Vol. 4 No. 6 (2023): Jurnal Syntax Admiration

Published: 2023-05-30

Comparative Analysis of Gojek and Grab Excellence Strategies in Improving the Market in Jember Regency

View: 683 650-669

Need Analysis of Teaching Materials Development for Writing Poetry Based on Contextual Learning (Ctl) Approach in Elementary School

View: 97 670-679

Improving Indonesian Learning Outcomes in Reading Comprehension Skills with the Inquiry Learning Model in Grade 4 Elementary School, Al Muhajirien Jakapermai

View: 107 680-698

The Influence of Entrepreneurial Competence and Entrepreneurial Knowledge on Business Success in Msmes in Madiun City

View: 259 699-717

Mengukur Tingkat Kapabilitas Tata Kelola Teknologi Informasi di Universitas Pasundan Bandung

View: 129 718-727

Gejala Promiskuitas di Kalangan Anak pada Era Digital yang Menyebabkan Perkawinan Usia Anak

View: 161 728-739

Analisis Ability to Pay dan Willingness To Pay Tarif Krl terhadap Rencana Pengoperasian Krl Relasi Madiun-Solo

View: 245 740-753

Company Performance Improvement Strategy at Pt Angkasa Pura 1 Branch of General Ahmad Yani Airport, Semarang

View: 252 754-776

Pengembangan Aplikasi Bee_Ba for Fun untuk Membaca Permulaan dengan Metode Suku Kata di Sekolah Dasar

View: 118 777-796

The Influence of Internal Performance and Macroeconomic Conditions on Regional Development Bank Credit Risk in Indonesia Period 2017-2021

View: 281 797-813