Vol. 4 No. 1 (2023): Jurnal Syntax Admiration

Published: 2023-01-09

The Effect of The Company's Financial Performance on Company Value With The Variable of Dividend Policy Moderation in Manufacturing Companies Listed on The Indonesia Stock Exchange

View: 80 280-294

The Influence Of Product Quality, Brand Image And E-Word Of Mouth On The Decision To Purchase Online Clothing Products Notbrand.Co In Dki Jakarta

View: 55 350-366

The Influence of Product Quality, Product Design and Brand Image on the Purchase Decision of Honda Beat Motorcycle Nusantara Sakti Dealer West Jakarta

View: 56 268-279

The Influence Of Product Quality, Brand Image And Electronic Word Of Mouth On The Purchasing Decision Of Ms Glow For Men Facial Wash In Jagakarsa, South Jakarta

View: 77 321-333

The Influence of Taste, Word of Mouth and Consumer Satisfaction on Panada Dapur Mayank South Jakarta Purchasing Decisions

View: 100 419-429

The Influence of Price Perception, Sales Promotion, and Consumer Confidence on Pinkyshop Online Purchase Decisions at Shopee Market Place

View: 188 270-280

The Influence of Brand Image, Brand Awareness, and Labeling Halal Against the Decision to Purchase Sarimi Instant Noodle Products at Alfamidi Jeruk Raya, South Jakarta

View: 98 394-3407

The Effect of Brand Image, Product Diversity, Online Trust, Security on Repurchase Interest at The Shopee Marketplace in Jakarta

View: 133 295-309

The Influence of Product Quality, Brand Image and Electronic Word of Mouth on Interest in Buying Ms Glow Body Lotion on Shopee Ecommerce for National University Students

View: 87 367-379

The Influence of Service Quality, Trust, and Company Image on Customer Loyalty at Bank Mandiri Tebet South Jakarta Branch

View: 69 256-267

The Influence Of Product Quality, Service Quality And Sales Promotion On Toyota Avanza Car Purchase Decisions At Auto 2000 Pramuka Central Jakarta

View: 83 334-349

The Effect of Product Quality, Brand Image and Brand Trust on Purchase Decision of Wardah Cosmetics in Jakarta National University

View: 133 430-452

The Influence of Brand Image, Product Quality and Service Quality on Customer Loyalty of Kidz Station Trans Studio Mall Cibubur East Jakarta

View: 73 310-320

The influence of leadership style, work motivation, work discipline on employee performance at Perumda Pasar Jaya Central Jakarta

View: 56 408-418

The Influence of Product Quality, Brand Image, and Brand Trust on Avoskin Serum Purchasing Decisions in National University Students

View: 187 258-269

The Effect of Product Variation, Brand Image and Price Perception on Purchase Decisions of Fried Sedaap Noodles at Smbako Agent in Kumpay Village, Banten

View: 92 380-393

Daya Antibakteri Ekstrak Etil Asetat Daun Kligong (Crassocephalum Crepidiodes) terhadap Pertumbuhan Bakteri Escherichia Coli dan Staphylococcus Aureus

View: 845 1-16

Menganalisis Kompentensi Pemimpin Perubahan di Era Perubahan Digital dan Implementasi di Lembaga Pendidikan

View: 297 17-32

Model Kepemimpinan Transformasional dalam Dunia Pendidikan di Era Digital

View: 139 33-46

Kepemimpinan Kepala Sekolah Islam di Era Transformasi Digital

View: 524 47-59

Paradigma Baru Sumber Daya Manusia Dalam Konteks Global

View: 247 60-83

Memahami Peran Pemimpin sebagai Agen Perubahan

View: 1313 84-98

Tantangan Era Digital dan Kepemimpinan Masa Depan serta Implementasinya di SMPN 1 Ciwaringin

View: 451 99-108

Konsep-Konsep Kepemimpinan dalam Organisasi

View: 1702 109-116

Pengaruh Budaya Organisasi terhadap Kepuasaan Kerja Pegawai

View: 436 117-124

The Influence of Product Variations, Brand Image and Word of Mouth on Repurchase Interest in Thirsty Drinks at Sentosa Depok Outlets

View: 126 138-150

Customer Satisfaction with Texas Collection Bag Purchase Decision at Texas Collection Store East Jakarta

View: 51 151-163

Influence Brand Awareness, Product Variations and Word of Mouth Towards Customer Satisfaction at Coffee Shop Tuku Cipete Branch, South Jakarta

View: 133 164-177

The Influence of Brand Awareness Customer Value and Customer Satisfaction on Interest in Renting Daya Cipta Sejati (Dcs) Cars in Cinere Depok

View: 76 178-192

The Effect of Customer Experience, Customer Value and Customer Satisfaction on Grab Online Transportation Customer Loyalty on South Jakarta National University Students

View: 117 193-206

The Influence of Product Quality, Brand Image, and Brand Trust on Customer Loyalty of Honda Vario Motorcycle Products at The Honda Margo Mulyo Megah Dealership, South Jakarta

View: 75 207-219

The Role of Firm Age Moderation on The Effect of Profitability and Leverage on The Share Price of Pharmaceutical Companies Listed on The Indonesia Stock Exchange

View: 68 220-230

The Effect of Service Quality, Trust and Customer Satisfaction on the Behavioural Intention of BTN Batara Savings Customers at Bank BTN KC Depok

View: 48 231-240

The Influence of Product Quality, Brand Image and Word of Mouth on the Interest in Repurchasing Scarlett Whitening Body Lotion Products in Jakarta National University Students

View: 122 241-255