Vol. 4 No. 5 (2023): Jurnal Syntax Admiration

Published: 2023-05-04

The Effect of Job Placement, Competency, Career Development, and Motivation on Employee Job Statisfaction at Badan Pusat Statistik Kabupaten Bogor

View: 489 810-821

The Effect of Return on Assets, Current Ratio, and Debt to Equity Ratio on The Firm Value of Property and Real Estate Companies Listed on IDX for 2016-2020 Period

View: 817 787-798

The Influence of Transformational Leadership, Talent Management and Job Placement on Employee Performance in the Personnel Division of the Directorate General of Food Crops, Ministry of Agriculture in Jakarta

View: 60 758-771

The Influence of Reliability, Responsibility, Assurance, Empathy and Physical Evidence on Customer Satisfaction with Disabilities at Tangerang Station

View: 125 843-856

The Influence of Brand Image, Price, and Promotion on the Purchasing Decision of White Koffie Civet Coffee in the South Jakarta Area

View: 861 733-745

The Effect of Transformational Leadership, Work Motivation and Job Satisfaction on The Performance of BKKBN Employees Deputy for Advocacy Movement and Information

View: 44 822-831

Influence of Personality Type, Teamwork and Communication on Employee Performance at PT. General Takaful Insurance

View: 563 799-809

Influence of Work Discipline, Work Experience, and Compensation To Performance Employee d i Ministry of Industry, South Jakarta

View: 30 772-786

The Influence of Service Quality, Ease of Application Use, and Price Perception on User Satisfaction of Netflix Application

View: 179 857-869

The Influence of Product Quality, Price Perception, Place and Promotion on Interest in Buying Food and Beverage at Tamelo Atap Resto

View: 50 332-345

The Effect of Satisfaction, Job Training and Non-Physical Work Environment on Employee Performance of PT Elnusa Tbk Jakarta

View: 53 832-842

Application of Bypass Heater System for Prevention of Overcooling in Diesel Engines

View: 77 524-533

Governance of Hindu Early Childhood Education Curriculum After Covid-19 Pandemic in Mataram City

View: 86 534-547

The Relationship Between Democratic Teaching Style and Learning Motivation of Grade Ivb Students of Sdn Karangrejo Ii

View: 144 548-556

Pengembangan Bahan Ajar Multimoda Transportasi Prodi Diploma Iv Transportasi Laut

View: 197 557-564

Analysis of the Effect of Macroprudential and Macroprudential Indicators on the Stock Price Index of Islamic Banks in Indonesia Using the Error Correction Model

View: 103 565-580

Peningkatan Prestasi Belajar Pai Melalui Metode Demonstrasi pada Siswa Kelas Ia Sd Negeri 025 Cikutra

View: 90 581-593

Mengapa Pemerintah Daerah Belum Berhasil Menerbitkan Obligasi Daerah

View: 210 594-611

Netnographic Study of Online Gender-Based Violence (KBGO) on Twitter

View: 81 623-633

Dialysis Center Business Plan: Design Thinking Marketing Strategy In Haemodialysis Services

View: 245 634-649

Influence of Work Discipline, Job Satisfaction, and Motivation Work on Employee Performance At the Deputy Field Prosperous Families and Family Building BKKBN

View: 72 650-659

The Influence of Compensation, Work Motivation, and Work Discipline on the Performance of PT Marinal Employees

View: 94 660-667

The Effect of Compensation, Leadership Style, Work Environment on Employee Loyalty of Pt Eldora Entertainment

View: 162 668-677

The Influence of Competence, Training, and Work Discipline on Employee Performance at the Secretariat of the Directorate General of Capture Fisheries

View: 63 678-690

The Influence of the Work Environment, Work Motivation and Work Discipline on Employee Performance at The Depok City National Narcotics Agency Office

View: 47 691-706

The Effect of Motivation, Compensation, and Job Satisfaction an Employee Performance at PT. Bank Anz Indonesia

View: 55 707-717

The Influence of Intrinsic Motivation, Organizational Culture, and Non-Physical Work Environment on Employee Performance at PT. Sriwijaya Media Partners

View: 68 718-732