Anti-Radicalism Mosque: Preaching in Jember Regency

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Supriyanto Supriyanto
Department of Islamic Broadcasting Communication, State Islamic
Sofyan Hadi
Department of Islamic Broadcasting Communication, State Islamic
Minan Jauhari
Department of Islamic Broadcasting Communication, State Islamic

The radicalism that has started to develop in Jember Regency has received a unique response from the Government, as it is considered to have the potential to threaten the unity of the country and disrupt the democratic process, which has its own specific response. Therefore, the Government is striving to find preventive solutions to minimize such understanding. In addition, the mosques in Jember provide a moderate religious understanding so that worshippers are not influenced by extremist religious ideologies. This article aims to provide an understanding to the public that mosques are at the forefront in anticipating the entry of radical ideologies.

Keywords: Usabilty, System Usability Scale, SUS, C-Access, Applications