The Influence of Online Service Quality, Sales Promotion, and Perception of Easy on the Decision to Use OVO E-Wallet in National University FEB Students

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Rizka Angelina Octaviola
Fakultas Ekonomi Dan Bisnis Universitas Nasional Jakarta
Fakultas Ekonomi Dan Bisnis Universitas Nasional Jakarta
Kumba Digdowiseiso
Fakultas Ekonomi Dan Bisnis Universitas Nasional Jakarta

This study aims to determine the impact of advances in electronic payments and value insights on the decision to use the Ovo E-Wallet for FEB National University students. The data of this study used primary data in the form of a questionnaire. The population of this study were FEB students at the National University who used the Ovo E-Wallet. The research sampling method used was purposive with a total of 86 respondents. Research results The results of this study indicate that online service quality, sales promotion, perceived convenience have a positive and significant influence on the decision to use OVO E-Wallet. The value of the coefficient of determination (Adjusted R Square) is 0.524%, this indicates that the variables of online service quality, sales promotion and perceived convenience have an influence on the decision variable on the use of OVO E-Wallet for FEB National University students by 0.541 or 54.1% while the rest 45.9% is explained by other variables not examined in this study.

Keywords: Online Service Quality, Sales Promotion, ,Perceived Convenience