Vol. 4 No. 3 (2023): Jurnal Syntax Admiration

Published: 2023-03-25

The Influence of Online Service Quality, Sales Promotion, and Perception of Easy on the Decision to Use OVO E-Wallet in National University FEB Students

View: 115 431-445

The Effect of Total Assets Turnover, Debt to Assets Ratio, Cash Ratio and Current Ratio on Financial Performance of Companies The Hotel, Restaurant and Tourism Subsector in IDX for The Period 2016-2020

View: 1116 548-558

The Effect of Website Quality, Information Quality, Buyer Trust on Purchase Decisions at Online Shop (Shopee) in DKI Jakarta

View: 56 511-528

The Effect of Facilities, Price Perceptions, Location, and Word of Mouth on The Decision to Rent an Apartment at Cibubur Village Apartment East Jakarta

View: 95 479-495

The Influence of Social Media Influencers, Instagram Paid Advertising, and Content Marketing on the Buying Interest of Ms. Glow Products in National University Students

View: 172 569-582

The Influence of Current Ratio (CR), Return of Assets (ROA), Company Size and Sales Growth on Capital Structure in Companies Registered on JII for the 2015-2021 Period

View: 95 446-460

The influence of service quality, brand image and consumer satisfaction on repurchase interest at Pondok Kelapa Pizza Hut Restaurant, East Jakarta

View: 95 548-556

The Effect of Product Quality, Brand Image and Social Media Influencer on Purchase Decision of Scarlett Whitening Product on Social Media Instagram in DKI Jakarta

View: 149 529-547

The Influence of Online Service Quality, Online Trust, and Electronic Word of Mouth on Online Hotel Reservation Decisions in Tiket.Com in DKI Jakarta

View: 75 496-510

The Influence of Current Ratio, Total Asset Turnover, Return on Assets, Company Size and Debt to Equity on Profit Growth in Property and Real Estate Companies Listed on the Indonesian Stock Exchange for the 2016 - 2020 Period

View: 103 461-478

The Influence of Product Quality, Online Promotion and Price Perception on Buying Interest in Kopi Kenangan at Epicentrum Mall

View: 85 559-568

The Influence of Product Quality, Brand Image and Brand Trust on The Decision to Purchase a Yamaha Mio Motorcycle at the Source Multiera Motor Dealer Pasar Minggu South Jakarta

View: 148 416-430

Efektivitas Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 35 Tahun 2021 dan Peraturan Perusahaan terhadap Pemberian Surat Sanksi kepada Pekerja di PT X

View: 183 330-348

Pengembangan Nilai-Nilai Pendidikan Pancasila dalam Menumbuhkan Sikap Antikorupsi Mahasiswa Institut Teknologi Pln

View: 149 287-298

Pemodelan Kondisi Perkerasan Jalan dengan Metode Probabilistik Rantai Markov

View: 244 377-393

Evaluation of the Implementation Time of The Apbn/Apbd Project at The End of The Year With A Single-Year Budget

View: 184 411-415

Peran Serikat Pekerja dalam Hal Perselisihan Hubungan Kerja yang Berdampak pada Pemutusan Hubungan Kerja

View: 811 349-361

Pelaksanaan Kesehatan dan Keselamatan Kerja dan Jaminan Sosial Bpjs Ketenagakerjaan bagi Pekerja di Kantor Notaris

View: 203 362-376

Modifikasi Struktur Jetty Pelat Beton Pracetak Konvensional menjadi Pelat Beton Pracetak Hollow Core Slab

View: 161 270-286

Pengaruh Digital Marketing terhadap Keputusan Pembelian dan Kepuasan Pelanggan pada Jasa Online Travel Agent

View: 648 299-315

Analisis dan Desain Kolom, Balok dan Pondasi Precast pada Perencanaan Ruko di Sumatera Utara

View: 218 316-329

The Effect of Product Differentiation, Customer Experience and Product Quality on The Purchase Decision of Compass Shoes in Jakarta

View: 134 330-342

The Influence of Price Perception, Brand Image, and Consumer Satisfaction Towards Interest in Rebuying Zara Clothing Products in Jakarta

View: 138 343-352

The Influence of Brand Image, Brand Trust and Marketing Strategy on Motorcycle Purchase Decisions

View: 109 353-363

The Effect of Trust, Easy and Company Image on The Decision to Use Livin By Mandiri (Jakarta Kota Branch)

View: 37 364-374

The Effect of Price Perception, E-Service Quality, Brand Image on Spotify App Repurchase Interest Premium on National University Students

View: 160 375-383

The Effect of Price Perception, Existence and Trust of a Brand on Consumers' Decisions to Use Lublyu Wedding Organizer Services

View: 60 384-394

The Influence of ROA, DER, Total Asset Turnover and Sales Growth on Firm Value (Study of Companies in the Consumption Goods Industrial Sector Listed on The IDX for The 2017-2021 Period)

View: 114 359-407

The Influence of Brand Image, Location, Trust and Consumer Satisfaction on The Repurchase Interest of Alfamart Consumers in South Jakarta in 2021

View: 83 408-420

The Influence of Product Quality, Price Perception, and Worth of Mouth on Interest to Buy Batik at Batik Nusantara Shops Tanah Abang

View: 44 421-433