Sosialisasi Komunikasi Politik di Media Sosial dalam Rangka Menghadapi Pemilu Tahun 2024 di Lingkungan Warga Kelurahan Pangkalan Jati, Cinere, Depok

Main Article Content

M. Prakoso Aji
Program Studi Ilmu Politik UPN Veteran Jakarta
Program Studi Ilmu Hukum UPN Veteran Jakarta

This community service activity (PKM) was held to provide socialization on the situation experienced by the public regarding political communication on social media in the context of facing the 2024 elections. This activity can be carried out directly or face to face because the pandemic conditions are under control. This community service activity was held in the Pangkalan Jati Village hall. This socialization provides an explanation of the forms of political communication on social media, especially for youth groups in the Pangkalan Jati sub-district, Cinere, Depok. The material explained is about what policies the government has implemented to increase citizens' awareness regarding the importance of paying attention to political communication, how the public can increase their attention to political communication which is currently heavily influenced by the development of social media. In general, it can be concluded that the socialization of political communication on social media provides Indonesian citizens with an understanding of the importance of public attention to political communication on social media.

Keywords: Socialization, Political Communication, Social Media