comfortable and safe work environment can encourage employee
satisfaction with the surrounding environment well which will later affect
increased performance and will help achieve company goals.
In this
study, the object of research used is employee performance that is influenced
by intrinsic mobility, organizational culture, and non-physical work
environment, especially at PT. Sriwijaya Media
Partners. Then the research subject in writing this thesis is PT. Sriwijaya Media Partners. Data Source is the data used, this study uses primary data. Primary data is data
obtained from the object of research and obtained by distributing
questionnaires to PT Sriwijaya Mitra Media through
103 Questionnaires and given to questionnaires which will later be answered and
returned to researchers.
The type of
data in this study is quantitative data. Sugiyono
explained (Sugiyono, 2017) quantitative data is a
method of research based on concrete or positivistic data and data in the form
of numbers and then measured with the help of the SPSS program version 23, to
be investigated and produce conclusions. Questionnaire data comes from the
answers of PT. Sriwijaya Media Partners.
The study
population is defined as all employees who are subjected to generalization of
samples taken from a study (Sturisno, 2013) The
population in this study amounted to 139 people at PT. Sriwijaya
Media Partners. As explained (Sugiyono, 2017) Sample
is part taken from the total population. In this study, the technique used in
sampling is the probability sampling technique, namely by taking a sample with
the provision that each sample provides equal opportunities for all members
when selected to be a sample.
collection method is an important and standard procedure in collecting data to
be studied, (Sugiyono, 2017)Data
collection method is carried out systematically. In this study, researchers use
data collection techniques with questionnaires, researchers will provide a list
of questions to PT employees. Sriwijaya Mitra Media
to find out the answers related to this research which are objective or
commonly called questionnaires.
According to
(Sugiyono, 2017) the Likert scale is a measure term
used in determining attitudes, income, perceptions of individuals and groups
about social phenomena. The scale used in measuring research variables is
called the Likert scale. By using this scale, the answers from the
questionnaire items that have been submitted can have gradations from strongly
agree to strongly disagree and are related to Intrinsic Motivation,
Organizational Culture, Non-Physical Work Environment.
A. Characteristics Responden
data are classified based on age, gender, recent education, length of work, and
division of work section. The data that has been collected is used for analysis
material while still paying attention to the situation to be faced. Samples
taken as many as 103 employees at PT. Sriwijaya Mitra
Media by distributing questionnaires to be filled out and returned within the
time period determined by the researcher.
1. Characteristics of Respondents by Gender
that there are 103 employees of PT Sriwijaya Mitra Media consisting of 60 male employees with
a percentage of 58.3% and 43 female employees with a percentage rate of 41.7%.
Respondents with male sex have the largest number with a percentage of 58.3%.
2. Characteristics of Respondents by age
It can be seen that the number of
employees at PT. Sriwijaya Mitra Media as many as 103
people, consisting of 50 respondents aged 20-30 years with a percentage rate of
48.5%, as many as 22 respondents aged 31-40 with a percentage rate of 21.4%,
then 30 respondents aged 41-50 with a percentage rate of 29.1%, and as many as
1 respondent aged >50 with a percentage rate of only 1%. Respondents aged
22-30 years have the highest percentage of 48.5%.
3. Characteristics of Respondents based on
Recent Education
It can be known the number of
employees at PT. Sriwijaya Mitra Media as many as 103
people, consisting of 64 respondents with high school / vocational / equivalent
education with a percentage rate of 62.2%, then 4 respondents with Diploma
education (D1, D2, D3) with a percentage rate of 3.9%, 35 respondents with
Bachelor (S1) education with a percentage rate of 33.9%. Respondents with the
last education of high school / vocational / equivalent have the highest
percentage of 62.2%.
4. Characteristics of Respondents Based on
Length of Work
It can be seen
that the number of employees at PT. Sriwijaya Mitra
Media is 103 people, consisting of 77 respondents with a length of working <
5 years with a percentage of 74.70%, then 25 respondents who have worked for
5-20 years with a percentage of 24.30%, 1 respondent who has a length of work
of 11-15 years with a percentage of 1%. Respondents with a long work of <5
years have the largest percentage of 74.70%.
5. Characteristics of Respondents by
Job Division
It can be seen if
the number of employees at PT. Sriwijaya Mitra Media
is 103 people, consisting of 1 respondent of the Branch Manager division with a
percentage of 1%, 1 respondent of the Assistant branch manager division with a
percentage of 1%, 12 respondents of the Technical division with a percentage of
12%, 9 respondents of the Maintenance division with a percentage of 9%, 26
respondents of the Collection division with a percentage of 25%,� 25 respondents of the Marketing division with
a percentage of 24%, 5 respondents of the HRD division with a percentage of 5%,
10 respondents of the Finance division with a percentage of 9%, 14 respondents
of the General Affairs section with a percentage of 14%. Respondents working in
the Collection division have the largest percentage at 25%.
6. Analysis of the level of perception
Analysis of
perceptions of Intrinsic Motivation, Organizational Culture, and Non-Physical
Work Environment on Employee Performance at PT Sriwijaya
Mitra Media is an analysis method used to determine the perception of
respondents by taking data that has been disseminated to employees at PT. Sriwijaya Media Partners. Various perceptions were obtained
on independent variables, namely Intrinsic Motivation (X1), Organizational
Culture (X2), and Non-Physical Work Environment (X3).
a. Descriptive Analysis of Intrinsic
Motivation (X1)
It can be known
the results of the assessment made by Respondents on Intrinsic Motivation, with
the average answer agreeing with the average total mean of Intrinsic Motivation
(X1) as a whole of 4.23. The achievement indicator has the highest average mean
with a value of 4.36 and the Probability of growth indicator has the least
value of 4.06.
b. Descriptive Analysis of
Organizational Culture (X2)
Obtained scores
with the results of the assessment conducted by Respondents on Organizational
Culture with an average answer agreeing with the average total mean of
Organizational Culture (X2) as a whole of 4.46. The observed Rules of Conduct
indicator has the highest mean average with a value of 4.60 and the
Organizational Climate indicator has the least value of 4.40.
c. Descriptive Analysis of
Non-Physical Work Environment (X3)
Obtained scores
with the results of assessments conducted by respondents on non-physical work
environments with an average answer agreeing with the average total mean of
non-physical work environments (X3) as a whole of 4.46. Work atmosphere
indicators such as kinship at work have the highest mean average with a value
of 4.35 and good treatment indicators such as good and fair treatment between
colleagues and superiors have the least value of 4.17.
d. Descriptive Analysis of Employee
Performance (Y)
It can be known
if the results given by respondents to the employee performance statement with
the average answer agreeing have a total average mean variable Y as a whole
valued at 4.36. The observed indicator has the highest mean average, namely the
Quality Indicator with a value of 4.45 and the Supervision indicator has the
least value of 4.22.
C. Test Instruments
1. Test Validity
In Chapter III
explained, the criteria needed in conducting the Validity Test. The Validity
Test is carried out with the aim of testing whether the questionnaire statement
submitted is suitable to be used as an instrument for this study. The validity
test is assisted by the application of the SPSS program version 23, the
coefficient is said to be valid if Rcalculate > Rtabel Decision Making in determining the validity of the
questionnaire in this study is Rcalculate > Ttabel with a sig rate of 5%, otherwise if Rcalculate < Ttabel, then the
questionnaire is declared invalid. Statements on independent variables, namely
Intrinsic Motivation totaling 9 items, Organizational Culture totaling 9 items,
Non-Physical work environment totaling 9 items, and Employee Performance
totaling 9 items with a total statement of 36 items. The value of n = 103 then
obtained the value of r table of 0.1630. It is decided if the overall
calculation value obtained in this study is greater than rtable,
which is 0.163.
2. Reliability Test
The next stage,
namely the Reliability Test, is carried out with the aim of knowing and testing
whether the measuring instruments used have consistency to be used next. In the
Validity Test, it is known that the statement item is declared Valid, the next
stage, namely the Reliability Test, is carried out using the help of the SPSS
program version 23 with the basis of decision making, namely the value of the
Cronbach Alpha coefficient on each variable has a value equal to 0.60 or more.
When an instrument is said to be reliable, the instrument is proven to be good
enough so that it is able to display good data accuracy and can be trusted. It
is known that all variables in the study used are said to be good because they
have a value greater than or equal to 0.60. Then it can be concluded if the
variable is said to be reliable.
D. Classical Assumption Test
1 Normality Test
The Normality
Test used in this study is Kolmogorov Smirnov with the help of SPSS Application
Program version 34. This test is carried out with the aim of knowing the
distribution of data on the research data used. The basis for decision making
in this study is that if the value of recognition is more than 0.05 then it can
be said if the distribution of data in this study is normal, but if the value
obtained is less than 0.05 then the distribution of data is abnormal. It is
known that the Asymp Sig value is 0.161 C, so this
shows if the data in this study has a normal distribution nature because the
resulting value is greater than 0.05.
2. Multicolonicity
Furthermore, the Multicolonicity Test was carried out with the aim of
testing in the regression model whether there was a correlation between
independent varaibels. The basis for decision making
in the Multicolonierity Test is if the value of VIF
or Tolerance. If the result of the VIF value in this study is less than 10 and
the Tolerance value in this study is greater than 0.100 It can be said that multicolonicity does not occur. Looking at the VIF value
obtained for the Intrinsic Motivation variable, which is 1,316, the
Organizational Culture variable is 1,220, and the non-Physical Work Environment
variable is 1,145. Then for the Tolerance value of the Intrinsic Motivation
variable with a value of 0.760, the Organizational Culture variable of 0.820,
and the non-Physical work environment variable of 0.873. Based on the results
that have been described, it can be concluded that the values generated from
the three variables in this study have a VIF value of less than 10 and a
Tolerance value of more than 0.100 which means the regression model does not
contain multicolonicity.
3. Heteroscedasticity Test
Heteroscedasticity test is part of the classical assumption test and in this
study the glejser test method, this test is carried
out with the aim of seeing in the regression model whether there is a mismatch
of variance of error in each observation and another in the regression model.
The basis of decision making is a Regression Model that does not have symptoms
of heteroscedasticity if the Sig. value is more than 0.05. Sig values of all
independent variables are Intrinsic Motivation of 0.133, Organizational Culture
of 0.704, and Non-Physical Work Environment of 0.350. This means that the
resulting value of each variable is more than 0.05 which means that it can be
said that the variables in this study do not have symptoms of heteriskedasticity.
4. Autocorrelation Test
Test is a test carried out with the aim of knowing whether in a regression
model there is an influence between independent variables on the dependent
variable, or in other words there should be no influence between the variables
themselves. In this study, the Autocorrelation Test uses the DurbinWatson method as a basis for decision making, that
is, if the DU value is smaller than DW is smaller than 4-DU (dU<dW<4-dU) then it is said
that the regression equation is good, it can be said that autocorrelation does
not occur, then H0 can be accepted.
Dapat diketahui nilai dW pada penelitian ini yaitu 1.942 dan nilai dU atau
dL dapat diperoleh dari tabel statistik
Durbin Watson yaitu dU =
1,7374 dan dL = 1,6153. Bersasarkan penjelasan tersebut maka diketahui persamaan (1,7374 < 1,942 < 2,2626) hal tersebut berarti
nilai dW berada diantara 4-dU dan dU, maka dapat
dikatakan model regresi
pada penelitian ini tidak terjadi autokorelasi.
E. Double Regression Analysis
This analysis was
carried out using the help of the SPSS program version 23 with the aim of
knowing about how far the influence of independent variables is Intrinsic
Motivation, Organizational Culture, Non-Physical Work Environment on dependent
variables These results have meaning:
a) The constant
value of a = 18,531 which means that when the variables Intrinsic Motivation,
Organizational Culture, and non-Physical Work Environment are not included in
the study, then employee performance at PT. Sriwijaya
Mitra Media still increased by 18,531%.
b) Coefficient
value b1 of 0.254 which means when the Intrinsic Motivation variable increases
1 score is more optimal (such as stronger encouragement from within, giving
encouragement, giving recognition, and giving positive returns), Employee
performance at PT. Sriwijaya Mitra Media will
experience an increase of 0.254% with the asunsi of
other independent variables constant.
c) The value of
the B2 coefficient of 0.164 which means that when there is an increase in the
variable Organizational Culture 1 score, the performance of employees at PT. Sriwijaya Mitra Media experienced an increase of 0.164.
Assuming another independent variable is constant.
d) The value of
the B3 Coefficient of 0.430 which means that when there is an increase in the
non-Physical Work Environment variable 1 score, the performance of Employees at
PT. Sriwijaya Mitra Media experienced an increase of
0.430. Assuming another independent variable is constant.
F. Model Feasibility Test
1. F Test
Test d is a test
conducted to determine whether the independent variable has a simultaneous
influence on the dependent variable. The basis for decision making in Test F is
to compare the calculation with the ftable. If fcalculate has a value greater than 0.05 mka h0 is accepted which means the proposed hypothesis is
rejected, but when fcalculate has a value smaller
than 0.05 then h0 is tolerated which means the hypothesis is accepted. It can
be known that the resulting F value is sig 0.000. The value is less than 0.05
(0.000<0.05). This means that Intrinsic Motivation, Organizational Culture,
and Non-Physical Work Environment have a positive and significant influence on
Employee Performance at PT. Sriwijaya Media Partners.
2.Test Coefficient of Determination R2
The R2 test is
used with the aim of determining the magnitude of the influence exerted by the
independent variable on the dependent variable. The value of the Coefficient of
Determination R is used to predict the effect that the independent variable
exerts simultaneously on the dependent variable. It can be known that the R
value is 0.790, so with this value it can be concluded that the relationship
between independent and dependent variables is quite strong. While the size of
Adjust R Square is 0.613 or 61%, meaning that the result of this statistical
calculation is that the dependent variable, namely employee performance, is
influenced by independent variables, namely Intrinsic Motivation,
Organizational Culture, and Non-Physical Work Environment. While the remaining
39% (100% - 61%) is influenced by other variables outside outside
the regression model studied by the author.
3. Hypothesis Testing
The t test was
conducted with the aim of determining how much influence the partial
significance of the independent variable in the study on Employee Performance.
The effect can be estimated using the significant value and t calculated that
has been obtained. Basic Decision making is done by looking at the level of
significance, if it is more than 0.05 then the hypothesis has an insignificant
effect while if the value is less than 0.05 then the hypothesis has a
significant effect.
Based on the
results of the t test, the results of the t test can be concluded as follows:
1) The results of
the t test on Variable X1 or Intrinsic Motivation for Employee Performance have
been obtained with a calculated value of 5.166, which is greater than the Ttable of 1,987 and the sig of 0.000 < 0.05. This means
that the Intrinsic motivation variable (X1) has a positive and significant
effect on employee performance at PT. Sriwijaya Media
2) The results of
the t test on Variable X2 or Organizational Culture Variables on Employee
Performance have been obtained with a calculated value of 2,573, which is
greater than the Ttable of 1,987 and GIS of 0.012
< 0.05. This means that the Organizational Culture variable (X2) has a
positive and significant effect on employee performance at PT. Sriwijaya Media Partners.
3 The results of
the t test on Variable X3 or non-Physical Work Environment Variables on
Employee Performance were obtained with a calculated value of 9.642, which is
greater than the Ttable of 1,987 and GIS of 0.000
< 0.05. This means that the non-Physical Work Environment variable (X3) has
a positive and significant effect on employee performance at PT. Sriwijaya Media Partners.
G. The Effect of Intrinsic Motivation
on Employee Performance
motivation is a drive from within a person to provide great participation with
the goal of achieving organizational success. With the achievement of
organizational goals, the goals of individual members are also achieved. In the
results of the research that has been done above, it can be said that Intrinsic
Motivation has a positive and significant effect on employee performance at PT.
Sriwijaya Media Partners. With the Hypothesis Test
Value that has been obtained of 5.166, that is greater than the Ttable of 1.987. The significance level has a value below
0.05 which is 0.000.
This positive and
significant influence indicates that the increase in Intrinsic Motivation
affects the improvement of Employee Performance. This is also evidenced by the
value of the coefficient of 0.365. The company (in this case) strives to
improve employee performance by always providing motivation and paying
attention to what will make the intrinsic motivation of employees can encourage
employees to be able to develop and improve company performance with the aim of
achieving the goals set by the company.
That way
employees will feel they have something that can be achieved because the
company provides rewards or rewards to employees who work well and effectively.
Therefore, the Company will be able to cultivate Intrinsic Motivation in
Employees so that employee performance will increase and maximize. Basically,
employee involvement in their work is needed by every organization and company.
Therefore, psychologically assume that employees in doing their work need to
have encouragement and a feeling of security to continue their work and do it
well, therefore the involvement is a positive thing at work.
When employees
get encouragement from within themselves, a positive attitude will be shown
thoroughly in the cognitive role in fulfilling their obligations optimally and
fulfilled a sense of responsibility because in individuals feel they have a desire
to make a great contribution, because employees realize by generating positive
feedback and will help employees meet the needs and desires of the employees
themselves. Intrinsic Motivation (X1) has a positive and significant influence
with the results of regression analysis resulting in the conclusion that
Hypothesis 1 is accepted, namely Intrinsic Motivation has a positive effect. If
motivation is intrinsic to employees of PT. Sriwijaya
can be put to good use, so the performance of its employees will increase and
vice versa.
In research
conducted by Rakhmat Triadi,
Siti Hidayah, & Fasocha (2019) in the Journal of
Management Economics and Accounting, with the title The Effect of Intrinsic and
Extrinsic Motivation on Employee Performance mediated by Organizational
Commitment, research results were obtained, namely Intrinsic motivation has a
positive effect on employee performance, the higher the intrinsic motivation,
the higher the employee performance. The samples taken were all members of the
population by census method, as many as 142 people were obtained by equation
method in path analysis.
H. The Influence of Organizational
Culture on Employee Performance
Culture is a perception shared by members in an organization or company.
Organizational Culture usually results from daily interactions within the
Company, that is, when someone interacts together for some time, they will form
a culture.
Based on the
Hypothesis Test in the research that has been done above, it can be said that
Organizational Culture has a positive and significant effect on employee
performance at PT. Sriwijaya Media Partners. With the
Hypothesis Test Value that has been obtained of 2,573 is greater than the Ttable value of 1,987. The significance level has a value
below 0.05 which is 0.012. The positive and significant influence obtained
indicates that the improvement of Organizational Culture affects the
improvement of Employee Performance at Pt Sriwijaya
Mitra Media. This is also evidenced by the value of the coefficient of 0.175.
The results of
this Assessment are in accordance with previous research according to (Yoga Pratama, 2012), where intrinsic motivation has a positive
and significant effect on Employee Performance. In a study conducted by Yoga Pratama entitled The Influence of Organizational Culture on
Employee Performance at the Nanggung Bogor District
Office in 2012, it was found that Organizational Culture significantly affects
Employee Performance. This shows that organizational factors are very important
to pay attention to in order to improve employee performance. The results
showed that the null hypothesis (h0) was rejected and the Work Hypothesis (Ha)
in this study was accepted which means that Organizational Culture has a
significant effect on employee performance.
I. The Effect of Non-Physical Work
Environment on Employee Performance
In managing a
non-physical work environment organization is a very important thing to do
supervision, although the work environment does not have a direct effect on production
and employees who produce, but when the work environment is said to be good,
employees will be able to carry out activities optimally, optimally, and safely
and comfortably. When the non-physical work environment between employees is
good, it will foster a comfortable nature to employees that will make them able
to concentrate on completing their work, so that the goals of the organization
or company can be achieved.
Based on the
results of Hypothesis Testing, results were obtained from research which stated
that the non-physical work environment had a positive and significant effect on
employee performance at PT. Sriwijaya Media Partners.
The results of hypothesis testing have a value of 9.642, which is greater than
the Ttable value of 1.987. The significance level is
below 0.05 which is 0.00. The positive and significant influence obtained
indicates that the improvement of the non-physical work environment affects the
improvement of Employee Performance at Pt Sriwijaya
Mitra Media. This is also evidenced by the value of the coefficient of 0.635.
When the
non-physical work environment obtained by employees is comfortable and safe to
work and in accordance with what is desired by employees, the performance that
will be produced by employees will be more optimal and efficient. This research
can be said to be in accordance with the results of previous research (Aan
Supriadi, Vera Anitra 2020), namely the results obtained from the analysis
carried out can be concluded that PT. Salim Surya Phone has a comfortable
non-physical work environment for employees to work so that employee
performance can be said to be optimal due to the support of an adequate
non-physical work environment in maintaining smooth production, therefore it
can be concluded. Non-physical work environment has a positive and significant
effect on employee performance.
The conclusion is as follows:
Intrinsic Motivation has a positive
and significant effect on Employee Performance. The research above proves that
Intrinsic Motivation has a positive and significant influence on employee
performance at PT. Sriwijaya Mitra Media which is
shown by proving the hypothesis in the results of the t test, if the Intrinsic Motvasi of Employees is improved then Employee Performance
Improvement will also be achieved.
Organizational Culture has a positive
and significant effect on Employee Performance. The research above proves that
Organizational Culture is proven to have a positive and significant influence
on employee performance at PT. Sriwijaya Mitra Media
which is shown by proving the hypothesis in the results of the t test, If the
Organizational Culture is improved, Employee Performance Improvement will also
be achieved.
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