JSA 2Volume 4, No. 5 Mei 2023

p-ISSN 2722-7782 | e-ISSN 2722-5356

DOI: https://doi.org/




Syifa Mutiara Rachmah, Elwisam, Kumba Digdowiseiso*

Faculty of Economics and Business, National University, Jakarta

Email : [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]*



This study aims to determine how much influence the influence of product quality, price perception, and brand ambassadors has on purchasing decisions for Garnier facial cleansing soap products in Jakarta. Data for primary data was used in this study to 100 respondents in the Garnier product respondent questionnaire. The analysis used in this study is SPSS version 23 which is used in the analysis of this study is multiple linear regression. The finding demonstrated that Product Quality, Perceived Price, and Brand Ambassador have a positive and significant impact on decisions to purchase Garnier products. This indicates that Garnier will increase purchasing decisions if it influences Product Quality, Perceived Price, and Brand Ambassador. The coefficient of determination (Adjusted R Square) value of 0.616 indicates that the factors Product Quality, Perceived Price, and Brand Ambassador perception contribute 61.6 %to the decision to purchase Garnier products, while other factors that were not examined influence 38.4%.


Keywords: Effect of Product Quality, Perceived Price, and Brand Ambassador on Purchasing Decisions



In this day and age this business is also influenced by the many needs of the community that must be met to make a company to be loved by the community. In the development of the business world, many competitors are increasingly tight and must develop to think in terms of strategies in Garnier products in the eyes of consumers, this is related to the desire of buyers to buy continuously on Garnier products. Garnier in the Jakarta market has many product variants but buyers of Garnier products will believe in Garnier products that are considered high quality buyers.

At the time Garnier is not only a fairly complete need but most of the buyers make Garnier products as a lifestyle necessity so that at this time everyone has more than one Garnier product variant. With the progress and development of the times in anticipation is no longer just hair care, skin care and self-care, but a need to protect yourself.

Garnier was founded by Alfred Amour Garnier in Blois, Paris in 1904. Starting from hair care products with natural ingredients, Garnier continues to grow and began to work in the world of skin care Garnier believes nature has provided the best solutions for personal care, so Garnier products always use natural ingredients. Garnier is a long-standing and experienced product, it is not surprising that Garnier products have a very strong brand image because Garnier products are booming throughout the world. Because Garnier products are brands that continuously follow developments in the world of beauty and release new products that are desired by consumers.

See Garnier's 118 years of hair-care, skincare and self-care products to consumer needs. In Jakarta, Garnier products are commonly used by young to old people to be used as hair care, skin care and self-care for consumer needs, but often over time Garnier products are often used in daily activities. Plus with a series of products with the latest innovations.

Consumer decisions in this case choose and use identical products that are typical of purchasing decisions (Kotler, 2009). The decision to buy by consumers on a product begins with the buyer's awareness of the needs that must be met. Consumers are aware of the difference between actual conditions and desired conditions. This results in consumers actively seeking more information to find out the products they are interested in and suitable for use. Consumer Purchase Decision is a condition where consumers have a decision on the brand and a tendency to decide on their purchases in the future. Purchasing decision is a stage in a buyer's decision making where consumers actually buy a product. Based on the conclusion above that purchasing decision is a process of consumers making purchases that include what will be bought.

Based on data obtained from the source Summer: www.topbrand-award.com that Garnier products experienced an increase in market share. In 2021 Garnier products gained a market share percentage of 17.8%, and in 2021 Garnier products also experienced an increase in the percentage of market share share that was sufficient from 18.6%. This shows that Garnier products have not been able to dominate market share in the category of "beauty products "facial cleansing soap" this factor is influenced by product quality, price perception, brand ambassador for the purchase decision of Garnier facial cleansing soap products in Jakarta.

Product quality is the first element that consumers see from a product to be a consideration for a consumer to make a purchase. So that product quality is an important key where the product is assessed whether it is good or not, through the form, benefits and even the feasibility of using the product. Products are in the form of goods or services offered from producers to get attention, sought, obtained through purchases, then used or used by the market as a place to meet market needs or desires related to daily needs (Ummat & Hayuningtias, 2022)

According to (Kotler &; Armstrong, 2018) Product Quality is one of the main means of infrastructure for marketers' positioning tools. Quality affects the performance of a product or service thus, it is closely related to the values and customer satisfaction in buying products or services. While According to (Kotler &; Keller K, 2016), Product Quality is an advantage, an item to supply appropriate results or performance even exceeding what is desired by customers.

According to (Cockrill & Goode, 2010), price perception is a psychological factor from various aspects that has an important influence on consumer reaction to prices. That's why price perception becomes the reason why someone makes the decision to buy. Meanwhile, according to (Priyanto, 2013) Priyanto (2013), price perception is the relative cost that consumers must spend to obtain the desired product or service.

According to (Rangkuti 2008) price perception is the relative cost that consumers are thirsty to spend to get the desired product or service. Based on the above conclusion that price perception is a price related to price information and can be understood the products / services he wants and give deep meaning to them.

A brand ambassador is someone appointed to represent and provide information on a product to consumers, so that they can encourage and invite consumers to make purchasing decisions (Aryanti, L. W et al., 2021). Brand ambassadors chosen by companies to advertise their products are usually figures who have popularity and are known by the public such as, actors or artists, singers, athletes, musicians and others (Restu et al., 2020). Brand ambassadors are expected to be spokespersons for a product, so that consumers are encouraged to buy the products offered (Devi &; Jatisidi, 2020).

Based on some of the definitions above, it can be stated that a brand ambassador is a figure who has the expertise, ability to represent and provide information on a product to consumers so as to influence consumers to buy the products offered. Garnier's target audience is not only the general public but also in all circles. In Jakarta, which is quite a lot as Garnier's target market and can be one of Garnier's products that are widely used by consumers in Jakarta. Garnier brands itself as a hair care product with natural ingredients, Garnier continues to grow and start working in the world of skin care Garnier believes nature has provided the best solutions for self-care so that it is suitable for all people.

From these research problems, the following research questions were compiled: 1) Does Product Quality have a positive and significant effect on the purchase decision of "Garnier products" in Jakarta? 2) Does Product preparation have a positive and significant effect on the purchase decision of "Garnier products" in Jakarta? 3) Does the Product Brand Ambassador have a positive and significant influence on the purchase decision of "Garnier products in Jakarta?

Based on the formulation of the problem above, the objectives of this study are as follows: 1) To determine and analyze the positive and significant influence of product quality on the purchase decision of "Garnier products" in Jakarta. 2) To know and analyze the influence of perception on positive and significant purchasing decisions of "Garnier products" in Jakarta. 3) To know and analyze the influence of brand ambassadors on positive and significant. This research is expected to help companies to find out how much influence product quality has on consumer purchasing decisions of Garnier products in Jakarta so that it can be taken into consideration in attracting consumers.



Some research objects have the properties of the state of an object, person, or become the center of research attention. According to (Sugiyono, 2017) the object of research is the attribute or feature or value of a person, object or activity that the researcher defines can be researched and after that conclusions are made into the object of research. In this study, purchasing decisions are influenced by product quality, price perception and brand ambassador influence.

This research was conducted on Garnier consumers who made purchases in Jakarta. The reason researchers chose this object is as a source of this research data and to determine which research object influences purchasing decisions.

This research method is Quantitative can be interpreted as a research method based on positivism, which is used to study certain populations or samples; sampling methods are usually random; Research instruments are used to collect quantitative or statistical data used to test hypotheses.

This research uses quantitative techniques using survey data sources or research subjects with characteristics determined by the researcher, from which conclusions are drawn. The population used in this study used primary data types. This primary data is information collected directly from respondents, especially information compiled based on responses to questionnaires distributed to Garnier consumers in Jakarta.

The population and sample in a study need to be determined with the aim that the research carried out really gets the data as expected. There is a discussion of population and samples. According to (Sugiyono, 2017) population is a general domain consisting of objects or subjects with certain properties and characteristics determined by the research under study and the conclusions drawn from it. Based on the population of Jakarta, the survey found that the population of Jakarta is 100 people.

Sugiyono (Sugiyono, 2017) said the non-probability sampling technique is a purposive sampling technique, where sampling is done by selecting respondents because they have certain considerations. To meet these requirements, in determining the number of samples, researchers use the Taro Yamane calculation formula (Riduwan, 2015).

This study used questionnaires as a data collection method. A questionnaire is a data collection method that asks respondents a series of written questions (Sugiyono., 2017). The survey uses the Likert scale which consists of several questions regarding product quality, perceived price, and brand ambassadors in their purchasing decisions.

The data collection tools used in this study are data processing, articles and journals related to the topic of discussion of this research. The data collection technique in this study is descriptive analysis. Descriptive analysis is processed for each variable. IBM SPSS 23 statistical software was used for data processing in this study. Analysis method after the data is collected, then analyzed using data collection techniques. In this analysis, the study authors aim to answer a question that exists in problem identification. Using the data analysis method, which is done by statistical analysis, namely IBM statistical software 23



A. Descriptive Analysis of Respondents

The criteria used in this survey were respondents' gender, age, occupation, income, and whether they purchased Garnier products. Before. The purpose of data collection is to collect information for analysis given the context of the study. In this study, 100 people were interviewed using questionnaires sent to those who purchased Garnier products.

1. Characteristics of respondents by gender

The results of the study involved 100 respondents or samples, who were users of Garnier products. There were 5 male respondents (5%) and a total of 95 female respondents (95%). Based on the results of the data, it can be concluded that from the sample taken, which is up to 100 respondents, the majority of respondents sampled, namely 95 or 95%, are female.


2. Characteristics of respondents by age

The results of research with 100 respondents or samples are users of Garnier products. Based on the Results of Age Frequency Distribution, it can be seen that the grouping of 100 respondents based on age is. There were 44 people aged 17-20 with a percentage of 44%, 50 people aged 21-30 with a percentage. The value is 50% and the age of 31-40 years there are 6 people whose percentage value is 6%. This data shows that the age of 21 to 30 years is the labor productivity of the population at that age, so that workers at that age can do their jobs well.


3. Characteristics of respondents based on occupation

Based on the Results of the Frequency Distribution of Types of Jobs, it can be seen that from 100 respondents used for research, information was obtained that 35 respondents had jobs as students / students with a percentage of 35%, 44 respondents had employee jobs with a percentage of 44%, 16 respondents had self-employed jobs with a percentage of 16%, 5 respondents had civil servant jobs, and 0 respondents had IRT jobs with a percentage of 0%.


4. Characteristics of respondents by income

Based on the Results of the Income Frequency Distribution, it can be seen that from the 100 respondents used, information was obtained that 23 respondents had an income of 500,000-1,000,000 with a percentage of 23%, 10 respondents had an income of 1,000,000-2,000,000 with a presentation of 10%, 66 respondents had an income of >2,000,000 with a percentage of 66%, and 1 respondent had an income of <500,000 with a percentage of 1%.


5. Characteristics of respondents based on having purchased Granier products

Based on the results of Respondents' Characteristics Based on Having Purchased Granier Products, it can be seen that from 100 respondents used for research, information was obtained that 94 respondents had ever purchased Garnier products with a percentage of 94%, and 6 respondents had never purchased Garnier products with a percentage of 6%.


6. Descriptive Analysis

Descriptive Analysis The influence of product quality, price perception and brand ambassadors on purchasing decisions is an analysis taken from survey data shared with consumers of Garnier cleaning products in Jakarta. The purpose of this study was to determine the influence of product quality, price perception and brand ambassadors on purchasing decisions based on the results of quantitative responses on the Likert scale.

Based on the statements on the questionnaire that have been submitted to respondents, various kinds of perceptions were obtained on the independent variables The influence of product quality (X1), price perception (X2), and brand ambassador (X3) on the purchase decision of Garnier beauty products (Y) in Jakarta, each variable is different statement items. In data analysis, this study was conducted using statistical calculation methods and SPSS software version 23, and the results were as follows:

a). Effect of Product Quality (X1)

Based on the results of the respondents' assessment as a research sample, the mean value of the influence of product quality was 4.25. This shows that every statement on this variable, answered respondents with a majority agreeing. The highest average was obtained in the fourth variable, which was 4.33, and the lowest average was obtained in the second variable, which was 4.09.


b) Effect of Price Perception (X2)

Based on the results of the respondents' assessment as a research sample, the mean value of the price perception variable was 4.17. This shows that every statement on this variable, answered respondents with a majority agreeing. The highest average was obtained in the third variable, which was 4.27 and the lowest average was obtained in the first variable, which was 4.06.


c). Influence of Brand Ambassador (X3)

Based on the results of the respondents' assessment as a research sample, the mean value of the brand ambassador was 4.22. This shows that every question on this variable, answered respondents with a majority agreeing. The highest average was obtained in the first variable which was 4.33 and the lowest average was obtained in the second variable which was 4.03.


d) Influence of Product Purchase Decisions (Y)

Based on the results of the respondents' assessment as a research sample, the mean value of the purchase decision was 4.24. This shows that every question on this variable, answered respondents with a majority agreeing. The highest average was obtained in the first and fifth variables of 4.30 and the lowest average was obtained in the third variable of 4.10.


7. Complete Results of Research Estimates

a. Uji Validitas

1) Product Quality (X1)

Based on the results of Product Quality (X1) data, it can be seen that all questionnaires aimed at having a corrected Item Total Correlation value that is greater than the rtable value in the 100th N sample, which is 0.1966 which means that the entire rcount is greater than the rtable. From the output of the validity test, the largest coefficient value of the Product Quality variable is found in the fourth statement, which is 0.794, while the smallest value is found in the third statement with a value of 0.763.

Based on the results of the overall output of the validity test submitted using the SPSS 23 program as a calculation tool on the independent variable Product Quality, it is declared valid, so that all statements from the variable can be used for the next stage.


2) Price Perception (X2)

Based on the results of the Validity of Price Perception Effect (X2) test Based on the results of Table 4.12, it can be seen that all questionnaires aimed at having a corrected Item Total Correlation value that is greater than the rtable value in the 100th N sample, which is 0.1966 which means that the entire rcount is greater than the rtable. From the output of the validity test, the largest coefficient value of the Price Perception variable was found in the fourth statement, which was 0.819, while the smallest value was found in the second statement with a value of 0.731. Based on the results of the overall output of the validity test submitted using the SPSS 23 program as a calculation tool on the independent variable of Price perception, it is declared valid, so that all statements from the variable can be used for the next stage.


3) Brand Ambassador (X3)

Based on the results of the Brand Ambassador Influence Validity test (X3) based on the results of Table 4.13, it can be seen that all questionnaires aimed at having a corrected Item Total Correlation value that is greater than the rtable value in the 100th N sample, which is 0.1966 which means that the entire rcount is greater than the rtable. From the output of the validity test, the largest coefficient value of the Product Quality variable is found in the fourth statement, which is 0.794, while the smallest value is found in the third statement with a value of 0.763. Based on the results of the overall output of the validity test submitted using the SPSS 23 program as a calculation tool on the independent variable Product Quality, it is declared valid, so that all statements from the variable can be used for the next stage.


4) Product Purchase Results (Y)

Based on the results of the Validity Test of the Effect of Product Purchase Decision (Y) Based on the results of Table 4.13, it can be seen that all questionnaires aimed at having a corrected Item Total Correlation value that is greater than the value of rtable in the 100th N sample, which is 0.1966 which means that the entire rcount is greater than the rtable. From the output of the validity test, the largest coefficient value of the Product Purchase Decision variable is found in the first and fifth statements, which is 0.815, while the smallest value is found in the third statement with a value of 0.621.

Based on the results of the overall output of the validity test submitted using the SPSS 23 program as a calculation tool on the independent variable of the Product Purchase Decision, it is declared valid, so that all statements from the variable can be used for the next stage.



b. Reliability Test

Based on the results of the Reliability test of the Variable of the Influence of Product Quality (X1), it can be seen that the overall questionnaire items of each variable Product Quality, Price Perception, Brand Ambassador and Product Purchase Decision in this study show reliable results that can be seen in the value of Cronbach's Alpha overall variable has a good value of above 0.6. So it can be interpreted that all values of this research variable are said to be good and acceptable.


B. Effect of Product Quality (X1) on Purchasing Decision (Y)

Based on the results of research conducted by researchers, it was found that product quality has a positive and significant effect on purchasing decisions for garnier products. Through the distribution of questionnaires to people in Jakarta, the average result of the average product quality (X1) as a whole shows that the product quality gets a good value. The highest average total score was found in the fourth question item with a value of 4.33 and the lowest average score was found in the second question item with a value of 4.09.

Based on the results of hypothesis testing, there is a positive and significant influence. This positive and significant influence indicates that improving product quality can influence purchasing decisions for garnier products. This is also evident from the coefficient value of 0.616, which means that the better the quality of the product owned, the higher the decision to purchase garnier products.

The results of this study are reinforced by research conducted (Ummat &; Hayuningtias, 2022) showing the results that product quality has a positive and significant effect on purchasing decisions of republican nature products. Research conducted (Amalia, 2019) shows that product quality has a positive and significant effect on purchasing decisions (Case Study on Endess Noodle Consumers in Bangkalan).


C. Influence of Price Perception (X2) on Purchase Decision (Y)

Based on the results of research conducted by researchers, it was found that price perception has a positive and significant effect on purchasing decisions for garnier products. Through the distribution of questionnaires to people in Jakarta, the average result of the average price perception (X2) as a whole shows that price perception gets a good value. The highest average total score was found in the third question item with a value of 4.27 and the lowest average score was found in the first question item with a value of 4.06.

Based on the results of hypothesis testing, there is a positive and significant influence. This positive and significant influence indicates that increased price perception can influence purchasing decisions for garnier products. This is also evident from the coefficient value of 0.351, which means that the better the price perception you have, the higher the decision to buy garnier products.

The results of this study are reinforced by research conducted (Adipramita &; Cempena, 2019) showing the results that price perception has a positive and significant effect on purchasing decisions at the Lancar Jaya Sekaran Gold Jewelry Store, Lamongan. Research conducted (Ummat &; Hayuningtias, 2022) shows the results that price perception has a positive and significant effect on purchasing decisions of republican nature products.


D. Influence of Brand Ambassador (X3) on Purchase Decision (Y)

Based on the results of research conducted by researchers, it was found that brand ambassadors have a positive and significant influence on purchasing decisions for garnier products. Through the distribution of questionnaires to people in Jakarta, the average result of the mean brand ambassador (X3) as a whole shows that brand ambassadors get good grades. The highest average total score was found in the first question item with a value of 4.33 and the lowest average score was found in the second question item with a value of 4.03.

Based on the results of hypothesis testing, there is a positive and significant influence. This positive and significant influence indicates that an increase in brand ambassadors can influence the purchase decision of garnier products. This is also evident from the coefficient value of 0.274, which means that the better the brand ambassador owned, the higher the decision to purchase garnier products.

The results of this study are reinforced by research conducted (Rahayu, 2021) showing that brand ambassadors have a positive and significant influence on purchasing decisions for Korean Spicy Chicken delicious noodles in Lumajang Regency. Research conducted (Ummat &; Hayuningtias, 2022) shows the results that brand ambassadors have a positive and significant influence on purchasing decisions for republican nature products.



Based on the results of the above research from the previous chapter, as well as the discussion that was accompanied by conclusions drawn based on data analysis from the discussion conducted, as well as discussions accompanied by theories and concepts that support this study entitled The Influence of Product Quality, Price Perception, Brand Ambassador on the Purchase Decision of Garnier Facial Cleansing Soap Products in Jakarta:

The Effect of Product Quality on Purchasing Decisions

Based on the discussion in Chapter 4, it can be explained that the influence of product quality variables on purchasing decisions has a significance value of 0.006 (0.006 and < a = 0.05). Then H1 becomes: Accepted. Therefore, it can be stated that product quality has a positive and important influence in purchasing decisions for Garnier facial soap products in Jakarta.

The Effect of Price Perception on Product Purchase Decisions Based on the changes in chapter 4, it can be explained that the influence of the Price Perception variable on Purchasing Decisions is significant at 0.002 (0.002 < a = 0.05), then H1 is accepted, so it can be stated that Price Perception has a positive and significant effect on the Purchase Decision of Garnier Face Cleansing Soap Products in Jakarta.

The Influence of Brand Ambassadors on Product Purchase Decisions Based on the discussion in Chapter 4, the influence of brand ambassador variables on purchasing decisions has a significance value of 0.013 (0.013 and < a = 0.05), so H1. Accepted. Therefore, it can be stated that brand ambassadors have a positive and important influence in purchasing Garnier facial soap products in Jakarta.



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Copyright holder:

Syifa Mutiara Rachmah, Elwisam, Kumba Digdowiseiso * (2023)


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Jurnal Syntax Admiration


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